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MINTY GREEN CHOCOLATE CREAM BARS + A LITTLE HEARTBREAK. Note: I know I usually keep things light and cheery on my blog but I lay my heart out a little bit in this post; I hope that's okay with you. It just kinda happened. I got an email from a reader a couple (?) Weeks ago, in which they asked me to recreate a raw treat served at their local cafe. This treat was a "delicious choc mint slice cake" and it looks like this. The base is an oat and date crust, the middle is a raw chocolate-maca mixture, and the top is an avocado/mint/green powder concoction. Back to food. Well, since there's nothing left to discuss concerning the recipe, I am going to rant a little about my personal life right now, because I'm feeling kinda low. I'm having a lot of mixed emotions involving past and current lovers, what they mean to me, and how they make me feel and think (compared to how I would on my own). Having said that, I still feel that no one really gets me, but me.

Talk about "fate"; this person literally just called me as I was typing that last sentence. Pistáchios à bulhão pato. Quick Roasted Asparagus with Burrata and Gremolata - Fork Knife Swoon - Fork Knife Swoon. I’ve been going crazy over asparagus for the last couple of weeks, eating it in Spring pasta dishes, scrambled up with eggs, and perhaps my favorite method: quickly roasted in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. While asparagus may be available year-round thanks to our neighbors to the south, I think there’s something to be celebrated about being able to pick up fresh, in-season, local bunches at the farm stand. Or in this case, the happy surprise of opening our weekly CSA farm box and seeing these gleaming, green spears inside. I promise this dish is far less complicated than the lengthy name implies. Quick roasting the asparagus under the broiler brings out flavor while still maintaining a crisp, al-dente texture. Pair it with creamy Italian burrata cheese and a drizzle of lemony, fresh gremolata, and you have a quick and elegant dish that’s perfect for a light Spring lunch or as a starter to share.

Quick Roasted Asparagus with Burrata and Gremolata. Make Dried Fruit Chocolate Energy Balls. Tropical Chewy Granola Bars. Returning home from such an epic holiday, sitting here at my desk in my apartment feeling a million miles away from anything tropical, there is a part of me that wants to say I’m getting “back to reality”. But that would be inaccurate, as I believe that the island of Kauai was absolutely the realest place I’ve ever been. What do I mean by this? Well, I have never in my life been faced with more awe-inspiring nature, powerful energies, provocative weather, and life-challenging situations. It was the biggest dose of reality I could have gotten, anywhere. I think the thing that struck me as soon as we left the airport was how low-key the island seemed.

The first week of our trip, we were staying on the north side of the island, which during the winter and spring seasons receives a lot of rain. We eventually found ourselves on the western side of the island trying to find some dry land and sunshine. But this is beginning to sound a bit complain-y, while I was actually having a total blast. Sushi de Tofu e Sushi de Abacate. Tofu drenado (basta pegar o tofu e apertá-lo com um pano de prato, até que boa parte do líquido tenha saído. Abacate pequeno, sem pele e cortado em fatias Arroz para sushi [receita em baixo] Alga Nori Gengibre picadinho cebolinha filetada fininha pasta de missô para decoração.

Preparação Corte o tofu em pedaços de 6 cm x 5 cm, com aproximadamente 6mm de espessura. Faça um niguiri-zushi (bolinho de arroz) com as mãos (não esqueça de humedecê-la em água com vinagre de arroz) e coloque o pedaço de tofu sobre ele. Envolva um pedaço de folha de nori como uma cinta e coloque no prato que irá servir. Para o avocado sushi, basta usar duas fatias de abacate cortado e fazer o mesmo procedimento do tofu.

Acrescente gengibre picadinho com cebolinha ou pasta de tofu no topo do bolinho. Lave bem o arroz em água fria, até que a água saia limpa. Sayonara! Fonte:

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Pratos de forno. Veggie Pasta Dishes. Tartes, Empadas e Pasteis.