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12 Timeless Project-Based Learning Resources. 12 Timeless Project-Based Learning Resources by Shannon Dauphin Project-based learning is becoming increasingly popular as teachers look for a way to make lessons stick in the minds of their students.

12 Timeless Project-Based Learning Resources

According to Edutopia, studies have shown that students who use project-based learning remember the material much longer and have healthier attitudes toward education. Project-based learning is based on the idea that students learn best by tackling and solving real world problems. Students are much more engaged with the subject matter and look to the teacher as more of a coach who guides them through their own reflections and ideas. Ready to try project-based learning in your classroom? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Resources for Getting Started with Project-Based Learning. Just getting started with project-based learning (PBL)? Our curated list of resources for educators new to PBL should help you. Before you get started, be sure to check out Edutopia's PBL page, including information about the research behind effective PBL practices. You can also connect with Edutopia's community to learn and share PBL tips. PBL Defined and Clarified.

#ABPINTEF: Qué aporta el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y cuáles son las principales dificultades. El pasado martes 26 comenzó el curso del INTEF “Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos” (ABP) del cual ya os hablé hace un mes.

#ABPINTEF: Qué aporta el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y cuáles son las principales dificultades

Ha supuesto un reto interesante (y un trabajo duro) montar este curso e intentar que esté al nivel de los cursos ofertados por el INTEF y de las necesidades e intereses de los compañeros y compañeras participantes. Ahora, por fin, está ya funcionando. Como os podéis imaginar, lo más interesante del curso no son los materiales que hemos creado sino la interacción, genuina y rica, que se está produciendo en los foros. Por ello, me gustaría reflexionar – de manera aún asistemática – acerca de algunas de las aportaciones que ahí se están realizando. Elementos de Intel® Educar: Enfoque de aprendizaje por proyectos. Qué dicen los estudios sobre el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Descargar en .pdf.

Qué dicen los estudios sobre el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos

Project-Based Learning: Success Start to Finish. Tutorial - What is PBL? NTN Top Resources on Assessment and PBL. New Tech Network is a nonprofit organization that transforms schools into innovative learning environments.

NTN Top Resources on Assessment and PBL

Our project-based learning approach engages students with dynamic, rigorous curriculum. Through extensive professional development and hands-on coaching, our teachers evolve from keepers of knowledge to facilitators of rich, relevant learning. New Tech Network is re-imagining education and the student accomplishments speak volumes. Learn more about New Tech Network The NTN Student Outcomes Report for 2013 offers compelling evidence that the public school innovation envisioned by New Tech Network can, and does, lead to success for students from diverse backgrounds, in rural, urban and suburban schools across the U.S. Student Outcomes Report. Pblunitslide.pdf. Project Based Learning.

Home» Posts Tagged "Project Based Learning" This post originally appeared on Edutopia, a site created by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process by using digital media to document, disseminate, and advocate for innovative, replicable strategies that prepare students.

Project Based Learning

View Original > Authenticity — we know it works! There is research to support the value of authentic reading and writing. When students are engaged in real-world problems, scenarios and challenges, they find relevance in the work and become engaged in learning important skills and content. Authentic Products Does the work matter?

Needs Assessment How do you make the work be authentic? Authentic Audience and Assessment Edutopia has a great section on Authentic Assessment that you can use to get started. Authentic Tools When you partner with an authentic audience that can give honest feedback about the work, they may also be able to provide you with authentic tools. Classroom Guide: Top Ten Tips for Assessing Project-Based Learning (now available in Spanish!) Facebook Edutopia on Facebook Twitter Edutopia on Twitter Google+ Pinterest Edutopia on Pinterest WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION The George Lucas Educational Foundation What's Inside the PDF?

Classroom Guide: Top Ten Tips for Assessing Project-Based Learning (now available in Spanish!)

Keep It Real with Authentic Products Don’t Overlook Soft Skills Learn from Big Thinkers Use Formative Strategies to Keep Projects on Track Gather Feedback -- Fast Focus on Teamwork Track Progress with Digital Tools Grow Your Audience Do-It-Yourself Professional Development Assess Better Together BONUS TIP: How to Assemble Your PBL Tool Kit. How To Plan a Project. #ABPINTEF: Qué aporta el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y cuáles son las principales dificultades. Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en 10 pasos.

El aprendizaje basado en proyectos es una de las nuevas tendencias educativas más eficaces.

Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en 10 pasos

Su poder está en la capacidad de enganchar al alumno en torno a un tema que le motiva y que satisface su interés por explorar nuevos conocimientos. A pesar de que los proyectos deben cumplir los contenidos mínimos marcados en los currículos oficiales, tenemos la libertad para elegir los temas con los que los alumnos aprenderán lo que exige la ley. A veces el tema podrá ser elegido por el profesor, otras veces por los alumnos y otras veces de manera compartida, pero siempre debe partir de las necesidades e intereses del grupo. Aunque este post no pretende ser una guía para programar proyectos, a continuación se exponen 10 pasos que desde mi punto de vista pueden ayudar a empezar: Elegir el tema vertebrador del proyecto.

Free Resources and Downloads for Project Learning. Portable Learning: Every middle school student in Maine gets a laptop.

Free Resources and Downloads for Project Learning

Credit: Michael Warren You don't have to reinvent the wheel to bring project-based learning to your school. Educators from Maine have shared details about their administration, school culture, professional development, and curriculum -- materials you may adapt for your class, school, or school district. Be sure to check out our Project Learning Reading List and our big list of other schools around the country who have started project-learning programs. Click on any of the titles below to download a PDF of one of Maine's public schools' resources for success. PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program.