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Character development

How to Write Good Dialogue. Tension. Hook Your Readers With Tension By Laura Backes, Tension.


Without it, life would be—let's face it—boring. So would fiction. Tension works with conflict to raise the emotional level of the text to a boiling point. It forces the reader to become invested in the story. "Tension" is a loaded word, and can be misleading. Tension is what hooks readers of any age and keeps them turning the pages. . * The ticking clock. Story Starters. As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued.

Story Starters

We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge.

We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation. 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind. 201 Ways to Arouse Your Creativity. Arouse your creativity Electric flesh-arrows … traversing the body.

201 Ways to Arouse Your Creativity

A rainbow of color strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears. It is the gong of the orgasm. ~ Anais Nin Creativity is like sex. 33 Ways To Stay Creative. Creative Thinking Tools. Creative Writing Ideas, Courses Online, Free Classes for Writers. Creative Writing Prompts…Real Life to Characters. For many writers (like me!)

Creative Writing Prompts…Real Life to Characters

The beginning of a story is character. Writing & Blogging Prompts, Story Topic Generators, Photo Inspiration. Writing : Creative Writing & Blogging Prompts Topic Starters, Picture Prompts, and Thought-Provoking Questions for You to Answer "The best learning comes in the doing, and writing from prompts engenders doing.

Writing & Blogging Prompts, Story Topic Generators, Photo Inspiration

400 Writing Topics - Prompts and Suggestions for Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches - Essay Topics. If getting started is the hardest part of the writing process, close behind it (and closely related to it) may be the challenge of finding a good topic to write about.

400 Writing Topics - Prompts and Suggestions for Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches - Essay Topics

Sometimes, of course, an instructor will solve that problem for you by assigning a topic. But at other times you'll have the opportunity to choose a topic on your own. And you really should think of it as an opportunity--a chance to write about something you care about and know well. Writing The Perfect Scene. Having trouble making the scenes in your novel work their magic?

Writing The Perfect Scene

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method. Set up Your Story in the First Paragraphs. By Jodie Renner, editor, author, speaker I receive several first chapters (and synopses) every week as submissions for possible editing, and I always read the first page. Some are clear and compelling and make me want to read more. But too often, two main problems emerge: Either the author spends too much time revving his engine with description or backstory before we even care (boring); or we’re plunged right into the story but have no idea where we are or what’s going on (confusing).

There are three cardinal rules of successful novelists: Fifty (50!) Tools which can help you in Writing - 10 Reading Exercises for Fiction Writers. I always find it exciting when I discover a book that in some way echoes whatever I happen to be writing at the time.

10 Reading Exercises for Fiction Writers

It might share a similarity of style, story, or structure, or any combination of the three. Whatever the similarity, I find it helpful to delve into the writing to see what lessons I can glean. After reading several duds recently, I finally came across such a book–The China Garden by Kristina Olsson. While the story isn’t similar to my current work, the prose captured me from the very first page. All I could think was,”That is exactly what I imagine for my finished manuscript.” When I find a book like this, there are several things I do while reading it. Analyze the story’s structure. 4 Options for Improving Your Fiction. We writers can be impatient—not only with the process of writing and getting published, but with ourselves for not being perfect from the get-go.

4 Options for Improving Your Fiction

We readily accept the need for intensive training and ongoing skills development for our day jobs, but when it comes to writing, we often expect to just be able to ‘do it’. I used to be a teacher. I spent four years completing degrees in English and education, then took three more professional development courses to expand my qualifications. Once I received my first full-time classroom position, I attended workshops every few months. I never questioned the need for this type of training. However, it took me a year or two of writing (and failing at writing) to learn that the path to becoming seriously skilled was going to be longer and more difficult than I ever imagined. But that’s okay. If you’ve ever looked at your writing and seen nothing but problems, I’m here to tell you it’s a good thing: you’re on the right track.