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BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English

BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English
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LibriVox | free public domain audiobooks 10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams So what do you do to practise listening for exams? Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays. The teachers had an old tape player that sometimes stopped and started on its own and old tapes that ended up sounding distorted and most of the times unlistenable so if you wanted to get better at listening, you just listened to the radio and struggled to understand the lyrics and sing along. Not that I ever complained. So, exams are just around the corner and I know you’re beginning to freak out. These are, in my opinion, the best sites with quizzes to practise listening comprehension. Check also:

5 great zero preparation lesson ideas When the pressure is on and there are only so many hours on the week, you need a repertoire of zero preparation go-to activities which promote input and/or practice. Here are five you might well find useful. 1. My weekend We know that listening is the most important yet often neglected skill for language learning. You tell the class you are going to recount what you did last weekend and that they have to make notes in English. You then make some true or false (maybe not mentioned too) statements in the target language about what you said in your account. 2. Pupils work in small groups. This is definitely an "output" task but one which can encourage students to speak fearlessly with an ear on fluency rather than accuracy. 3. For intermediate to advanced level. • My brother has twin sons. • I have three cats. • If I’d been a boy, I would’ve been called George. • My family was brought up in Spain. • My favourite movie is The Sound of Music. • My father was an extra in Star Wars. 4. 5.

Recursos en línia Apreneu anglès on i quan vulgueu amb aquesta selecció de recursos d'aprenentatge i consulta:Feu clic per desplegar els recursos. Cursos i recursos per a l'aprenentatge BBC Learning English ofereix materials de text, àudios i vídeos debades per a aprenents d'anglès de tot el món. Apreneu anglès en línia amb el British Council. Pàgina de recursos en línia per a aprendre anglès, amb un enfocament específic de l'expressió escrita. Pàgina amb una extensa gamma de recursos en línia per a aprendre anglès com a segona llengua (prova diagnòstica, vocabularis, conversa, gramàtica, ortografia, listening...). Apreneu anglès en línia al vostre ritme a l'Academic English Cafe. L'English Language Centre de la Universitat Politècnica de Hong Kong ofereix diversos materials per a treballar totes les habilitats comunicatives i lingüístiques. és un lloc especialitzat en anglès com a segona llengua que disposa d’una gran col·lecció d’eines i recursos per a estudiants.

Classroom Timers - Fun Timers Online-Stopwatch Race Timers - Character Race Timers with Random Results :-) Classroom Timers - Fun Timers for classrooms and meetings :-) Holiday Timers - More Fun Timers - But these are Holiday Themed! :-) Random Name Pickers - Probably the BEST random Name Pickers online! Classroom Timers and Fun Timers Welcome to our amazing Classroom Timer Section! They just add some extra fun to the usual countdown timers :-) Classic Classroom Timers: Our Classic Classroom Timers have an animated design showing the time lapsed and time remaining. Egg TimerEgg Timer Clock CountdownClock Countdown Candle TimerCandle Timer Bar TimerBar Timer Random Number Classroom Timers: These Classroom Timers show a random animation during your timer duration, then display a random number at the end. Basketball Teddy! Circus Dog! Monkey Trouble! Chirpy Chicken! Mucky Puppy! Shooting Stars! Random Ending Timers: Watch an animated sequence during the countdown, followed by a surprise ending when the timer reaches zero! Boat Boy!

The RealLife English Podcast Jul 5, 2021 Beyond Borders with Ethan #5: Learn from Language Expert who Speaks 8 Languages and How to Learn English with Stories | Olly Richards Olly Richards, and, is a polyglot online teacher, author, and entrepreneur. Picture dictation Submitted 16 years 6 months ago by admin. This is a low preparation fun activity that works well with large classes, especially with young learners and teens. All your students need is a blank piece of paper and all the teacher needs is a little bit of imagination. Procedure First of all explain to the students that they are going to do a picture dictation, that you are going to describe a picture to them and that all they have to do is simply listen and draw what they hear you describe.You then describe a simple and easy-to-draw picture to them and they draw it. Tips for making the activity work well Variations

Control Alt Achieve: Video Dubbing Learning Activities for Students When I was a kid, we used to find creative ways to keep ourselves entertained. One of our favorites was the Dubbing Game. Basically we would turn on the TV, find a good show, and then turn off the volume. Then we would make up new lines for the characters on TV (bonus points for using funny voices). I am sure we thought it was much funnier than it really was. As an adult, I have seen the same idea done on the show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Although dubbing a video can be a great source of entertainment, it actually can be very educational as well. See the rest of the blog post below for ideas on how video dubbing can be used for student learning and creativity, and a free and simple technology tool they can use to create the dubbed videos.Uses for Video Dubbing There are many creative ways video dubbing can be used by your students. Just as there are many educational uses for video dubbing, there are also many different technology tools that could be used to do the dubbing. Conclusion

English Study Resources - Oxford Online English Cambridge Assessments Information about the Cambridge Assessments, from the B1 (PET), B2 (FCE), C1 (CAE) and more. Englishaula This site has interactive exercises for each Cambridge English exam. Choose the exam your are taking, then the section you want to practice. Learn about the test, how to register, how to prepare, the scoring system, test locations and dates, and more. 4Tests Take a full practice TOEFL exam on this site. BestMyTest This site offers online practice TOEFL tests. Get information about what the TOEIC is, how to take it, what the different parts of the exam include, test preparation, and more. English.Best Learn more about the TOEIC exam and prepare for each section. Get all of the information you need about the PTE exam on their website. PTE Tutorials This is a comprehensive site providing information about the PTE, along with practice exams, various modes of difficulty, tools to give you feedback, and a timed environment to simulate the actual exam.

details?id=com.masterkeygames Learn English - Listening Master is and educational game for kids and students of all ages. Listening Master will help you understand and learn English better, improve your English language skills and help you learn real English spoken in everyday situations. Learn English - Listening Master makes a game out of helping you to practice and improve your English listening skills through dictation using real English conversations in a fun, enjoyable and educational way. Learn real English and practice your English listening skills by typing the letters of the words you hear or tapping the words of the audio to form the sentences. English Listening Master is a fun and educational game for kids, seniors and English language students of all ages who want to learn English and improve their listening skills in a more entertaining way. Perfect classroom audio listening recordings don't prepare you for listening in the real world. How do you play? It’s easy. Which one will you choose? Hogyan játszol?

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