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The Importance of Empathy - People tend to not be concerned about issues that don’t ‘hit close to home’ because they feel like it’s something that could never happen to them, but even if most of us never experience war or lose our homes, it is important that we try to be a little more aware of what happens to other people around the world, even if we don’t see the relevancy of it to our lives.

The Importance of Empathy -

Awareness is the first step, in my opinion, to understanding the kind of world we live in. Do You Suffer From Compassion Fatigue? One of the more common negative stereotypes surrounding nurses is that we are cold and heartless.

Do You Suffer From Compassion Fatigue?

And while there are some nurses who do fit this stereotype, the vast majority of us care deeply about our patients. I have personally cared for patients who I have thought about even while not at work. But what happens when that sense of caring goes beyond the job and begins to negatively affect you? Why the Rich and Powerful Have Less Empathy. October 7, 2013 | Like this article?

Why the Rich and Powerful Have Less Empathy

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Empathy, democracy and the economy. Credit: Shutterstock.

Empathy, democracy and the economy

All rights reserved. When one-tenth of the US population controls 80 per cent of national wealth there can be only one conclusion: democracy is on life support in America. Democracy means nothing if money can buy elections, pay lobbyists to buy officials, and disable public institutions through cronyism and corruption. Compassion and the Awakened Heart. © Pamir Kiciman 2010 Compassion is a quality of the awakened heart.

Compassion and the Awakened Heart

Empathy Is The Most Important Ingredient To Social Business Transformation. If you have read any social business articles, whitepapers or blogs lately you probably read that you need to have a plan, deploy the technology and engage the users.

Empathy Is The Most Important Ingredient To Social Business Transformation

Such advice barely scratches the surface. It fails to advise how to plan, how to deploy and how to engage. It is like describing the ingredients to a gourmet dessert but failing to explain how to make a mousse. What guides successful planning, deployment and engagement is something much fuzzier and difficult to nail down: empathy. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of someone else and get a sense of what they’re feeling, experiencing and desiring. Did you notice the key words in those answers? What will a suburban mother of 3 working part-time covet? Understanding your prospect’s context requires empathy. A person willing to scan a QR code in a store is doing other things as well.

Thinking about those internal social business systems ask yourself, “Are all my colleagues/employees the same? Bill Drayton Speaks About Empathy, Collaborative Entrepreneurship and the Power of You. Eric Paglia, co-host of the Stockholm-based radio program Think Globally Radio, chatted with Ashoka's founder and CEO Bill Drayton at the Tällberg Forum in Sigtuna, Sweden last month. The Tällberg Forum is an annual event that brings together innovators, visionaries, and leaders to answer the most pressing questions facing our rapidly restructuring world; this year, the Tällberg Forum asked: "How can we agree to agree? " The 30-minute interview, presented in two parts in Think Globally's radio broadcast, is all about different perspectives on how to create change.

Drayton and Paglia discuss Ashoka's mission, empathy, collaborative entrepreneurship (and what's required to make a coordinated global effort work), in addition to the solutions being employed by Drayton's other project, Get America Working! The interview is worth a listen. To check it out, visit the Think Globally Radio website and follow the audio code "110911. " Reading, Writing, Empathy: The Rise of Social Emotional Learning - Education... Marc Brackett never liked school.

Reading, Writing, Empathy: The Rise of Social Emotional Learning - Education...

“I was always bored,” he says, “and I never felt like any of my teachers really cared. I can’t think of anybody that made me feel inspired.” It’s a surprising complaint coming from a 42-year-old Yale research scientist with a 27-page CV and nearly $4 million in career funding. But Brackett knows that many kids feel the way he does about school, and he wants to do a complete emotional makeover of the nation’s schools. At a time of contentious debate over how to reform schools to make teachers more effective and students more successful, “social emotional learning” may be a key part of the solution. Brackett quickly learned that developing empathy in kids requires working on their teachers first.

But the curriculum doesn’t just exist as a separate subject— teachers are trained to integrate lessons in emotion into other subjects. Now in use in hundreds of schools around the country, RULER has been measurably successful. Oasis Reiki Dojo - Hollywood Fort Lauderdale Pembroke Pines Florida Miami Dade Broward Palm Beach South Florida Reiki Training, Japanese Reiki Classes. Reiki is a way of life. It is a way of living with wisdom and compassion. Wisdom is meta intelligence; that which has broken the limits of the rational mind. Compassion is meta love; that which has broken the limits of the human heart. Reiki is also a teaching with certain practices or methods. Ci: Conscientious Innovation.