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Sodilinux per Windows e MAC. Per agevolare quegli utenti che, pur consapevoli del valore didattico e le potenzialità inclusive degli applicativi contenuti in SoDiLinux, come ad esempio: ARAWORD per la CAA, Writer con screen reader, Lettore di schermo screen reader mobile, Modellabilità degli schermi per i gravi su tavoli touch screen, Sankorè per gestire le LIM di qualsiasi marca, Libreoffice parlante e molte altre soluzioni. Per chi appunto vuole provare SoDiLinux in tutta tranquillità, nel proprio PC senza rinunciare al proprio sistema (Windows o MacOS o Linux), abbiamo pensato di realizzare questa guida e preparare un Sodilinux adatto ad essere immediatamente installato in una macchina virtuale del PC ospite. E' evidentemente un primo approccio, propedeutico alla eventuale installazione come sistema operativo principale, scelto per la propria macchina o in dual boot .

Di seguito si illustra la procedura di installazione e le condizioni necessarie How-to Buona sperimentazione !!! G. My Formula for Creating Useful Workshop Materials. I lead a lot of virtual and in-person workshops throughout the course of the year. For each of those workshops I create webpages that contain an outline, handouts in the form of PDFs, and video tutorials. I do this because I've learned over the years that even when people are 100% engaged in the workshop, there are still things that they might miss and or want to have reiterated after the workshop is over. Some people prefer tutorials that are text and image based while others prefer a video in which they can see and hear each step in action. I make all of the tutorial materials for a workshop available on a webpage that I create for the topic.

My tools for creating and sharing workshop materials: WordPress: I now use WordPress for all of my online work except this blog and a classroom blog that runs on Blogger. CaptureCast - Record Screencasts on Your Chromebook. CaptureCast is a free Chrome extension that enables you to create screencast videos on your Chromebook. With CaptureCast installed you can record everything that you display on your Chromebook's screen. The CaptureCast extension gives you the option to record your sound. An option to record yourself through your webcam is also offered in CaptureCast. In fact, you could choose to just record your webcam and sound to make a video blog entry. Recordings made with CaptureCast are saved on your Chromebook under the "manage media" tab in CaptureCast. Applications for Education I used CaptureCast to create the video in my earlier post about As I mentioned above, CaptureCast could be used to create video blog entries by just selecting the webcam and sound options instead of the desktop recording option.

Creating screencasts and flipped lessons is one of the topics that will be covered during the Practical Ed Tech BYOD Camp and the Practical Ed Tech Chromebook Camp. A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math. The best resource for a student that thinks they hate math is a great teacher. But what about the best resource for that teacher? Beyond an active imagination, ability to relate to students, and an incredibly strong content knowledge themselves, it may not get much better than Numberphile . While the site is simple a crudely interactive graphic with links to videos, it has, in one fell swoop, creatively curated some of the most compelling and engaging “problems” in mathematics. From Benford’s Law to French Numbers, to whether or not zero is an even number, it frames the content area of math–which is often riddled with rote practice of very traditional arithmetic and formulas–in a problem-based learning kind of approach.

Fantastic resource for bell ringers, test questions, math project-based learning ideas, or as a model for students to curate their own curiosities about the incredible–and poorly marketed–world of mathematics. La comunicazione nell'apprendimento on line - BBN BlogBBN Blog. Di Gianfranco Marini Tendenze nell’ambito delle tecnologie dell’educazione Se si effettua qualche ricerca su Google Trends o si frequentano le comunità e i blog dei docenti italiani si ricava l’impressione che le tendenze nell’ambito delle tecnologie dell’apprendimento siano: gamification, digital storytelling, flipped classroom, coding, etc.

Senza dubbio, nella percezione dei protagonisti della formazione, sono queste metodologie a rappresentare il focus del dibattito e a dover orientare l’integrazione delle tecnologie nella didattica. Se invece come punto di osservazione si sceglie la direzione in cui vengono sviluppate applicazioni e servizi web e ambienti educativi, si nota una situazione diversa, in cui prevalgono l’esigenza di garantire una maggiore comunicazione e interattività a supporto del dialogo educativo e fornire strumenti per la gestione delle classi e del processo formativo. Comunità e comunicazione Da dove nasce questo errore? Coogle Hstry NowComment MoocNote Comment Bubble.