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Everyone's Upstairs Neighbors. UK Podcast Directory - Listing of UK Podcasts from UK Podcasters. Episodes. A high-school senior named Hae Min Lee disappeared one day after school in 1999, in Baltimore County, Maryland. A month later, her body was found in a city park. She'd been strangled. Her 17-year-old ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was arrested for the crime, and within a year, he was sentenced to life in prison. The case against him was largely based on the story of one witness, Adnan’s friend Jay, who testified that he helped Adnan bury Hae's body. But Adnan has always maintained he had nothing to do with Hae’s death. Sarah Koenig sorted through thousands of documents, listened to trial testimony and police interrogations, and talked to everyone she could find who remembered what happened between Adnan Syed and Hae Min Lee. S-Town. Flesh has turned itself to stone or dust by Earlid. Lore. Performing Arts - Podcasts Downloads.

RTÉ Radio 1: Documentary on One. Listen to episodes of Welcome to Night Vale on podbay. Podcasts. BBC Radio 3 - Arts and Ideas. PowerfulJRE. Chips with everything - The Guardian. Podcast 1: The Music Industry (Early 2000's VS. Now) Sound narrative. Angles, Time, Perspectives is a 5:00 multilayered sound art narrative providing a soundscape of travel over time and distance, a choral created from seemingly disconnected sound sources at my travel destination, and a sonic portrait of how the angles of tomorrow, today, and yesterday collide to provide interesting perspectives.

sound narrative

Combines field recordings from Lisbon, Portugal, air traffic control transmissions from around the world, and sample voice transmissions from the Apollo 8 moon landing. Is podcasting still relevant? - Ashley Milne-Tyte. March 15, 2013 (Photo: M Keefe, Creative Commons license) Earlier today I was going back and forth on email with a professional contact and friend about the radio entries in a journalism competition we were both connected to. The topic started out being about the dearth of entries in the radio category, which was disappointing, but then the discussion moved on to podcasting and whether podcasts were permitted to be entrants in this particular competition (they were). I know the question of podcasting's popularity, or lack thereof, has come up in other forums, but I wanted to raise it here because I was struck by this journalist's perspective.

She was discussing 'online audio' as a term to use instead of 'podcast', referring to 'the brief podcast craze', and saying use of the term 'podcast' had been thought not to be a good idea as it was 'a trendy term' that 'could quickly become dated'. I want to pose some questions in the hope others will weigh in with their opinions below. Comedians Telling Stuff - UK Podcast Directory. Performing Arts Change Location Comedians Telling Stuff iTunes Podcast Website Contact Podcaster Contact Podcaster Podcast Description This is the concept: I ask a bunch of comedians the same 6 questions.

Comedians Telling Stuff - UK Podcast Directory

Share this podcast: Latest Episodes Location London Reviews Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""><abbr title=""><acronym title=""><b><blockquote cite=""><cite><code><del datetime=""><em><i><q cite=""><strike><strong> Immersive Theatre - Spark - CBC Player. Jan 18, 2015 | 14:12Spark Can an A.I program be a criminal?

Immersive Theatre - Spark - CBC Player

Audio Spark Can an A.I program be a criminal? Jan 18, 2015 | 14:12Recently we've seen examples of bots that can buy illegal substances online or that spit out defamatory tweets. BBC Radio 3 - Night Waves, American Pyscho, Roosevelt, Medieval Christmas, British Architects. Come To Papa. Remember podcasting? It's back - and booming. LOS ANGELES — Shane Dawson produces videos for YouTube, where his homegrown productions have received more than 2 billion views.

With a huge online audience devouring his every video move, what's he doing dabbling in audio? "I love podcasts, so I thought I'd try one," says Dawson of his recently launched hour-long Shane & Friends . "I wasn't sure my audience would be up for it, but shockingly, they really love it.

It proves the next generation is excited about long-form content. " Dawson isn't the only video star to give online audio a try. Apple just surpassed 1 billion subscriptions for podcasts via its iTunes app, which is a major milestone for a category that had been considered an also-ran. TUNEIN: Popular app is bringing radio to new audience Many top podcasts — such as the Nerdist , NPR's This American Life and Aisha Tyler's Girl on Guy, see millions of downloads. "Our culture is so niche-oriented now, you don't need 3 million people to listen to your podcast," says Hardwick.

BBC Radio 4 - The Reith Lectures, Grayson Perry: Playing to the Gallery: 2013, Democracy Has Bad Taste. NT 50: Richard Eyre and Julie Walters in conversation.