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How One Tweet Can Ruin Your Life | Jon Ronson | TED Talks. The language of lying - Noah Zandan. Detection deception experts such as Pamela Meyer, in her popular book Liespotting argue that there are behavior cues everyday people can use to spot lying. Hear Pam discuss her book and ideas at this NPR link on the TED Radio Hour and listen to: Can You Spot A Liar? Scroll down at this site and check out the related story links. Click here and see some of the common clues that a lying person might give away that would allow you to detect that they are deceiving you. But a host of reputable scientists, like John Fuerdy of the University of Toronto, question the efficacy of lie detectors: "Studies have long shown that polygraphs are remarkably unreliable, particularly for screening job applicants.

As early as 1965, a congressional committee concluded that there was no evidence to support the polygraph's validity; a 1997 survey in the Journal of Applied Psychology put the test's accuracy rate at only 61 percent. Psychologist Dr. Watch an interview with Dr. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Work smarter | TED Playlists. 15 Inspiring TED Talks Every Freshman Must Watch. You've selected your classes and shopped for your dorm room. You've bought some new clothes and packed your favorite things. The new semester is around the corner and you're as ready as you'll ever be. Unless, that is, you want to get a tiny bit ahead.

We know you're excited, and probably more than a little nervous, so take some time to listen to these TED talks to get some inspiration before you even have a syllabus to crack. You'll learn some important lessons that may just stick with you throughout college and beyond. The TED speaker series features "ideas worth spreading. " With over 1,400 to choose from, we've selected a few that are perfect for students. Did we miss one that inspires you for the new school year? 1. In need of a motivational pick-me-up? 2. According to Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert, sometimes our notions of what will make us happy and what will make us miserable are way off. 3. There's a strong chance you'll have your fair share of group projects this semester. David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation. Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity.

Shawn Achor : l'heureux secret d'un meilleur travail. Richard Resnick : La révolution génomique est là. Barry Schwartz el le paradoxe du chois. William Ury: The walk from "no" to "yes". Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. Tom Thum: The orchestra in my mouth.

Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot movement. Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce.