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Menace sur la Grande Barrière de Corail. SumOfUs est une communauté de personnes engagées pour limiter le pouvoir grandissant des entreprises à travers le monde.

Menace sur la Grande Barrière de Corail

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texte de la pétition: Stop Australia Dumping 1 Million Tonnes of Sludge in the Great Barrier Reef

Demand Australia Recognize Damages to Great Ba. Target: Australian Environment Minister Greg Hunt Goal: Reinstate chapter on damage caused to the Great Barrier Reef in UN climate report which was removed out of fear of losing tourism revenue.

Demand Australia Recognize Damages to Great Ba

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system in the world and home to thousands of species of fish and coral, many of which cannot live without the other. This beautiful yet fragile ecosystem has been threatened and eroded by human activity and is at risk of being irreparably damaged and exacerbating already high extinction rates. The cumulative effects of climate change–runoff, coastal development, fishing, recreation, coral bleaching, and ocean acidification–together pose a major threat to the life in this unique ecosystem.

Save the Last Living Half of the Great Barrier Reef. Target: Australian Minister for the Environment Greg Hunt Goal: Address rapidly deteriorating health of the Great Barrier Reef.

Save the Last Living Half of the Great Barrier Reef

Half of the world’s largest living ecosystem is “dead or dying” and the entire ecosystem faces extinction according to scientists in one of the grimmest reports on the health of the Great Barrier Reef. The reef has been ravaged by a process known as “bleaching” in which water warms and causes coral to expel the algae living inside of it. Experts estimate that a staggering 93 percent of the reef has been affected by bleaching.

The cause of this crisis is a familiar one–climate change. Save the Great Barrier Reef From Coal Mining. Target: Greg Hunt, MP, Australian Minister for the Environment Goal: Halt the development of the Carmichael Coal Mine in Queensland, Australia.

Save the Great Barrier Reef From Coal Mining

The Australian government approved the development of a major coal mine in the state of Queensland near the Great Barrier Reef. The Carmichael mine is a U.S. $12 billion/AUS $16 billion project with devastating environmental consequences for Australia’s air, water, soil, and wildlife. The mine would be the largest in Australia. It will excavate an estimated 60 million tons of coal a year, destined for export to India. According to the Australian Conservation Fund, the mine would produce over 128 billion tons of carbon dioxide and deplete 297 billion liters of groundwater. Take Another Look.

Le "plus grand aquarium de la planète" risque de se briser. Une banque pour détruire une merveille ?! 305 911 ont signé.

Une banque pour détruire une merveille ?!

Aidez-nous à atteindre 750 000 En Inde, le roi du charbon sollicite un prêt d’1 milliard de dollars pour transformer un des trésors les plus précieux de notre planète bleue en route maritime. Mais si nous réagissons rapidement, nous pouvons bloquer son milliard et préserver la Grande barrière de corail pour les baleines et les dauphins, pas pour les cargos de charbon. L’UNESCO affirme que le projet menace la Grande barrière, et huit banques internationales de premier plan s’en sont détournées.

Tout repose désormais sur la State Bank of India. La pression de l'opinion publique a déjà fait changer d'avis d'autres banques, alors signez pour dire non au pire prêt bancaire du monde. WWF (World Wildlife Fund / World Wide Fund for Nature) Stop Treating the Great Barrier Reef as a Dump. Mr.

Stop Treating the Great Barrier Reef as a Dump

James Taylor, United Kingdom Nov 23, 19:03 This is really unacceptable send a green star Name not displayed, Philippines Nov 14, 07:32 do't let nature return all destruction mankind is doing, coz we are more vulnerable than nature. Ms. Nov 08, 05:58 send a green star Ms. Nov 07, 14:30 Not destroy in a few decades what has survived thousands of years. Australia - Don’t Sacrifice the Great Barrier Reef for a Coal Port. Name not displayed, SA Apr 24, 06:00 Mrs.

Australia - Don’t Sacrifice the Great Barrier Reef for a Coal Port

Kate Byrne, SW Apr 18, 22:05. Fight for the Great Barrier Reef. Cyberaction Financer Alpha Coal, c'est détruire la Grande Barrière de corail et le climat ! Cyberaction N° 582: Financer Alpha Coal, c'est détruire la Grande Barrière de corail et le climat !

cyberaction Financer Alpha Coal, c'est détruire la Grande Barrière de corail et le climat !

[ 5 896 participations ] cyberaction mise en ligne le jeudi 31 octobre 2013 En partenariat avec : Amis de la Terre Elle sera envoyée à : Président Directeur Général de la Société Générale Frédéric Oudéa La Société Générale mène les études de faisabilité et d'impacts préalables au lancement d’un énorme projet minier en Australie : Alpha Coal. Si ce projet a lieu, la Grande Barrière de corail sera fatalement touchée ainsi que les nombreuses espèces menacées qu'elle abrite. Plus d'infos. Is the coal industry about to wreck the Great Barrier Reef? Here’s a conundrum for you: Would it be better to protect Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which is visible from space, attracts more than a million visitors every year, and is home to thousands of species of fish, sharks, and other marine animals?

Is the coal industry about to wreck the Great Barrier Reef?

Or would it be better to build one of the world’s largest coal ports near the reef, dredge the area around the port, dump millions of tons of dredged mud and sand into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and then create a coal-shipping superhighway through the reef so thousands of ships each year can ferry coal from Australia to Asia? The answer is clearly the latter, according to Australia’s conservative government and the coal industry. The government, now under the control of climate-denying Prime Minister Tony Abbott, has just given the coal industry the go-ahead for its proposed project, despite warnings from environmentalists that the coal port and shipping plans threaten the very future of the reef.

Protect the Great Barrier Reef From Coal! Protect the Great Barrier Reef. Give it a legal identity. Name not displayed, Philippines.