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Ecards. Wallpaper. Cool. Design. LA SAGA CIGARETTE [ Luke Chueh. Dana&#039;s Virtual Museum of Unusual LP Cover Art. Ulian Beever&#039;s pavement drawings. The Official M.C. Escher Website. Art MoCo: &quot;The World&quot; Christopher (or C.K.) Wilde is a collagist who creates with currency. Wilde painstakingly cuts various shapes out of paper money from around the world to form collages with economic and political undertones and overlays. The relationship between art and commerce is another theme that cannot be avoided when an artist cuts and pastes with money. Wilde bases a lot of his works on found images that he develops into his own compositions, which he will lay down on museum board before skillfully applying his umpteen bits of currency so that they abut in order to keep to the ideal of an even surface.

Artist: C.K. Surreal Estate, Part Two / Surreal Estate, Part Two (detail) Against the Common Good. - Drawing lessons. But is it ART? What would you say if I told you that I filled my entire living room with completely original works of art for less than $300? We're not talking kid's stuff - no crayon drawings, no attempts at self-expression. Art by real and struggling artists, both schooled and self-taught? You'd tell me that I am truly a brilliant shopper, right? Thank you. The other day, my mum and I were wandering through Costco Homestore, after having returned something (a couch - bless Costco and their liberal returns policy).

Mum commented, "I know everyone wants to find a nice big piece of art to hang in their home, to make it feel original. "Mum," I said, "That's why I buy all of mine on eBay. " My mother doesn't touch computers, so she sort of nodded in a condescending way, and continued looking at insipid copies of watercolor masterpieces, shaking her head in dismay. So I didn't convert her then and there. My favorite artist, hands down, is a guy named John Swinton. TOP 40 best Sand Sculptures (40 pics) (//STATiC) Cuban Posters. Pixelgirl Presents Free Mac and PC icons, Desktops, iPhone Wallpapers and more! Pixdaus, page 1 of photos. Film Poster Paintings from Ghana. In the 1980s video cassette technology made it possible for “mobile cinema” operators in Ghana to travel from town to town and village to village creating temporary cinemas.

The touring film group would create a theatre by hooking up a TV and VCR onto a portable generator and playing the films for the people to see. In order to promote these showings, artists were hired to paint large posters of the films (usually on used canvas flour sacks). The artists were given the artistic freedom to paint the posters as they desired - often adding elements that weren’t in the actual films, or without even having seen the movies.

When the posters were finished they were rolled up and taken on the road (note the heavy damages). The artistic freedom that these artists were given allowed for the creation of some very interesting and sometimes bizarre posters that, as screenwriter Walter Hill wrote, were quite often “more interesting than the films.” Cujo (Lewis Teague, 1983) Deadly Prey (David A. Firmuhment. Blow Me Away. Coudal Partners. Blog. Colossal | art + design. Unurth - street art. Lunch Bag Art. Sumo Paint :: Online Image Editor :: Home. Lighting the Fuse. Artcyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine. Hey oh alphabet street. Evolution of Car Logos.

This article should come in handy for the next time you're stuck in traffic: have you ever wondered why the Audi in front of you has a logo of four interlocked rings? Did you know that the Cadillac emblem was inspired by a family crest of a nobleman who later turned out to be a fraud? Or that Volkswagen was Hitler's idea? We took a look at the evolution of tech logos before. Today, let's take a look at the fascinating stories behind the logos of some of the most popular cars in the world: Alfa Romeo Source: Cartype Surprise! Alfa Romeo's distinctive logo was created in 1910 by a draftsman named Romano Cattaneo. The Romeo part came in 1916 when Neapolitan businessman Nicola Romeo bought the company and converted its factories to produce munitions and machineries for World War I.

Aston Martin In 1913, Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford founded a company that later would become Aston Martin. We can't talk about Aston Martin without mentioning James Bond. Audi Source: Motorcycle Source: Cartype Fiat. How to Read a Painting. Art is a great status symbol in modern society and because of that it can be quite intimidating to the casual viewer. For many the first impulse is to blow it off, to see it as a worthless plaything for the rich and boring. This is too bad, not only because art can be a great source of pleasure in our lives, but because even a passing acquaintance with art can enrich and deepen our understanding of the world around us. Fortunately, developing a casual understanding of art is not all that difficult. It is true that some people devote their entire lives to studying the minutest details of an artists’ work, but there’s no need to become an expert to have a meaningful relationship with art.

Here, I’ll show you a quick way to approach and appreciate a painting, although the ideas here can be applied to works in other mediums (sculpture, drawing, even architecture and fashion) quite easily. While I’m on the subject, a word about “great art”. Take a Look What’s That All About? Look for symbols. The Paul Smith Foundation Home Page. Social Wallpapering.


Graphics. BACK TO THE FUTURE. I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today… Two years ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future.. Now its time for KOREA, TAIWAN AND TOKYO. Pancho 1983 & 2010, Buenos Aires Fer 1970 & 2010 Buenos Aires Mechi 1990 & 2010 Buenos Aires Marita y Coty 1977 & 2010 Bs Aires Demian 1989 & 2010 London Cecile 1987 & 2010 France Nico Mella 1990 & 2010 France Oscar 1978 & 2010 Buenos Aires Ato 1992 & 2010 Buenos Aires Lulu Geraldine 1980 & 2010 Bs Aires Ian 1983 & 2010 London Male Sil Flor 1983 & 2010 Bs Aires Nico 1986 & 2010 Buenos Aires Lucía 1956 & 2010 Buenos Aires Marina 1988 & 2010 Buenos Aires Flor 1975 & 2010 Buenos Aires Mati 1977 & 2010 Buenos Aires My Parents 1970 & 2010 Buenos Aires Negra 1980 & 2010 Buenos Aires.

Will s Online World Paper Money Gallery.
