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Chicken Coconut Curry. Last month, one fine morning I received an email to review a product.

Chicken Coconut Curry

The email said that their company produces organic beverages and would like me to review their organic coconut water- COCOZIA. It had just been two months that I have started blogging, so I was a bit skeptical. I took good two days to decide whether the email is real (and not spam) and whether I want to do it (if it's real). What I was thinking was whether I can actually review a product. But then I thought, I have grown up drinking coconut water straight from a coconut. In two days, I received a box containing 12 cases of coconut water. Opened one case right away. I love to drink and cook with coconut water. Sometimes, many who are not comfortable with spicy or hot curries think that they can't enjoy Indian restaurant food because it is always spicy. Chicken Coconut Curry (today's foodie alliteration): you need (for 3-4 servings) 1.5 lb boneless skinless chicken, (breast or thighs) cut into small bite size pieces.

Paleo Quiche with Chorizo and Spinach. When I set out to make a savory version of my Paleo pie crust, pretty much the only thing I had on my mind was to make the ultimate Paleo Quiche.

Paleo Quiche with Chorizo and Spinach

I really love quiche and it is one of the foods I’ve been missing the most (right behind Trenton Style Pizza from DeLorenzos). At some point a couple of years ago, I became a bit obsessed with how to make the perfect quiche. My goals for this Paleo quiche were to keep it Gluten Free, Grain Free and Dairy Free but truly mimic the taste and texture of a “regular” quiche. When it comes to quiche, it all about the cheese and the ratio of egg to milk. Many traditional quiche have a nice amount of shredded cheese on the bottom (between the crust and the egg filling), and a nice amount on top of the quiche. The proper egg to milk ratio is what lends that inherent creaminess and silkiness to most quiche. This quiche went over to rave reviews from the Paleo and non-Paleo testers.

Roasted Zucchini Sauce. Whew, I am finally back from my Mardi Gras break, and I am nursing a bit of a cold.

Roasted Zucchini Sauce

I guess that’s what you get when you enjoy 6 days of revelry and fun full of late nights, adult beverages, and less than ideal food choices {I’m pretty sure I ate less than two vegetables the entire Mardi Gras – eek!} … Luckily, I took the rest of the week nice and easy, and I didn’t do a single thing this weekend so I could rest and feel better. I did have a lovely Sunday where my friends and I ran to The Blind Pelican and enjoyed 4 dozen charbroiled oysters and a few drinks during their happy hour to celebrate the extra hour of sunlight Before we get to today’s recipe, I thought I’d share some Mardi Gras pics. Friday night in New Orleans ~ those are the Budweiser Clydesdales After the Coronation with my cousin with my sister before the OOM’s Sunday party At the Floral Parade with my nephew & niece and their cute babysitter close-up. Eat Good 4 Life cauliflower kung pao.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe. Low carb, low calorie and gluten free cauliflower crust pizza that can take on any of your favourite toppings.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe

Foolproof & delicious low carb meal recipe. Cauliflower crust pizza has gained a huge popularity in the past few years among low carb dieters and mainly fitness enthusiasts. Because you are indulging with pizza, America’s favourite comfort food, and not wrecking your nutrition numbers. Soupe veloutée au panais, pommes de terre et purée de noisettes (avec ou sans Cook'in) Voici une soupe toute onctueuse aux douces saveurs de panais.

Soupe veloutée au panais, pommes de terre et purée de noisettes (avec ou sans Cook'in)

Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez déjà la purée de noisettes, mais moi j'adore l'utiliser en cuisine ! On la trouve en magasin bio (mais on peut aussi la faire soi-même, voir chez Aud' à la cuisine), elle est composée uniquement de noisettes mixées. Blanquette de Poulet, petites Carottes sauce au Curcuma. 23 janvier 2014 4 23 /01 /janvier /2014 08:07 C'est une petite blanquette express mais savoureuse.

Blanquette de Poulet, petites Carottes sauce au Curcuma

Pour les soirs où on ne sait pas trop bien quoi préparer, qu'on file dans le fridge et que l'on compose avec ce qu'on a. Les filets de poulet sont détaillés en petits cubes, saisis très rapidement. On les débarrasse puis on ajoute les carottes coupées en sifflet, un peu de bouillon, un bouquet garni, et on laisse frémir jusqu'à ce que les carottes soient tendres, puis on ajoute de la crème et un peu de curcuma, et des feuilles de coriandre. Gyozas, raviolis japonais. Les gyozas, qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Gyozas, raviolis japonais

Il s’agit de raviolis japonais à la pâte fine, garnis de viande de porc haché et de chou. Lorsque j’habitais à Paris, nous avions pour habitude de nous partager une portion de gyozas lorsque nous nous installions chez Laï-Laï Ken, rue Sainte-Anne. Cette rue est connue dans la capitale pour sa concentration en restaurants japonais populaires. Les tables nippones gastronomiques (Kaiseki) sont situées ailleurs. Quinoa Coconut Chocolate Chunk Cookies - i heart eating.