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A Real-Time Map of Births and Deaths - James Hamblin. In 1950, there were 2.5 billion humans. Today there are just over 7 billion. In another 30 years, according to U.S. Census Bureau projections, there will be more than 9 billion. Brad Lyon has a doctoral degree in mathematics and does software development. He wanted to make those numbers visual. Last year he and designer Bill Snebold made a hugely popular interactive simulation map of births and deaths in the U.S. alone—the population of which is on pace to increase 44 percent by 2050. Now, Lyon takes on the world. "This one for world births/deaths is certainly more overwhelming than the one for the U.S. ," Lyon told me, "and the rate at which they must be occurring gives another glimpse into how big the world is.

" That is to say, watch this and everything you're worried about today becomes nothing. In this case, that technology is primarily d3.js, a javascript library by New York Times graphics editor Michael Bostock. Hypercities Beta 2. Bienvenue / Welcome. En animation : 7 milliards d'êtres humains dans le monde ! Évolution de la population mondiale de 1800 à 2011. À gauche, le classement des sept pays les plus peuplés en 2011 et une estimation de ce classement en 2050. © Idé En animation : 7 milliards d'êtres humains dans le monde !

- 1 Photo Sept milliards d'êtres humains peupleront la Terre ce 31 octobre. L'accroissement est impressionnant si l'on regarde les périodes précédentes : 6,1 milliards en 2000 et seulement 1,76 milliard en 1900 ! Comment se situe la France dans les statistiques de la population mondiale ? L'animation ci-dessous montre l'évolution démographique depuis 1800 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Sept milliards d'être humains dans le monde en 2011, qu'en sera-t-il en 2050 ? Avec une espérance de vie mondiale qui augmente, le vieillissement de la population est inévitable. Après 2050, on estime que la progression se ralentira et que la population mondiale devrait ensuite se stabiliser entre 9 et 15 milliards. À voir aussi sur Internet Sur le même sujet.

World Population | POPULATION. Disclaimer Due to their size, the following countries and territories are not represented on the map: Faro Island, Denmark; Gibraltar; Hong Kong SAR; Liechtenstein; Maldives; Monaco; San Marino; Seychelles; St. Helena Island; and Vatican City. Notes The Data Sheet lists all geopolitical entities with populations of 150,000 or more and all members of the UN. These include sovereign states, dependencies, overseas departments, and some territories whose status or boundaries may be undetermined or in dispute. Sub-Saharan Africa: All countries of Africa except the northern African countries of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.

World and Regional Totals: Regional population totals are independently rounded and include small countries or areas not shown. World Population Data Sheets from different years should not be used as a time series. Sources. Indicateurs internationaux de développement humain - PNUD. En animation : 7 milliards d'êtres humains dans le monde ! World Population | POPULATION.