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Je collige ici les outils pour permettre aux enseignants de créer des activités d'apprentissage engageantes et stimulantes qui favorisent la réussite des apprenants. / Here l'am collecting tools for teachers williang to create engaging, motivating learning activities to foster learners achievement.

22 Work Idioms JForrest English.pdf - Google Drive. Photos du journal. Course-builder - Course Builder. Office in the classroom. Here’s a Bucketful of Free Office Themed E-Learning Templates & Media Assets. I get a lot of questions about how to move past the PowerPoint look when building rapid elearning courses. My first suggestion if you’re working with PowerPoint is to step away from the original content.

Start with a blank screen and then based on the context of the course, build the look and feel that’s appropriate for the content. With that said, sometimes you can get away with a pre-built template. A good example is with office-themed templates. Here are some free office-themed templates and assets. New Multi-Layout Overhead Office Template Here’s a free PowerPoint template that features 10 layout options and also comes with a Quizmaker file. Desktop Folder Template Overhead desktop template: download. Personnel Folder Personnel folder: download. Spiral Notebook Tabbed Notebooks 3 tabs notebook: download. 5 tabs notebook: download.

Leather Portfolio Projection Screens Clipboard Hand-drawn Assets These free templates and assets are great for office-themed presentations. Tidbits: Capturer et annoter une page web. Enseignants, créez vous-mêmes votre agenda personnalisé. Partout la séduction se déploie : aux abords des villages, dans notre assiette, dans l'apparence des gens, dans la nature. On nous séduit par les odeurs, par les yeux, les oreilles, le coeur, le geste, les idées, le ventre… mais encore faut-il savoir s'y prendre. Du coté de l'éducation en ligne, on ne trouvera pas de cours qui sentent bon la lavande, mais qui sont bien présentés, avec un certain prestige, de l'ergonomie et de la qualité. Dans les classes ? Une classe qui sent effectivement bon inspirera surement un peu peu plus qu'une autre dégageant des relents de peinture ou de moisissure, mais encore plus si elle est ergonomiquement adaptée à votre façon d’enseigner ou d’apprendre, comme vous le découvrirez. L'idée de séduire va bien au delà des apparences, la séduction est une façon de présenter l'expérience future, une promesse qui sera suivie si on accepte le jeu sans sauter trop d'étapes d'approche, sans craintes ni autres préoccupations.

4 Great Twitter Applications for Teachers Using Twitter In The Classroom. These tools offer free functionality that extend and enhance the possibilities for instructional uses of Twitter. Twitter is playing a role in more classrooms every day. Articles like “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom” and “100 Ways To Teach With Twitter” have drawn tens of thousands of readers, a clear testament to the high level of academic interest in this wildly popular microblogging platform. Teachers are finding new ways to use Twitter to engage their students, build stronger academic and professional relationships, and to share information in a richer learning environment, and they are using tools like these to bring more fun and functionality to the process.

It’s easy to get started with these applications. Users can sign up using their Twitter accounts (although GroupTweet does get a little more involved). Twtpoll ( and survey tools provide teachers so many capabilities. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post. Resource Listings. 13000+ FREE worksheets. Using MATLAB to Teach Problem-Solving Techniques to First-Year Liberal Arts Students - MathWorks Newsletter. The students taking CMP 150: Computer Tools for Problem Solving at Franklin College this spring were not the ones who usually take a MATLAB class. Few were engineering or science majors, and fewer still had any programming experience. Most were pursuing a degree in education, and were taking the course because it is a prerequisite for Calculus 3.

While learning MATLAB might not seem essential to a liberal arts education, the ability to use technology and critical thinking to solve problems undoubtedly is. I know that most of the students in CMP 150 will eventually forget function names, commands, and other details, but that's not vital. What is important is that they learn how to use MATLAB to solve problems by themselves. Course Motivation CMP 150 was created to provide students with programming experience in their first year and to enable them to fulfill a requirement of our dual-degree engineering program. Most of the students in Dr. The Inverted Classroom Figure 1.

Easing into MATLAB. Introduction to LessonWriter. Free Online Course Materials | MIT OpenCourseWare. Free Assistive Tech Tools Make Learning Accessible to All. Technology provides a terrific way to remove the obstacles to learning. Fortunately, many of the tools available are free but what are they? I reached out to my PLN through Facebook, Twitter, Classroom 2.0 and Google+ to find out. Here are the fabulous resources shared by my PLN. Assistive Tech Starter KitThe following accessibility tools are recommended to get started with assistive technology.accessibility features of our products for vision & hearing impaired.Accessibility on the PCs with MS OfficeAccessibility with mobilesVLingo (Android - free, BlackBerry - cheap)Dragon (iOS - free) on handhelds or tablets.These are all free (or cheap) and provide both effective Text-To-Speech (thus access to content) and those with Word-by-Word highlighting help build sight-word recognition.

Reading Collections Bookshare - Accessible Book CollectionBookshare® is free for all U.S. students with qualifying disabilities, thanks to an award from the U.S. Mobile Learning for Special Needs Wiki. Fate/Heaven and Earth - RolePlayGateway. See this thread for the new and updated version of this RPG. ~On Hiatus, Please Wait Till Further Notice~ Storyline: Centuries ago, those with the ability to use magic were once united under an all-powerful Mages' Association, whose influence reached all over Europe and into Northern Africa and Western Asia.

During this time mages were prosperous, though they concerned themselves little with the mundane world of ordinary humans, seeking instead to untangle the greater mysteries of the universe and creation. The Association however always had a shaky relationship with the Catholic Church, who believed that mages were slowly trespassing into a realm meant for God alone. They may have been scattered and divided since the Middle Ages, but mages still exist, blending in amongst our everyday world, a world they once tried to avoid. Something strange is happening in the French countryside town of Ciel-Etoile, events are happening that can't be explained with logical answers. Information: *Class 1. Instant chats made easy. YouTube video in Microsoft Word.

APPitic - 1,300+ EDUapps. Elaborer un tutoriel animé avec Wink. Nous voici (peut-être provisoirement) au terme de la série de tutoriels sur les outils de capture. Aujourd’hui, un tutoriel sur les tutoriels… ! En effet, pour faire mes tutoriels animés, j’utilise un logiciel pro (Adobe Captivate) ; mais il y a moyen de faire (presque, il ne faut quand même pas exagérer) aussi bien avec un logiciel gratuit et téléchargeable ici : WINK. Ce logiciel permet de capturer des écrans, avec le curseur (animé), d’y ajouter à volonté des zones de texte de différentes sortes (titres, zones fléchées, zones transparentes), des formes, des boutons de navigation (hyperliens vers un site web, hyperlien vers une diapositive du tutoriel, boutons Suivant / Précédent).

Il génère un fichier animation flash (.swf) et une page web d’interface .htm. Le tutoriel produit peut donc être lu avec un navigateur Internet, localement sur un PC ou bien en ligne sur votre site web… Tutoriel Wink Voir le tutoriel sur Wink Cliquez pour agrandir. Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts, home. iBooks Author. Lesson Writer. Créer un sondage sur Internet / récupérer les fiches individuelles de rentrée. 10,000s Cool FREE Seamless Patterns for Blogger and Twitter Backgrounds, Blog and Website Wallpapers. Online Whiteboards. Outils numériques pour l'éducation.

Create Great-Looking Interactive Quizzes (in minutes) - embed in.