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Literature-Map - The tourist map of literature. The Top 10 Relationship Words That Arent Translatable Into English. Here are my top ten words, compiled from online collections, to describe love, desire and relationships that have no real English translation, but that capture subtle realities that even we English speakers have felt once or twice.

The Top 10 Relationship Words That Arent Translatable Into English

As I came across these words I’d have the occasional epiphany: “Oh yeah! That’s what I was feeling...” Mamihlapinatapei (Yagan, an indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego): The wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to start. Oh yes, this is an exquisite word, compressing a thrilling and scary relationship moment. It’s that delicious, cusp-y moment of imminent seduction. Yuanfen (Chinese): A relationship by fate or destiny. From what I glean, in common usage yuanfen means the "binding force" that links two people together in any relationship. But interestingly, “fate” isn’t the same thing as “destiny.” Retrouvailles (French): The happiness of meeting again after a long time. 19 Outstanding Words You Should Be Working Into Conversation.

There are some of our favorite words that appeared in mental_floss stories in 2011. Some are foreign words. Others come from medical dictionaries. And there's a surprising amount of hobo slang. Mental_floss Blog & 10 Works of Literature That Were Really Hard to Write. Instead of judging works of literature based on their artistic merit, we’ve decided to rank them by degree of difficulty.

These 10 authors may not be Shakespeare, but they sure had vaulting ambitions. 1. The Story That Will Never Be an e-BookGadsby by Ernest Vincent Wright Some might call Gadsby a “love” story. But Ernest Vincent Wright wouldn’t have used that word. Wright wanted to prove that a great author could work around such a restriction and still tell a gripping story. When the book was announced, one skeptic attacked Wright in a letter, claiming that the feat was impossible.

More Intelligent Life. Wait, It Was You All This Time? 100 Most Beautiful Words In The English Language - StumbleUpon. Book.jpg (JPEG Image, 896x3147 pixels) - Scaled (20%) What should I read next. Guide for Writers: Latin Phrases. It’s a matter of taste and style, but not long ago American writers attempted to demonstrate their credentials to the world by including Latin and French phrases within works.

Guide for Writers: Latin Phrases

A dash of Latin was expected of the moderately educated throughout the Western world. annus mirabilis - wonderful year arbiter elegantiae - judge of the elegant; one who knows the good things in life bona fides - good faith; credentials carpe diem - sieze the day; enjoy the present casus belli - cause justifying a war caveat emptor - buyer beware cui bono? Caeteris paribus - all things being equal de facto - of fact; it is de gustibus non est disputandum - no disputing tastes; there is no accounting for taste Dei gratia - by the grace of God Deo gratias - thanks to God Deo volente - God willing dis aliter visum - it seemed otherwise to the gods. The 10 Most Disturbing Books Of All Time. In my younger days if I heard a book or movie was disturbing or hard to handle I generally took that as a challenge.

The 10 Most Disturbing Books Of All Time

Most books generally turned out to not be too bad, but occasionally I’d come across something that would leave me with a sick feeling in my stomach for weeks. I’ve largely outgrown this “genre” of late, but here are my picks for the ten most disturbing books of all time. Any one of these books is capable of leaving you feeling a little depressed at the least, and permanently scarred at the worst. I’d say enjoy, but that doesn’t really seem appropriate … 10. Blindness is a book with a truly horrifying scenario at it’s heart: what if everyone in the world were to lose their sight to disease in a short period of time? 9. Anti drug crusaders should stop airing goofy commercials that nobody takes seriously and start pushing to have Requiem For A Dream made required reading for every high schooler in the country. 8. Naked Lunc is another ode to drug addiction. 7. 6. A new way of choosing what to read next. English language did you knows.

The Second Time You Fall In Love With Someone. The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to feel so relieved.

The Second Time You Fall In Love With Someone

When you get your heart broken for the first time, you can’t imagine loving someone else again or having someone else love you. You worry about your ex finding love before you do, you worry about being damaged goods. And then it happens. Someone else loves you and you can sleep well at night. The second time you fall in love with someone, it’s going to feel different. The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to compare it to your first love. Square Stanza. Can You Pronounce All These Words Correctly? - StumbleUpon. Prettiest Words: All of Them. 23 Pages. Could Always Use More, Though - StumbleUpon.