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15 unusual words that make writers swoon. In a previous post, I wrote about the value of using simple words in place of complex words.

15 unusual words that make writers swoon

Readers are not impressed by the use of complex words; they're frustrated by them. Though I strive to use simple, clear terms in my own writing, there are some words that I am just dying to use. Archaic, unusual words that I have stumbled upon in fiction. Words that have drawn me in. I like the ways these words sound. If I could only find a way to work them into my next article on surgical checklists. Vex. Example: You take delight in vexing me by deliberately using bad grammar. 100 Most beautiful words in the English language*

Words I Never Want to See in Your Novel. Synonym Finder » Find synonyms, antonyms & definition for (almost) any word. Sheet-for-Emotions.jpg (JPEG Image, 1700x2200 pixels) - Scaled (29%) The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations. The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations is a descriptive list which was created by Georges Polti to categorize every dramatic situation that might occur in a story or performance.

The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations

To do this Polti analyzed classical Greek texts, plus classical and contemporaneous French works. He also analyzed a handful of non-French authors. In his introduction, Polti claims to be continuing the work of Carlo Gozzi, who also identified 36 situations. Publication history[edit] “Gozzi maintained that there can be but thirty-six tragic situations. This list was published in a book of the same name, which contains extended explanations and examples. The list is popularized as an aid for writers, but it is also used by dramatists, storytellers and many others. The 36 situations[edit] Each situation is stated, then followed by the necessary elements for each situation and a brief description. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] 10 Creative Block Breakers That Actually Work. Doesn't matter what you call it: writer's block or creative block or simply "Where is my inspiration when I need it?!

10 Creative Block Breakers That Actually Work

" All creative individuals find their work coming less easily at some times than others. That's when you need strategies, and plenty of them. The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do. Writing is a muscle.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Better Than You Normally Do.

Smaller than a hamstring and slightly bigger than a bicep, and it needs to be exercised to get stronger. Think of your words as reps, your paragraphs as sets, your pages as daily workouts. Think of your laptop as a machine like the one at the gym where you open and close your inner thighs in front of everyone, exposing both your insecurities and your genitals. Plot Scenario Generator. 5 Ways Not to Write a Novel. Writing a novel?

5 Ways Not to Write a Novel

There's first-draft flow, and there's editing flow. And then there comes a time when you think you might be done, yet the manuscript is still not quite "there. " To sell your work to an agent, and then to a publisher, and finally to a great many readers, put thoughts of flow aside now, and consider the following advice. Each of the guides mentioned is worthy of your careful attention. , such as "Danielle was a woman of medium height with brown hair and brown eyes. " , such as: "He shaved, and then he wiped off the shaving cream," "She walked to the corner, and she looked both ways," or "We opened the door, and we found the mail on the porch.

" . Such as the following: the difficult task, both share, blend together, on account of, considering the fact that, report back. [Better: Add some tension, impending tension, or trouble to every page. . * Did you miss my post about the sometimes unpolished writing of Stephen King ? * Or the one about best writers' resolutions ? One Page Per Day: A web typewriter for authors. About a little thing called 750 Words. Archetype: The Fiction Writer's Guide to Psychology. Remove The Lyrics From MOST Songs.

Create paintings from photos. Did you ever wanted to be a great artist?

Create paintings from photos

But unfortunately you are really bad at it? Well that's ok because now with Psykopaint you can be a great artist with no skills. But how does it work? Open a photo you like and paint it using a variety of tools like brush, spraycan, ribbon, knife, Psykopaint will choose the colors automatically for you So you don't need to worry about it and focus on a style you like. Creative Writing Prompts, Creative Writing Ideas, Creative Writing Exercises, ... — Helping Writers and Poets Get Some Writing Done. Procatinator.

Lexipedia - Where words have meaning. Bouba/kiki effect. This picture is used as a test to demonstrate that people may not attach sounds to shapes arbitrarily: American college undergraduates and Tamil speakers in India called the shape on the left "kiki" and the one on the right "bouba".

Bouba/kiki effect

The bouba/kiki effect is a non-arbitrary mapping between speech sounds and the visual shape of objects. This effect was first observed by German-American psychologist Wolfgang Köhler in 1929.[1] In psychological experiments, first conducted on the island of Tenerife (in which the primary language is Spanish), Köhler showed forms similar to those shown at the right and asked participants which shape was called "takete" and which was called "baluba" ("maluma" in the 1947 version). My Writing Spot. Pseudo-Elizabethan Place Name Generator. Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Links for Writers - Word Stuff. Unsorted [/writers] James Patrick Kelly - Murder Your Darlings - "When time comes to make that final revision, however, you must harden your heart, sharpen the ax and murder your darlings.

Internet Resources - Writers Resources - Writing Links & Writers Links for Writers - Word Stuff

" Greda Vaso - Determining the Readability of a Book - includes formulas for Gunning's Fog Index, Flesch Formula, Powers Sumner Kearl L. Paradoxical Rules for Writers - Phrase Thesaurus - ideas generator for writers.

The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine. Interactive Fiction Page. Ink - Quotes about writing by writers presented by The Fontayne Group. Writing "I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark.

Ink - Quotes about writing by writers presented by The Fontayne Group

" Henry David Thoreau "Writing is an adventure. " Winston Churchill "Know something, sugar? Stories only happen to people who can tell them. " Allan Gurganus "... only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things. " BlaBlaMeter.