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#MikeBrown & #EricGarner

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Watch Noam Chomsky Literally Explain Ferguson In Less Than 60 Seconds. Jamal Lee Harris on Twitter: "@aliciakeys check out the video made a video in honor of lives lost too soon. #wearehere #NeverForget. Noam Chomsky on America: ‘This is a very racist society’ — RT USA. Aaron Stewart-Ahn on Twitter: "@NYjusticeleague young leadership issuing demands front of City Hall while snowing supported by @common & @UncleRUSH. Taylor Griffin on Twitter: "@NYjusticeleague @Awkward_Duck MT @jaketapper: @Georgetown #Hoyas wear #ICantBreathe shirts for warmups.

Justice League NYC on Twitter: "WE DEMAND THE FOLLOWING... ♕_Everton on Twitter: "#stepsofcityhall #nyc here for the the rally for #BlackLivesMatter #EricGarner @UncleRUSH @common... Noam Chomsky on Syria, China, Capitalism, and Ferguson. Published on Dec 9, 2014 Noam Chomsky discusses the recent climate agreement between the US and China, the rise of ISIL, and the the movement in Ferguson against racism and police violence.

Noam Chomsky on Syria, China, Capitalism, and Ferguson

Chomsky is the author of more than a hundred books and the subject of several films about his ideas. He is a political theorist and philosopher who has dissected the contradictions of US empire and inspired several generations of activists. Jully Black on Twitter: "IN SOLIDARITY & PEACE WATCH "LIVING IN THE GHETTO" (#FergusonSolidarity Mix) by Jully Black... Azealia Banks Lashes Out At Iggy Azalea Over Tone-Deaf Response to Eric Garner Decision. The streets of New York City were not the only place where tensions ran high Wednesday night.

Azealia Banks Lashes Out At Iggy Azalea Over Tone-Deaf Response to Eric Garner Decision

Not too long after a grand jury decided not to indict the police officer who killed Eric Garner, Twitter was also filled with some heated exchanges. Notably, rapper Azealia Banks lashed out at fellow rapper Iggy Azalea for staying silent throughout the ordeal. Dubbing her "Igloo Australia," Banks called out the white rapper for appropriating black music but not supporting black issues when the chips are down. It seemed a bit unjustified at the time. Even though Banks had a point — Azalea is notoriously guilty of appropriating sounds and styles from black culture and not giving credit where credit is due — Twitter silence isn't enough to condemn someone, and certainly not with the aggression Banks brought to the conversation.

But when Azalea did respond, it was in the most self-centered and privileged way imaginable: This news, actually, relates to everyone. Dn2014-1204. M.truthdig. Another police killing of an unarmed man of color.


Another grand jury deciding not to indict: Not for murder. Not for manslaughter. Not for assault. Not even for reckless endangerment. We live in a land of impunity. This past summer, after covering the protests in Ferguson, Mo., I flew back to New York City and went straight to Staten Island to cover the march protesting the police killing of Eric Garner, a 43-year-old African-American father of six. If you look at the video closely, just as NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo puts him in an illegal chokehold, you see Eric Garner put his hands up, the international signal of surrender.

Hands Up, Don’t Choke. By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan Another police killing of an unarmed man of color.

Hands Up, Don’t Choke

Another grand jury deciding not to indict: Not for murder. Protesters took to Manhattan’s streets after another non-indictment of a white police officer. Protesters took to the streets of Manhattan en masse tonight, just hours after a Staten Island grand jury announced that officer Daniel Panteleo of the New York Police Department (NYPD) would not be indicted for the killing of an unarmed black man, Eric Garner.

Protesters took to Manhattan’s streets after another non-indictment of a white police officer

The case, which dates back to July, has been closely followed around the world since a video of the fatal encounter, captured by a bystander, was uploaded to YouTube and widely shared on social media. In the video, Panteleo, a plainclothes officer, approaches Garner, accusing him of selling “loose” cigarettes and threatening arrest. Garner resists before Panteleo slams him against the sidewalk and employs a tactic referred to as a “choke hold”—a practice banned by the NYPD in 1993—gripping Garner’s neck tightly. Garner, an asthmatic who weighed more than 300 lbs., repeatedly shouts, “I can’t breathe,” before he stops moving.

He was pronounced dead at the scene. They remained there, in a virtual standoff with police. DOJ Civil Rights on Twitter: "Statement by Attorney General Holder on Federal Investigation Into Death of Eric Garner. Justin McLachlan on Twitter: "One thing #CrimingWhileWhite tweeters have in common: they're all alive to tell their tales."... Yvette nicole brown on Twitter: "The hashtag #CrimingWhileWhite is an eye opener. #ThatIsAll"... JRehling on Twitter: "Stealing all the land marked purple on this map. #CrimingWhileWhite... Cecily Kellogg on Twitter: "At 13 I stole a car with my friends & drove it 2wks before we got busted. Only one charged was black. #CrimingWhileWhite" Sean Costello on Twitter: "Man sells loose cigarettes: gets murdered. Wall Street execs steal pensions and harm middle class: get tax breaks #CrimingWhileWhite"


ELIGH. ERYKAH BADU. ZION I. IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE. Talib Kweli. JEAN GRAE. Noisey on Twitter: "An interview with @KillerMikeGTO about his explosive Ferguson speech and moving forward: LAURYN HILL. Q TIP. BUSTA RHYMES. 9th WONDER. J. Cole - Be Free by dreamvillerecords on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds. HIP HOP IN THE PRESS. Documents Released in the Ferguson Case.

Reviews on Court Documents. No Justice in Ferguson. The grand jury in Ferguson, Mo., has reached the decision many of us dreaded, but fully expected.

No Justice in Ferguson

Now, we must forge our profound disappointment into determination to achieve lasting justice, in Ferguson and beyond. The Ferguson grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. In the coming days, Wilson will sit down for major media interviews, and Thanksgiving dinner with his new wife. Michael Brown’s parents will sit with his empty chair, and the knowledge that the man who killed him is not only free, but all over the media — perhaps even celebrated in right-wing media, which may or may not stop short of celebrating their son’s death. We knew this decision was coming. The wheels of justice have ground to a halt in the Michael Brown case, leaving us in sadly familiar territory.

On August 9, the same day that Michael Brown was killed, John Crawford was shot and killed by police officers in Beaverton, Ohio. Ferguson: What Value Do Our Laws Have? Russell Brand The Trews (E197) "It is Officially Open Season on Black Folks": Legal Expert Decries Handling of Wilson Grand Jury. Largest Ferguson Demonstration Yet Ends With Sit-In. 10 Photos Show What Is Happening Across America Right Now. Following a grand jury's decision to clear Officer Darren Wilson of any wrongdoing in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown nearly four months ago, protests have mobilized around the United States in support of Brown's family and in condemnation of the decision.

10 Photos Show What Is Happening Across America Right Now

After news of Brown's fatal shooting on August 9 spread on social media, the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri, was overtaken by protests for days as the majority black town decried what they called the racist treatment of Ferguson's black citizens by the town's primarily white law enforcement. Ferguson has erupted again after the grand jury cleared Wilson, with reports of overturned squad cars, gunshots and the use of tear gas by police against the protestors. This time, political demonstrations and protests aren't limited to the St. Breaking: NYC Officer Cleared in Chokehold Death of Eric Garner. Facebook. Eric Garner case: A grievous wrong not to indict. Facebook. Charles R. Patrick. Robert F. Kennedy's Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination Speech. 1 Black Man Is Killed Every 28 Hours by Police or Vigilantes: America Is Perpetually at War with Its Own People.

Photo Credit: Ivanov May 28, 2013 | Like this article?

1 Black Man Is Killed Every 28 Hours by Police or Vigilantes: America Is Perpetually at War with Its Own People

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Police officers, security guards, or self-appointed vigilantes extrajudicially killed at least 313 African-Americans in 2012 according to a recent study. The report, entitled "Operation Ghetto Storm", was performed by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, an antiracist grassroots activist organization. #ICantBreathe: Jury's decision in Eric Garner death causes outrage online.