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Sufism, Sufis, and Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths. Sufism's Many PathsDr.

Sufism, Sufis, and Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths

Alan Godlas, University of Georgia Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in Arabic, is generally understood by scholars and Sufis to be the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam. Today, however, many Muslims and non-Muslims believe that Sufism is outside the sphere of Islam. Al-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din [The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosoph. Sufism - Sufis and Shi'ism. Travis Zadeh's Homepage - Mystical Literatures of Islam. Beliefs-jokes1. Theophanies and Lights in the Thought of Ibn 'Arabi by Osman Yah. The Theory of Akbarian Theophanies Ibn 'Arabi's idea of theophanies is closely tied in with his theories on being, knowledge and spiritual experience.

Theophanies and Lights in the Thought of Ibn 'Arabi by Osman Yah

More precisely, this idea forms the basis of his description of existence, knowledge and liberating experience. For the Master, existence, like knowledge and liberating experience, is only a reflection of theophanic effects and particular aspects of their universal manifestation. From this we already have an intimation of the importance of theophany and its major role in the thought of Ibn 'Arabi on three levels: existence, knowledge and the liberating experience of the human being.

Theophanies, Sources of Existence Theophanies in the realm of being are manifestations of the divine Truth with regard to infinite perfection and eternal glory. First level: Pure Essence. Second level: the Attributes. Third level: Acts. Early Sufis : 'Ali ibn 'Abd al-Rahim al-Qannad. Why Do We Suffer? "The supreme test, the supreme initiation, is that at the time when you need the divine presence, you cannot feel it.

" What we mean by the divine presence is the divine being beyond the qualities. And here we are right up against the secret of life, because for God's presence to be felt, we cannot be there any more. That is why they say the one who sees God cannot live: Our consciousness of our self stands in the way of our awareness of the divine presence. There is no use thinking that you can experience the divine presence while continuing to be conscious of yourself. You have to go through crucifixion in order to experience the divine presence. The Reality Without A Name. The Tawasin of Mansur Al-Hallaj. Sufism Introduction - ZIKR. There are several branches of knowledge or sciences in Islam.

Sufism Introduction - ZIKR

All of which have been derived from the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. Some of these branches of science include Science of Fiqh, Science of Hadith, Science of Tafseer, Science of Tajweed etc Sufism, also known as Tasawwuf, is also a science in Islam and one who seeks to acquire this knowledge is called a Salik, Mureed, Disciple. We will often use the word "Mureed" on our site. Sufism is a spiritual path in Islam which one travels in order to recognise and attain closeness to Allah (swt). Qala'id Al-Jawahir. (Necklaces of Gems) Table of Contents (Excerpts Below) by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Tadifi al-Hanbali on the Marvelous Exploits of the Crown of the Saints, the Treasure-trove of the Pure, the Sultan of the Saints, the Sublime Pivot, Shaikh Muhyi'd-din 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (may Allah be well pleased with him).

Qala'id Al-Jawahir

Contents Page (In original Arabic Text)2. Preface 3. His birth (may Allah be well pleased with him).4. Conclusion of the Book with mention of some of his marvelous exploits. 135. L'ISLAM, par Dr. Wilbert Kreiss - 2) Divers courants de l'islam. L'ISLAM, par Dr.

L'ISLAM, par Dr. Wilbert Kreiss - 2) Divers courants de l'islam

Wilbert Kreiss - index Les musulmans ont dans le monde entier un sens profond de leur identité religieuse et opposent aux autres religions du monde un front uni. Ils sont cependant divisés en plusieurs factions ou courants qui n'hésitent pas à se combattre mutuellement. Alevi yye - Alevisme. Alevi yye *** Aperçu Doctrine et Ethique Croyance Alevi *** Aperçu De tout temps, les messages sacrés ont connu de multiples interprétations et engendré autant de rites.

Alevi yye - Alevisme

Association Internationale Soufie Alawiya. Acta Orientalia Belgica - Nummer XX<br. Acta Orientalia Belgica - Nummer XXSouscription Ce volume paraîtra le 22 mars 2007 Prix de souscription, port non compris : 32 € Après le 22 mars 2007, le prix du volume sera de 40 €, port non compris.

Acta Orientalia Belgica - Nummer XX<br

La liste des souscripteurs sera publiée dans la TABULA GRATULATORIA, les associant à l’hommage rendu à Jacques Ryckmans. A Literary-Art Magazine: "Varis Shah's Hir-Ranjha" by Suzanne Mc. Sufis in the Muslim World. One could read the Muslim Hadiths and conclude that Islam is primarily legalism that would make the Pharisees of Jesus’ feel at home.

Sufis in the Muslim World

Sufiism is a large number of inter-related sects of Islam that is a reaction against this focus on rituals and practices. Orthodox Islam says little about the heart and desiring God; Sufiism says that true religion is inner truth, not outer practice. Christianity, by contrast, says both the internal and external matter. We will discuss Sufi beliefs, Sufi leaders, Sufi "denominations" in general, and then focus comparing Sufiism with the Christianity. Some Sufi Beliefs Sufiism has always claimed to be Muslim, but it has had a troubled relationship with Sunni and Shi’ite Islam. Strict Islamic Law and the five pillars of Islam are like a "schoolmaster" that Sufis say is fine for others, but they have gone beyond the need for it. Al-Khidr/Khadir (the Green) is an immortal being whom Sufis believe can renew his youth. 1. 2. 3.

Pain is an element of Sufism. 1. London Academy of Iranian Studies. Islam. ORB Main Page | Links to Other Medieval Sites | Medieval Studies Course [Halsall] Halsall Home | Ancient History Sourcebook | Modern History Sourcebook | Byzantine Studies Page Other History Sourcebooks: African | East Asian | Indian | Islamic | Jewish | LGBT | Women's | Global | Science WEB Bibliography for Medieval Islam [At Geocities] Ancient Accounts of Arabia Accounts from Herodotus, Strabo, Dio Cassius, Ammianus Marcellinus, and Procopius. Pre-Islamic Arabia: The Hanged Poems , before 622 CE The Pre-Islamic poems of Imru-Ul-Quais, Antar, and Zuhair which Muhammad allowed to remain hanging in the Ka'aba.

Ibn Ishaq (d. c. 773 CE): Selections from the Life of Muhammad [Tierney 23] The Qu'ran: Surahs 1 and 47 . The Qu'ran: Al-Fatiha (The Opening) , text with RealAudio chanting. The Qur'an: The Women: From Surah's 2 and 4 , [At Internet Archive, from CCNY] The Sunnah , (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), excerpts. Clm97-3. 15 Egyptian Titles. Cairo Library of Congress - Monogra. General Essay on Sufism. The term "Sufi" derives from the Arabic word "suf" (meaning "wool") and was applied to Muslim ascetics and mystics because they wore garments made out of wool.

General Essay on Sufism

Sufism represents a dimension of Islamic religious life that has frequently been viewed by Muslim theologians and lawyers with suspicion. The ecstatic state of the mystic can sometimes produce extreme behaviour or statements that on occasion appear to border on the blasphemous. The cause of this is that the Sufis can sometimes feel so close to God that they lose a sense of their own self identity and feel themselves to be completely absorbed into God. This in fact is the goal of the Sufi. Through following a series of devotional practices, which lead to higher levels of ecstatic state, Sufis aspire to realise a condition in which they are in direct communion with God. The origins of Islamic mysticism can be traced back to the 8th century. Another Central Asian order is Chishtiyyah. Le soufisme et la France (partie 2/2) - Histoire,

L’époque contemporaine a) Le paysage confrérique Implantée en France depuis les années 1920, la tarîqa ‘Alâwiyya, toutes branches confondues, est la voie qui a le plus marqué le soufisme français au XXe siècle.

Le soufisme et la France (partie 2/2) - Histoire,

Initiée par un saint au charisme incontesté, le cheikh algérien Ahmad al-‘Alâwî (m. 1934), elle a été orientée dès ses débuts vers une ouverture au monde chrétien d’Europe, et a compté rapidement dans ses rangs des disciples français. Society: Religion and Spirituality: Islam: Sufi. Place du soufisme dans l'Islam. Par Elias Ce texte est paru dans la Tribune d'Octobre No 19 (El Badil, Montreuil, 25 mars 1990) Le soufisme s'est développé dans un cadre particulièrement difficile. le pouvoir en place, sous les Omeyyades et plus particulièrement sous les 'Abbassides, était très sourcilleux sur l'orthodoxie sunnite et jetait le discrédit sur toute fausse note susceptible de donner plus d'assise au chiisme. Il n'est pas du tout surprenant d'assister à une lutte sans merci pour la mainmise sur la religion dès l'avènement du deuxième calife Omar. L'élaboration de la vulgate coranique sous Othman avait donnée le ton de ce qui allait advenir en matière de politisation de la croyance.

La volonté de régenter le culte s'en est davantage accentuée. LA MYSTIQUE DU COEUR EN ISLAM : Pierre Lory: Soufisme et pensée. Pierre Lory Il existe au fond deux modalités principales possibles de vivre l’attachement à l’Islam pour les Musulmans croyants. La première est centrée sur l’obéissance à la Loi : c’est par les actes cultuels légaux que le croyant peut se rapprocher d’un Dieu inaccessible par tout autre truchement. L’autre, tout en respectant la pratique de la Loi, y ajoute une dimension supplémentaire : la vie terrestre peut être une occasion de rencontre avec le divin, vécu comme tout proche.

C’est la religion du cœur, et c’est d’elle que je voudrais transmettre quelques brèves données ici. L’Islam est né au 7° siècle de notre ère. 1) Le mystère de la connaissance Chaque homme, selon les Soufis, est le théâtre d’un combat, d’un jihâd intérieur. Islamic Resources On * living islam - islamic tradition * EPHE - Mohammad Ali AMIR-MOEZZI.