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Wie Marktforschung Innovationen und Ideenfindung unterstützen kann. Von Svenja Prins und Nadine Vávra, Happy Thinking People Kaum ein Fachkongress oder eine Publikation in den vergangenen Jahren, die nicht die innovativ-kreative Seite der Marktforschung in den Mittelpunkt gestellt haben.

Wie Marktforschung Innovationen und Ideenfindung unterstützen kann

Sozusagen als Gegenmodell zum klassischen Image als "Testinstanz" und – im Zweifelsfall – "Ideenkiller". Doch wenn gerade die qualitative Marktforschung sich kreativer aufstellt, bewegt sie sich auch in einem anderen Konkurrenzumfeld. Umso mehr gilt es, sich auf die eigenen Kompetenzen zu beziehen und als Grundlage für den Innovationsprozess unterstützende Ansätze zu nutzen. Zu Rolle, Relevanz und Philosophie der Marktforschung im Kontext von Innovationen und Ideenfindung hier ein Gedankenaustausch der Fachbereiche Communications (Svenja Prins) und R&D (Nadine Vávra) von Happy Thinking People. Es gibt gerade in der Innovationsforschung sicherlich nicht einen einzigen Königsweg. Nadine Vávra: Die Diskussion existiert ohne Frage. Das ist menschlich verständlich.

LEMON LAB overview by jimena martinez on Prezi. Ce que nous faisons. Formation Vice Versa : L’Art du questionnement. Vider son sac. How to conduct research on a reduced budget. By Jason McGrath Following up on my last post (Response rate Challenges) and keeping with the theme of challenges in conducting market research, this next topic is one we all know all too well: conducting research on a reduced budget.

How to conduct research on a reduced budget

From dream to reality How many projects have we bid on for clients’ initial hopes and dreams, only to have it slashed in half once they see the price of what 1,500 completes will cost when wanting to talk to Doctors who have performed brain surgery in the last month, are between the age of 20 and 30 and live in New York, Detroit or Los Angeles? OK… a stretch at best but you get the idea. It is absolutely true that even during a recession or recovering from the hangover of one, it is more important than ever to conduct market research to ensure survival.

There are solutions The industry as a whole is exploring ways to do more with less. Innovation with customer co-creation – the rules of thumb – Come to Know. A recent eye-opening study made by Professor Anders Gustafsson at BI Norwegian Business School has analyzed the value of customer co-creation in innovation.

Innovation with customer co-creation – the rules of thumb – Come to Know

The findings show a huge difference between results from customer co-creation in incremental innovation and radical innovation respectively. Read on to learn more Customer co-creation is a hot buzzword right now. It has become increasingly popular among companies, and intensive communication with customers in the product development is generally seen as a determinant of the success of a new service or product. With good reason: A lot of research has shown that under the right circumstances, customers can co-develop products which are both creative and have greater value for the users, than what the company can come up with it self. On the other hand, we hear designers at leading innovators such as Apple claim that: Vers une consommation frugale. How to define your brand’s tone of voice. Consider the following passage of marketing text: ABC Copywriting delivers professional, premium-quality business writing services to corporations and organisations throughout the UK.

How to define your brand’s tone of voice

We’re a cheerful lot and we’re always chuffed to chinwag, so if you want to chat about your project, grab the rap-rod and give us a tinkle. With ten years’ experience of developing content for clients of all types, we are ideally placed to meet your copywriting needs. Our copy’s too bootylicious for ya baby! The problem here is not quality, but consistency.

What is written tone of voice? Written tone of voice is simply the ‘personality’ of your brand or company as expressed through the written word. Offre. L’équipe déc 10 2012 Cécile Bensa, fondatrice de Bloomeo.


TheMIX. Consommateur influenceur. Du Consommacteur à l’Empowered Consumer. Consommacteur : magnifique mot valise – valise et fourre-tout, de surcroît !

Du Consommacteur à l’Empowered Consumer

Le consommateur acteur : mais acteur de quoi ? Le terme est né de l’alter consommation et du commerce éthique, avant d’être détourné par le marketing qui se l’est indûment approprié… en le dévoyant fortement. Le consommacteur originel présente un côté militant pouvant déboucher sur des actions énergiques, comme le boycott de marques non citoyennes : « Vous verrez […] que les grandes marques (plus chères) que vous connaissez appartiennent toutes à des groupes mondiaux, possédés par des actionnaires de tous pays, et produisant dans des pays à bas coût. REMONTEE VECU ENTREPRISE. L’ethnologie dans le marketing. 1Les ethnologues sont, ou seront, amenés à s’ouvrir à d’autres domaines non académiques montrant ainsi leur capacité à s’adapter aux nouvelles exigences économiques tout en veillant à la survie de leur discipline.

L’ethnologie dans le marketing

Comme le rappelle Georges Guille‑Escuret (2000), il est urgent pour l’épanouissement institutionnel de la recherche ethnologique fondamentale qu’une recherche appliquée se développe. Parmi les domaines possibles, j’aborderai ici celui des études de marché. 1 Voir Desjeux (1987, 1990), Dortier (1990). Crowdsourcing: Utilizing The Power Of The Many In Research. By Ray Poynter Crowdsourcing has been gathering fans ever since Don Tapscott’s book Wikinomics stormed the business books bestselling lists in 2006 and 2007.

Crowdsourcing: Utilizing The Power Of The Many In Research

The breadth of companies utilizing crowdsourcing has been growing steadily, as have reports of its successes. Although there are some uses of crowdsourcing within market research, much of the most interesting work is being done in other fields, which opens up an exciting opportunity for market research to learn and adapt from successful models in other sectors. And, market research? At one level, market research has always used some level of crowdsourcing. The growth of interest in, and the use of, insight communities, from community panels to MROCS, is an overt utilization of crowdsourcing. Learning from non-research crowdsourcing practitioners The panel describe how they are: creating a sharing economy, attracting funding for start-ups, organizing volunteer transcribers, and challenging the large advertising agencies. Vers un quali online enrichi et social Sémo 2011 thinkout jamespot.