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De ce ne plac ritualurile de Crăciun. Kathleen Vohs, de la Universitatea din Minnesota, a explorat modul în care ritualurile afectează experiența. Unui grup de subiecți i s-a dat un baton de ciocolată: jumătate din membrii grupului au fost rugați să-l mănînce cum au chef, cealaltă jumătate a fost supusă unui ritual (au rupt ciocolata în două și i-au scos fiecărei părți ambalajul, pe rînd). Pregătirile de dinainte au avut un efect dramatic – cei care s-au concentrat pe ritual au evaluat experiența ca fiind mult mai plăcută decît ceilalți. Ritualul i-a făcut și să mănînce ciocolata mai încet și s-o savureze. În plus, aceștia au declarat că ar plăti de două ori mai mult decît ceilalți subiecți pentru același tip de ciocolată.

Experimentul a fost repetat și de fiecare dată grupul care a performat ritualul a considerat experiența mai plăcută. În cartea sa, The Symbolic Species, Terrance Deacon spune că ritualurile au apărut înainte să se dezvolte limbajul; comportamentele regularizate țineau loc de simboluri. Scientists Discover One Of The Greatest Contributing Factors To Happiness — You'll Thank Me Later. Office Posture Matters: An Animated Guide. There's Something Absolutely Wrong With What We Do To Boys Before They Grow Into Men. 23 Ways To Up Your Makeup Game For New Year's Eve. To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan. Flow (psychology) Concentrating on a task is one aspect of flow. In positive psychology, flow, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.

In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one's sense of space and time. Flow shares many characteristics with hyperfocus. However, hyperfocus is not always described in a positive light. Some examples include spending "too much" time playing video games or getting side-tracked and pleasurably absorbed by one aspect of an assignment or task to the detriment of the overall assignment.

In some cases, hyperfocus can "capture" a person, perhaps causing them to appear unfocused or to start several projects, but complete few. Just as with the conditions listed above, these conditions can be independent of one another. Notes. Teste de inteligenta | Consultanta psihologica. Daca va place ce cititi: Testele de inteligenta sunt instrumente profesionale standardizate, care cuprind o serie de sarcini si probleme menite sa evalueze potentialul unei persoane de a realiza un comportament rezolutiv, eficient si indreptat catre un scop. Conceptul de inteligenta a ocupat un loc de mare importanta in studiile psihologice, inca de la inceputurile aparitiei psihologiei ca stiinta de sine statatoare, intrucat s-a considerat ca inteligenta detine cheia succesului – social, profesional si financiar. Prin urmare specialistii si-au manifestat interesul pentru surprinderea cat mai completa a conceptului de inteligenta.

Astfel in timp s-au identificat foarte multe aspecte ale inteligentei si date despre factorii care determina comportamentul inteligent, s-au pus bazele teoretice ale inteligentei si s-au construit instrumente de masura. Cele mai importante modele explicative ale conceptului de inteligenta, luate in ordine cronologica sunt: Modelul multifactorial al inteligentei. Secret 'masonic' chamber discovered. 25 February 2013Last updated at 15:41 ET The entrance to the secret room was found inside a cupboard in a panelled room A secret chamber, hidden for 400 years and with possible links to early freemasonry, has been discovered.

The entrance to the room, which has plastered walls, was found inside a cupboard at the National Trust-owned house Canons Ashby, near Daventry. It is a panelled room with walls showing crests of local families and enigmatic symbols. Laura Malpas, of the trust, said there was "speculation" the room had been an early masonic lodge. Ms Malpas, community manager for the trust, said it was "a fascinating and puzzling space" with walls that include "frankly odd Latin texts". The room's panelled walls include enigmatic symbols which may relate to freemasonry "[They] tell the reader things such as 'Do not eat of those things with a black tail' or 'Check your tongue, your belly and your lust, the best thing is to enjoy someone else's madness'.

" Rare Historical Photos Pt. 5 [20 Pics. Rare Historical Photos Pt. 5 [20 Pics] Nov 16 2012 Another roundup of the popular historical series of posts that we do. You can find the previous post here, and the start of the series here. Arnold Schwarzenegger on the day he recieved his American citizenship. The valuable stallion Nearco is led from his personal bomb shelter on the Beech House stud farm. England, 1941. Times Square, New York, USA. 1972. Looks like a bad day to mow your lawn. Queen Elizabeth II firing a British L85 battle rifle. An American soldier at an advanced allied base, with his pet kangaroo. 1942. Construction of the Statue of Liberty, 1884. Tearing the Berlin Wall down, 1989. Einstein's office at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, photographed on the day of his death, April 18, 1955. Luftwaffe pilots playing cards during the African campaign, 1942.

Elisabeth "Lilo" Gloeden stands before judges, on trial for being involved in the attempt on Adolf Hitler's life, 1944. See more photo posts View Post. Personal quotes. A Rainy Day, Lost Luggage and Tangled Christmas Tree Lights. Many friends have sent me an email I believe by now has probably circumnavigated the globe many times over.

You know, one of those feel good emails I am always happy to read. Who doesn’t need a little uplifting in the middle of their doldrums. I know I do. So I have received this email so often I started to think the email was TALKING to me. So this email consisted of things Maya Angelou had said on the Oprah Winfrey Show. It was a typical short course in inspiration with lots of lovely thoughts. Maya Angelou said, “You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights.” Hmmmm….what can you tell? This whole email has caused me great distress. A Rainy Day??? Sooo, what does this say about me? Good God, this has stressed me out to no end. Wow, that makes me sad.

Lost Luggage??? So let’s see, I am totally fine with lost luggage, so what does that mean? Tangled Christmas Tree Lights??? So, how did I do? Live While We're Young. ◄Universe► Scarlet letter. Curiosity Quotes. Aww, come on. I don’t bite…hard. Aprilynne Pike You’re always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past. Richard Bach Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others. Virginia Woolf Sometimes dreaming isn’t enough.

Adeline Everything is a tale, Martin. Carlos ruiz zafon It is impossible to survive in a prolonged state of reality. Carlos Ruiz Zafon Nothing important is learned; it is simply remembered. Poetry is written with tears, fiction with blood, and history with invisible ink. that as long as we are being remembered, we remain alive. 25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know.

Written By: Angelita Williams It's almost cruel the way adults ease children into life outside of the house. They got us on board with the whole going to school thing by letting us take naps in pre-school. But then, come kindergarten, no more naps! Nothing but 12 more grades of trying to focus all day without a siesta. But now, friends, it's a new day. In college you have two-hour chunks of free time between classes, just aching to be filled with some snooze action. And every now and then, a nap might take priority over going to class. It makes you smarter According to Dr. If it was good enough for them… Presidents JFK and Bill Clinton used to nap every day to help ease the heavy burden of ruling the free world.

Cine se află în spatele zâmbetului din celebra pictură a lui da Vinci, „Mona Lisa“? Potrivit CNN, nimeni nu a venit cu o explicaţie privitoare la zâmbetul misterios sau la alte detalii din pictură. Un grup de cercetători din Florenţa, Italia, ar putea desluşi însă misterul picturii. De altfel, există documente care atestă faptul că femeia care i-a pozat lui da Vinci, Lisa Gherardini, cea de-a doua soţie a comerciantului de mătase Francesco del Giocondo, a fost îngropată în Florenţa. Cercetătorul care se află în fruntea echipei ce doreşte să analizeze rămăşiţele pământeşti ale Lisei Gherardini se numeşte Silvano Vinceti şi va efectua un test ADN asupra a ceea ce a găsit când muza lui da Vinci a fost exhumată. Întrebat cărui scop serveşte căutarea identităţii reale a femeii care i-a pozat lui Leonardo da Vinci, Vinceti a răspuns : “Odată ce găsim rămăşiţele, putem reconstrui chipul, cu o marjă de eroare cuprinsă între două şi opt procente.

Astfel, vom fi capabili să răspundem unei întrebări pe care istoricii nu au putut-o dezlega: Cine a fost modelul lui Leonardo?”. GoPro: Vertical Skydiving World Record 2012. The Scientific Power of Naps. Positive Procrastination, Not an Oxymoron. How many of you would do this without hesitation? [VIDEO] Incredible painting skills: Thijme Termaat. 22 years ago this image was taken. Paradise or Oblivion (Documentary) - The Venus Project. A documentary about the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. The film details the need to outgrow the dated and inefficient methods of politics, law, business, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, and use the methods of science, combined with high technology, to provide for the needs of all the world's people.

“If we are genuinely concerned about the environment and the fellow human beings, and want to end territorial disputes, war, crime, poverty, hunger, and the other problems that confront us today, the intelligent use of science and technology are the tools with which to achieve a new direction; one that will serve all people, and not just a select few.” — Jacque Fresco Paradise or Oblivion, by The Venus Project, introduces the viewer to a more appropriate value system that would be required to enable this caring and holistic approach to benefit human civilization.

Related Posts. Consciousness Drives The Universe | Social Consciousness. An outstanding video which depicts that consciousness is what drives and shapes everything. This means ultimately everything in the universe, even matter, is consciousness in the most subtle and dense form. The video features Grant Morrisson, David Lynch, David Icke, Gregg Braden, Michael Talbot, David Wilcock, Wayne Dyer, Neil Kramer and Bill Hicks. “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you.

Related Posts. ► Retro City by Adventure Club | CH!LL | morgan.volker | 8tracks. PostSecret: Fifty People One Question. Ignorance is bliss. Levity. Top 5 Mad Geniuses. Is insanity the secret companion to ­genius? Though we can't very well perform psychological examinations on those who are long dead, that hasn't stopped historians from speculating about the mental conditions of deceased geniuses by interpreting their personal letters, their works and others' accounts.

It turns out some of the world's greatest geniuses were quite mad. In fact, some scientis­ts claim that a far greater percentage of creative types (poets, painters, musicians and the like) have been afflicted with bipolar disorder than the general ­population. Some of the world's most renowned creative minds, including writers Mary Shelley, Virginia Woolf, and Ernest Hemingway; composers Irving Berlin and Sergey Rachmaninoff; and painters Paul Gauguin and Jackson Pollock are all believed to have suffered from the illness [source: Patient Health International]. ­

Despite evidence of a link between genius and madness, no one has proved that such a link exists. 5: John Nash (1928 - ) Sources. Documentary. The Dark Side Of Chocolate. Around the World in 24 Images. Award-winning photographer Peter Menzel has traveled the world in search of stories he can capture in images. And with those images, Peter and his wife, Faith D'Aluisio, have co-authored numerous books that do more than sit on coffee tables. Through in-depth narrative and stunning, thought-provoking pictures, readers reach a new understanding of the lives of people in places rarely seen by the average traveler Curiosity was fortunate to catch Peter before he set off again to another remote corner of the planet. He talked to us about his favorite photos and revealed the story behind each image. Image Credit: Peter Menzel Night Lights This shot of lightning in Arizona was taken on top of Tumamoc Hill in the center of Tucson and it was part of a National Geographic assignment on lightning.

Solar Plant 1 Slaughtered Camel This is from Somalia in 1991 and it's a camel that had been slaughtered for meat by the side of the road outside of Mogadishu. Land Mine Victim Al Burgan Oil Field Fire. 5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness. Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it.

There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. All we can say is that they sound awesome, since apparently you can make your brain... #5. Think You Got a Good Night's Sleep (After Only Two Hours of Actual Sleep) So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully.

"SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... Holy Shit! We're pretty sure Kramer did this once on Seinfeld. The best way to start it off is to just jump right in. . #4. . #3.