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Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. Stuff no one told you: Simple truths of life. At some point in 2010, Alex Noriega, illustrator from Barcelana, was going through a crisis due to some isues at work. He decided to start a blog as a way of trying to find what he was doing wrong. He wanted to put on paper all that he had learned in life as simple as possible and try to see if what was happening around him made any sense. And it didn’t Still, his work is great and we are happy to present it to you! Amazing Inspirational Quotes. LYRICS TO LIVE BY. Inspirational-quote-people-cry.jpg (500×332) Frkncngz. Images With Words From Tumblr-Pictures Quotes - Part 5. Couples 3. 261 85 236 816 40 1142 1021 135 245 1471 286 79 422 572 742 8 483 63 330 177 191 618 305 59 163 2113 97 283 738 18 50 704 1971 598 508 27 166 58 449 82 238 121 150 430 445 522 18 78 472 382 151 167 77 325 191 512 31 7 54 244 473 70 321 45 1394 89 112 1024 16 412 59 1000 33 137 23 127 112 542 61 638 14 46 4 61 153 864 46 99 528 1248 684 214 514 658 136 340 1115 5289 2407 More in this collection ...

Loading more. Lioness shows their love to Kevin Richardson. SIGNS. Publication: Our Relationship ... Making It Stronger. This NebGuide is one in a series of six addressing the personal and working relationships between family members. Kathy R. Bosch, Extension Specialist, Family Life Education Current Contact: John D. DeFrain, Family and Community Development Specialist “Falling in love is grand; staying in love is hard work.” — Frank Cox, Human Intimacy. 1990 Setting Realistic Expectations Try to explain your expectations in plain language. Nurturing Your Relationship In order for your relationship to grow, you must be willing to nurture it. Talk together listen to each other resolve conflict (compromise) forgive each other respect each other have fun together be committed to each other love and be loved Committing to the Relationship Commitment is the glue that holds the relationship together both in good and difficult times.

Minimizing Conflict Partners should consider each other as equals. Fostering Intimacy and Friendship Sharing Intimacy, Romance and Sexual Relations Take walks. References. Quotes to rejuvenate your life « Tweakiz. It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most ..... - Charles Darwin. Hello, anusha barman. Animation/Cartoons. Dan Piraro, Bizarro Cartoon Gallery : huge-egos. Craft. Safety Pin Bracelet. My daughter came to me one day and said she saw these really cool bracelets made from safety pins and beads. As luck would have it, I had just seen one as well so I promised to make her one.

She wanted one made with smaller pins than the one she had seen, so I bought 3/4″ safety pins for mine. Notes: Make sure you do the needle nose plyer step, don’t skip it. I was walking through WalMart and felt something poking me. Safety Pin Braceletprintable version 3/4″ safety pins Elastic beading cord Seed beads White craft glue Toothpick Open a safety pin and thread as many seed beads on as you can, leaving enough room to close the pin. Cut two pieces of elastic beading cord, about 12″ long each. Thread one of the cords through the head of a pin, then the other cord through the bottom of the pin. When you have enough pins to create your bracelet, remove the knot from the tied end.

Tie the top cords together and the bottom cords together. A bit of green :: Crafts :: Plastic Cup Lamp. Now that my university is closed for winter holidays, I finally have more free time to do all the crafty things I’ve been wanting to. One of these is a lamp made from plastic cups I’ve seen at taf, the art foundation, in the Monastiraki region in the center of Athens. When I first saw it at taf, I was amazed; I looked closely and I couldn’t believe my eyes! The object itself is so peculiar, modern and alien-like it could be in any design exhibition. With my best friend’s birthday coming up, I decided to make it myself and give it to her as a gift.

It turns out it was the easiest craft I’ve even done, the epitome of DIY objects! Disclaimer: There have been some concerns about the safety of this construction (see the comment of user “when” below for example). We only use this lamp when we’re at home, so we have it under surveillance. I only needed a couple of things: That’s all you will need. Start stapling the cups together as shown. Staple again and again and again… …to this! OCP | Birthday Party Ideas | Party Blog. Tutorial. The shade in my kitchen window has been driving me nuts ever since we moved in, about 5 months ago now. I have been meaning to replace it but didn't want to spend the extra money. Then I remembered an awesome window treatment my friend Amber made for her bathroom a while back, so I decided to give it a try. I'll be honest, I am NOT a sewer, which seems kind of ironic.

I mean, you would think an interior design major would be a able to sew herself a nice throw pillow or something. But nope, not me. I just have never taken the time to practice at it. With that in mind, Let it be known that I sewed this shade all by myself! I really like how it turned out, and I REALLY like that the total cost for the project was under $10! My husband even made these fancy pulls in place of the plastic ones that come with the blinds, aren't they fabulous? Click below to get the full Tutorial! Ps. Golics's Channel at Metacafe. Fabulous Flowers - Klutz Book Giveaway! ***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries. Scroll down to see who won! *** I'm a longtime fan of Klutz books for kids... the projects are appealing, directions are clear, and the supplies, always top notch.

A new title, Fabulous Flowers: Create Pretty Paper Blossoms, doesn't disappoint. Klutz says, ""Let your creativity bloom with this book of can’t-go-wrong instructions for life-sized, dimensional, paper blossoms inspired by our favorite flowers: roses, daisies, daffodils, hibiscus, zinnias, cosmos, poppies, and larkspur. "As always, Klutz has packaged the book with everything you need to get started: 20 pages of ready-to-punch-out paper petals, sparkly flower centers, wrapped wire stems, glue, and of course, the custom winding tool - enough stuff to make bunches of flowers. " Watch a quick videoclip here that shows some of the flower types. Anne Akers Johnson, author of quite a few Klutz titles, has written clear instructions for a variety of well-known flowers. P.S. How About Orange. Here's a look at our upstairs guest bathroom.

Last night I covered an accent wall with removable wallpaper. I love it! This bathroom has a peculiar layout. You walk in past the shower stall on the right, and when you hit the sink, you turn right to get to the toilet. Which is under a lovely arch at the end of a passage that is almost long enough to feel like a hallway.

The paint color in there doesn't bother me (hard to capture in photos under electric lights) but that wall under the arch was begging for something interesting. I considered these drops wall decals at Walls Need Love, but after browsing their site some more, I was taken by the Waves of Chic print. The kind folks at Walls Need Love sent the product to review. Like the Sunburst wallpaper I designed last year, this paper is essentially a giant self-adhesive wall decal, and it's easily to peel off and reposition. I measured the wall and cut a length of paper that would leave a little extra overhang at the bottom.

Most favorited last 7 days - page 2. Continuous-Petal Method - How to Make Crepe-Paper Flowers - DIY Weddings - Cut 18-gauge cloth-wrapped floral wire to desired length: 12 inches is a good starting length for a bouquet; 6 works well for a boutonniere. Clockwise from top left:Button: Cut 11/2-inch square of crepe paper. Place thumbnail-size wad of cotton in center; push end of wire into cotton. Wrap paper around cotton; twist ends around wire. Secure with floral tape. (Daisy) Bud: Cut a 3-inch square of crepe paper; fold it into a triangle. Pistil: Cut a 1/2-by-6-inch strip of off-white crepe paper. Floret: Cut 6-by-2-inch strip of crepe paper; fold every 1/2 inch. Triple Button: Cut three 1-inch squares of crepe paper; make three wads of cotton the size of a pinky nail.

Fringe: Cut a 6-by-2-inch piece of crepe paper. How to wrap a gift: Use tissue paper for a... Photo by Roberto Caruso I’m giving away trade secrets here. You know those beautiful floral looking decorations you sometimes see in magazines hovering over a festive table? Or in a kid’s room, re-invented as a mobile? They’re little more than a few sheets of tissue paper and take about ten minutes of your time to create. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create your own pretty decoration: 1. Start with six to ten layers of tissue paper. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. At this point, you can either tie it onto the top of a gift for a big impression.

Or try hanging it from a ribbon over a Mother’s Day brunch table. Inna (Crafts, Kids, Quilling)'s Photostream. Online Bonus Projects | Paper Crafts. Art Around The Web. Page corner bookmark for kids in Ideas for kids' crafts. Free fonts from Scrapbook - Your source for scrapbooking supplies and more! Beautiful Paper Snowflake. Papier-Mache Easter Eggs. For Easter I made papier-mache polka dotted eggs. I made small pinatas using water balloons and tissue paper. I filled them with candy, then sealed them shut. You can also put toys or notes inside. They have to be ripped to open them, which is way fun. Click here: Papier-Mache Easter Eggs to find (much) more detailed instructions on how to make them. How To Make A Flicker Card by: TheDocraftsTeam. Открытки. Всем, привет! Решила сегодня показать одну из своих первых работ, которую я сделала по просьбе сестры еще осенью.

Это открытка на годовщину свадьбы. Не судите слишком строго. Буду рада любым комментариям. Спасибо за внимание!!! Немножко поближе. Pop Up Card . Just Piece of Paper . Amazing Flower. How to: wax paper and crayon fall leaves. So this last week i decided to quit ignoring the elephant in the room, and acknowledge that fall is... well basically at my door step. the leaves are starting to show a hint of change and with that change came my "NO!

NOT YET! " these leaves were made just like you used to make those stain glass windows with wax paper and crayon shavings. you can hang them, you can place them prettily to dress up any surface, and well you can just place them on your windows as well.WHAT YOU WILL NEED: *wax paper. *scissors*iron*towels (so that you don't ruin your ironing board)*paper towels (so you don't ruin your iron) *fall colored crayons that have seen better days *leaf template (right click hit save as and then print off. make sure you make them fit your picture screen so it doesn't cut off any of the leaf. i made mine as a 4 by 7 picture) when you have your two colors shaved on, place the second piece of wax paper on top making a sandwich. cut out your leaves. ahh the life of a crafting mom. enjoy! V and Co video how to: jersey fabric bracelet. Print Hula Hoop Rug Page | Crafts. It's Just Paper. Torn Paper. Life As Lou :: Magic Boxes: A Life As Lou Online Class :: January :: 2008.

Due to popular demand, I am doing a tutorial on the Magic Boxes I showed off in some previous posts. To begin, choose your paper. You need six sheets of matching paper (preferably a heavier weight). Choose one for your outside, budgeting for a contrasting one for your lid, and 4 to create the inside boxes. Cut as follows (all measurement are in inches): Outside: 6 x 11 3/4ths Lid: 8.5 x 8.5 4 inner boxes: 8 x 8 The only challenging part of this project is creating the lid and inside compartments. 1. 2. fold the tips of your paper in so that they meet at the center.

Fold in all four sides, and then unfold. 3. This fold gives you the sides of your box. 4. I have also colored four triangles. 5. 6. Do the same thing on the other side. 7. Repeat this process on your 8 inch and 8.5 inch papers. Now for the outside. 1. 2. To put the boxes in, first adhere one to the very top right corner, making certain that you are flush with the corner of the outside paper. Here are a few that I’ve made. Life As Lou :: Artsy-Fartsy Scrapbooking Stuff. I used the extremely lovely Basic Grey Hello Luscious paper line for this layout. It is my favorite of the four new releases. I also used brown bloomers (possibly Webster’s Pages), Jenni Bowlin pins, American Crafts thickers alphabet an & My Mind’s Eye lace trim and brads. The border punch is a large Martha Stewart punch. I made the pleated flower-wheels from scratch, and since I have had a few requests for instructions on these- here we go!

Now these are becoming very popular as embellishments sold with new product lines. Start by cutting a strip of paper. Once your strip is pleated, put it into a circle shape and adhere the ends together. Now you can push them into a tighter circle, and apply pressure down in the center to create your flower wheel. Cut scrap paper to a size slightly smaller than the diameter of your flower. I really hate holding things and waiting for them to dry, so I am a big fan of clamps. If you have a few clamps, you can have them drying as you make more.

Life As Lou :: Artsy-Fartsy Scrapbooking Stuff. Tech. Google Apps. 59 Open Source Tools That Can Replace Popular Security Software — 10 lightweight apps to make older PCs fly. Interesting. Portfolio. Happy {Winky Face} Valentines. Tom Riddler's Magical Diary. Games Co. | Handmade Games Crafted with Love & High-Fives. Discover Music. Spike Jonze captures Yo-Yo Ma & Lil Buck performance | Mixing Reality. eBooks.

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Help. Blogs. Ciphers & Puzzles. 47 Mind-Blowing Psychology-Proven Facts You Should Know About Yourself. The official Dilbert website with Scott Adams' color comic strips, animation, mashups and more! 21 Scathingly Witty Insults By Famous People: Pics, Videos, Links, News. ‪Flicker Card - Fast Action Moving Picture Promotional Produc‬‏