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How Far Did Your Tweets Travel? | TweetReach. 19 Visual Social Media Secrets from the Pros [SlideShare] Is your brand telling visual stories? Are you empowering your fans to create and share visual content for you? Brands who create and curate visual content are seeing wider reach, more shares and traffic to their real or virtual doorstep. We asked 19 Visual Social Media Experts for the secrets behind their success online using visual content… Visual Social Media is hot right now.

We rounded up some of the world’s top thought leaders, developers, experts, designers, bloggers, Pinterest and Instagram Influencers and photographers and asked them to reveal their secrets. The result? They responded with insightful and innovative visual social media advice. This advice has helped to grow personal brands, bestselling books, the world’s top blogs, Start-Up companies that are literally shaping the future of the visual web, and some of the world’s largest Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram communities. And it all happened organically, using their visual content secrets. Here is what they said: #9 Sue B. SAI. Meet the man who makes six figures a quarter just from using Twitter. For anyone who is semi-active on Twitter, the chances are they have been followed, retweeted or received a direct message from someone who calls him or herself a ‘social media guru’.

The characteristics are always the same: countless thousands of followers, which almost exactly mirror the number of people the person follows, with plenty of self-promoting keywords and hashtags filling out their profile. Social media gurus (mavens, ninjas, masters) are everywhere you look on Twitter. According to FollowerWonk (via Adage), there are now 181,000 people who use one of these four terms in their Twitter profile. The worrying thing is that the number of self-titled social media specialists has rocketed from a modest 16,000 in 2009, a 1031 percent increase in a little over three years. Many so-called experts funnel their clients into made-to-measure tools, without a methodical strategy for how to use them or how to engage with the people that they want to be engaging with. Twitter business. How to Use Foursquare to Market Your Business & Reach a New Audience. 23 December '12, 05:00pm Follow When we think of social media and business, the first few things to come to mind are Facebook and Twitter.

Yet, there is one mobile app that tends to get overlooked by businesses: Foursquare. True, it doesn’t have the same numbers that the likes of Facebook and Twitter can boast, but what it does have is a dedicated audience which has made over three billion check-ins. Regardless of whether you’re a retailer or not, any business can use Foursquare and getting yourself set up is easy. Why Foursquare? While it has a web presence, Foursquare has been growing quite steadily over the last few years, and offers some unique opportunities for businesses and brands.

Foursquare’s main strength comes from its users, the power of personal recommendation and sharing on different social media sites. With over 40 million venues and one million businesses to check-in to, there’s a lot of potential to make Foursquare work for you. Social Media Is Making You a Smarter Leader - Dorie Clark.

5 Brands That Understand Marketing on Instagram. Infographic: The Social Network Decision Tree : The World. How agencies are reinventing the creative team in the social era | Central Desktop Blog | Smarter Collaboration. Agencies Published on September 24th, 2012 | by Steve Hall Over the years, the integration versus unbundling debate has raged on within the advertising industry. One side would argue it’s best to have all necessary expertise under one roof. Others would argue it’s best to create or partner with entities that offer specialized focus.

The integration camp would claim their approach provides for better collaboration. Both specialization and integration have their benefits. How are agencies reconfiguring their teams to better function in the digital and social marketing era? We queried several agencies and asked them what they are doing and what they have changed to improve how they work in an increasingly interconnected but complex industry. One agency, Santa Monica-based DW+H, which recently hired crowdsourcing agency Victor & Spoils to rebrand and rename it, has created what it calls a “skunkworks operation” to handle unsolicited work for clients. About the Author. Why social media strategy should not start with a drive for Facebook fans. Why does every social media strategy seemingly start with a company cajoling people to come “like” their Facebook page? This post will explain why that is usually a bad strategy if you are aiming at creating long-term, loyal customers. I’ve been honored to be selected to help judge a global company’s internal social media competition.

Entries were submitted from all over the country as their locations put forward their best shots at social media gold. There were some interesting entries, even some very good ones, but they all had one thing in common. In the “objectives” section, every single organization stated something like this: “Our goal is to enter the conversation with our customers and engage with them on our Facebook page.” Last week I wrote about how our relationships with brands develop over time through many small interactions that create awareness, affection, trust, and eventually a loyal relationship … similar to the way we create friendships in real life. Social. Social Media around the World 2012. Social Media around the World 2012 (by InSites Consulting)

The Guide To Search: Why Social & Mobile Are The Future. Search is currently in a transition period right now. As algorithms become more complex and the major search engines introduce new features, it's clear that our expectations about how search should work and what it can do for us has risen with every new development. It's not enough that it just suggests relevant information. Now we demand that it comes faster, becomes more accurate and matches our tastes and interests. Throw Siri and Google Now (or at least, the potential of Siri and Google Now) into the mix and the idea that the very concept of search will be radically different in three to five years time is a distinct possibility. Social search was seen as the next step in this process. Using our profiles to filter and curate the content we want to see, the results have been mixed.

Google's insistence on using Google+ and its +1 system has been criticised because it neglects the more popular social media sites to plug its own. Contents1) Where Is Social Search Headed? Google Analytics. The 10 Rules of Social Media Engagement. How to Classify Social Media for a better Online Strategy. The social-media Daily. Liz Strauss at Successful Blog. Social Media Explorer - Social Media Marketing And Social Media Consultant Jason Falls. Percolate! Seth's Blog. Jaffe Juice. — Learn How Human Business Works - Beyond Social Media. Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image. Is your head bleeding? Is your heart bleeding? Here's my thought (and, I say this with full disclosure that I am no IT expert and have limited knowledge of the hacking space beyond a personal interest in better understanding technology - peace and love... peace and love...), but the process of text-based passwords needs to be tossed out. It just has to happen. We're all still trying to understand what the ramifications are of this nefarious Heartbleed bug is, and what it all means. Right now, some of the most frequently and commonly used online tools and sites are asking all of their users to change their passwords because of this bug. Some of these places are uncertain as to whether or not they have been hit, so changing your password before these services update their own systems with a fix would be a big mistake.

Why this is so important to talk about for marketers? The brands that win are the brands that can be trusted. It's like a full time job to manage this stuff, isn't it? Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Guide.