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Grammar and Beyond. Recent Articles When ‘Have’ Can Have Progressive Aspect By Maggie Vosters, on July 9th, 2015 1 Comment Anyone who has taught an intermediate grammar course knows that the verb have is the source of many more student questions than a novice teacher might expect.

Grammar and Beyond

Confusion might ensue […] ‘It’ or ‘This?’ The little words it and this don’t carry a lot of meaning, but they are used in different grammatical contexts, and using the wrong word can be confusing. When Tense and Pronunciation Interact I am teaching in Cambodia for a few months, and one of the first things I noticed is the difficulty that ELLs have in pronouncing word-final consonants, and especially consonant […] Modifying Indefinite Pronouns Students study indefinite pronouns (e.g. someone, nothing, anywhere) early in their coursework – usually soon after they learn the quantifiers/pronouns some, no/none, and any. Grammar Books, Information Technology, and Other Noun Modifiers A very common way to modify a noun is with another noun. Newsletter : Grammar and Beyond. Best podcasts for learning British English from the BBC.

Cambridge ConversationsCambridge Conversations. English as a Second Language Podcast. Avoiding saying ‘no’ – a lesson plan. Update.

Avoiding saying ‘no’ – a lesson plan

I was very happy to hear that this post got shortlisted for Teaching English – British Council blog award. If you decide to vote for it (in which case, THANK YOU! :)), let them know by ‘liking’ the post on their facebook page: BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English. Edutopia. Facebook Edutopia on Facebook Twitter Edutopia on Twitter.


The History of English in Ten Minutes. English Grammar & Composition: Tips, Terms, Examples. Professional development. Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals. By Kieran Donaghy. Film Education.

Entertainment. TeachingEnglish. TeachingEnglish. Grammar tests. Craft downloads. Kids classroom rules posters - Space ships. TeachingEnglish. Discovery Readers. English Profile - Home. Cambridge Discovery Readers. Educational Resources – Teach Starter. English 4. Methodology. English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Sensory Break Ideas for Kids. Shaping the Way We Teach English Webinars. Топ-10 приложений для изучения английского для iOS и Android. Многие из нас хотят подтянуть свой английский и находятся в поиске самых удобных, простых и качественных приложений.

Топ-10 приложений для изучения английского для iOS и Android

Из этой статьи вы узнаете о 10 приложениях для изучения английского, с которыми этот иностранный язык можно учить в любое время и в любом месте. Еженедельная подборка лучших статей Bahadir Yeniceri/ Каждый день расписан поминутно, а нужно ещё втиснуть в свой плотный график уроки английского языка? Или вам не хватает языковой практики и лексический запас неплохо было бы пополнить?

«Нет времени» — самая скучная и банальная из всех причин. Сделать английский язык хорошей привычкой, повторять слова и запоминать новые по дороге на работу или за чашкой кофе вам помогут приложения для изучения английского (и других иностранных языков) для iOS и Android. iCan ABC Приложение для новичков в мире иностранного языка. Words Редакция Apple считает эту программу лучшей в категории «Образование» не случайно.

Sweetsbar - Did you spell it correctly? Alternative spellings in the Learners Dictionary. English as a Second Language Podcast. 10 ways to use the course book. Лучшие учебники для изучения английского языка. The Best Books For Teaching & Learning ESL/EFL. Here’s another of my “The Best…” lists, this time sharing my picks for The Best Books For Teaching & Learning ESL/EFL.

The Best Books For Teaching & Learning ESL/EFL

These are the books that I have found to be most useful to my students and me in my straight language classes and also in my combination Social Studies and language-development classes. I’m not going to be listing them in a ranked order since it really depends on the kinds of classes and the level of English Language Learners you have in class. Also, several people were kind enough to offer their book suggestions. If I didn’t include them on my list, I share them near the end of this post. Where possible, I’ve included links for each book to their pages at the Alta Book Center site. Unfortunately, as of December, 2008, Alta began only distributing books they publish. One is Delta Publishing Company, which seems to have almost as much of a selection as Alta did in the past. Just ordering from Amazon was the other primary recommendation.

40 Best Sites for ESL Study Materials, Textbooks, and Software – Brighthubeducation. EnglishClub. Onestopenglish: Number one for English language teachers. Best Books for Teachers - Teaching English as a Foreign Language & Homeschooling Books. Front Page Home Premium.

Best Books for Teachers - Teaching English as a Foreign Language & Homeschooling Books.

EdTech. 20 Google Docs Secrets for busy teachers and students. Google Docs has revolutionised the way we create and edit content on the web.

20 Google Docs Secrets for busy teachers and students.

It is a genuine collaboration tool like nothing that has come before it. Up to 50 people can simultaneously edit a spreadsheet, presentation or document at no expense, and it is available on all mobile and desktop platforms. Today we are going to look at 20 great tips every teacher and student should be using to get the most of the collaborative learning opportunities Google Doc’s offers. Allow editing without signing in: If you’re sharing a document with classmates who don’t have a Google login, just make it available to edit without signing in. Chat away: In Google Docs, you can see anyone who is currently editing the document, and if needed, send a message to chat with them. Embed Docs anywhere: Get a link to your document or spreadsheet, and you can embed or publish it anywhere, including Facebook or a class blog.

Five Essential Google Drive Skills For Teachers. This school year I've worked with a few school districts that are using Google Apps for Education for the first time.

Five Essential Google Drive Skills For Teachers

A lot of what I have done with those school districts is help to get the teachers acclimated to using Google Drive. When I sat down to plan an upcoming Google Drive training session I thought about some of the essential Google Drive skills that teachers need in addition to creating documents, presentations, and spreadsheets. Here are five essential Google Drive skills that I think teachers and students need. 1.

Open and Edit Word Files in Google Drive. 2. 3. 4. 5. Words, grammar,.. ENGLISH ROCKS. Teaching English. English. English grammar. Lesson plans, printables and other resourses. Methodology. Cambridge English Teacher. From 1 May 2017, Cambridge English Teacher is no longer available, but all the courses and content are now available to purchase without membership.

Cambridge English Teacher

Courses You can find the online teacher development courses on the Cambridge Learning Management System. Buy Courses as a teacher Buy Courses as an institution There are also additional courses to help you improve your teaching. English Teaching. Cambridge English Teaching Framework. Grammar for Teachers: Language Awareness - Cambridge English Teacher. Privacy Policy 1.

Grammar for Teachers: Language Awareness - Cambridge English Teacher

About us This website is owned and operated by The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge acting through its departments, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (‘UCLES’), Cambridge ESOL, a non-teaching department of the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Press (‘CUP’). Assessment Categories.