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What-does-the-antarctic-seafloor-look-like-expedition-reveals-stunning-footage-and-imagery. Log In. Photo SYDNEY, Australia — The world’s biggest marine reserve, almost as large as Alaska, will be established in the Ross Sea in under an agreement reached by representatives of 24 nations and the European Union in Australia on Friday. The policy makers and scientists agreed unanimously to create a zone that will encompass 600,000 square miles of ocean. Commercial fishing will be banned from the entire area, but 28 percent of it will be designated as research zones, where scientists can catch limited amounts of fish and krill, tiny invertebrates that provide food for whales, penguins, seals and other animals. The area, which is mostly contiguous and hugs the coast off the Ross Sea ice shelf, will come under protection on Dec. 1, 2017, and remain a reserve for 35 years.

The agreement was reached in Hobart, Tasmania, at the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. “With Russia, there were signs that things were moving ahead,” she said from Hobart. Le plus grand sanctuaire marin au monde va être créé en Antarctique. Un accord obtenu vendredi en Australie va permettre la création d’une zone protégée dans la mer de Ross, dans le Pacifique. Le plus grand sanctuaire marin au monde, destiné à protéger la zone immaculée de l’Antarctique, va être créé suite à un accord obtenu vendredi 28 octobre en Australie, après des années de négociations. Cet accord, conclu lors de la réunion annuelle de la Commission pour la conservation de la faune et de la flore marines de l’Antarctique (CCAMLR) à Hobart, sur l’île de Tasmanie, permettra la création d’une zone protégée dans la mer de Ross, une immense baie côté Pacifique, sous juridiction néo-zélandaise.

Ce projet était présenté par les Etats-Unis et la Nouvelle-Zélande. Le sanctuaire s’étendra sur une superficie de plus de 1,55 million de kilomètres carrés, dont 1,12 million de kilomètres carrés interdit à la pêche, selon le ministre des affaires étrangères néo-zélandais, Murray McCully. La Russie donne son accord. Antarctic marine reserve plans scuppered by Russia. You can’t get much farther from Antarctica than Russia. Yet it was Russia that this week sunk American- and New Zealand-led efforts to create sprawling marine reserves around the South Pole. The multi-nation Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources met in Germany this week to discuss proposals to protect more than 1.5 million square miles from the growing threat of fishing. The meeting was called after the countries that make up the committee failed to reach agreement on the proposals last year.

From Nature: There was widespread hope that new reserves in the Ross Sea and in East Antarctica would be approved this week …But [Tuesday] at the meeting the Russian delegation questioned the very authority of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), which regulates fishing in Antarctica, to create reserves, several participants said. Reserve supporters aren’t giving up hope, though. Social March. Pourquoi faut-il protéger l’Antarctique ? Blog » Antarctic Oceans Alliance. Antarctic Oceans Alliance. Our Impact » Antarctic Oceans Alliance. People watching Thousands have Joined the Watch to protect Antarctica's Southern Ocean. View the 25 countries deciding its fate and take action. View the Countries 25 Countries 5 Critical Votes Select a country. People in Argentina Argentina has a proud history of Antarctic exploration and scientific research. People in Australia Australia is a major Antarctic research country and an important player in CCAMLR decisions.

People in Belgium Belgium is a strong advocate for Antarctic marine conservation. People in Brazil Email decision maker Mr Alberto Luiz Pinto Coelho Fonseca with why Antarctica's waters should be protected in 2014. People in Chile Chile is positive about Antarctic marine protection but is also a fishing nation. People in China China is playing a greater role in Antarctic science and exploration.

People in European Union The EU, along with France and Australia is proposing a network of marine protected areas in East Antarctica. People in France People in Germany People in India.