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Stacey Stormes

I am an interdisciplinary artist and professional video editor & production artist.

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Yoga: The Natural Aphrodisiac. Yogis and yoginis tend to be some of the most tuned in and turned on people around.

Yoga: The Natural Aphrodisiac

Yoga stimulates a connection to one’s body and when we are fully aware of our body, soul and minds, we realize quickly that we are sexual beings. The key to tapping into this aphrodisiac quality has everything to do with how you show up to your practice. You simply need to cultivate a calm mind and in turn an inner awareness. Not only is yoga a natural aphrodisiac, but also an amazing body-beautifying form of exercise. When you’re finished reading this article, the question that will rise to the top of your mind is, “Why in the world have I not been practicing yoga?” Yoga does an amazing job at quieting the incessant chatter that takes place in your brain every moment you aren’t asleep.

Yoga teachers lead you down a path of clarity and peace through Pranayama, also known as controlled deep breathing practices. 6 Ways to Hone Your Conversation Skills (Page 2) Will our kids be a different species? June 22, 2012 “I think we’re going to move from a Homo sapiens into a Homo evolutis … a hominid that takes direct and deliberate control over the evolution of his species, her species and other species.” -- Juan Enriquez Making stem cells from skin cells?

Will our kids be a different species?

Rebuilding any organism out of any one of it's cells? "It's not completely inconceivable that someday you'll be able to download your own memories.” The Best Designs / Best Web Design Awards & CSS Gallery. Stingray Shoes? Rayfish Shoes' Transgenic Footwear Fails Reality Check. By: Jeremy Hsu, InnovationNewsDaily Senior Writer Published: 06/01/2012 05:21 PM EDT on InnovationNewsDaily Want to buy a personalized sneaker made from transgenic stingray leather?

Stingray Shoes? Rayfish Shoes' Transgenic Footwear Fails Reality Check

You would be better off saving your $1,800 — scientists say the claims of Rayfish Footwear go beyond what is possible with modern genetic engineering. The Thailand-based Rayfish Footwear says it is able to genetically mix and match color patterns of different animals to grow transgenic stingrays with a look tailored to each shoe customer's wishes. But scientists say the idea of "bio-customized" stingray leather would require a huge leap in the ability to manipulate the many genes responsible for color patterns. Espaces 2e Supersite & WebSAM Codes. 30 Books Everyone Should Read Before Turning 30. 10 Albums You Need to Hear in June. Summer is here, and June is shaping up as a bumper month for album releases.

10 Albums You Need to Hear in June

As ever, we’ve pored over release schedules and reviewed our own personal wish list and come up with a list of the ten records we reckon will be worth hearing (and hopefully worth repeated listening) over the coming weeks. 50 Inspiring Children’s Books with a Positive Message. “The more you read, the more things you will know.

50 Inspiring Children’s Books with a Positive Message

The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ―Dr. Seuss. TIPPED OUT. All photos: Kristin Ess + post designed by kristin ess Lots of emails this week asking for a tutorial on Lauren’s temporary bright colors.


Here I’ve replicated the process for you in 7 steps on an extension. While I never recommend bleaching out the ends of your hair at home, if you want to do the fun colors yourself, maybe get the tips bleached out by a pro + then play with the temporary colors on your own. The best things about this color– you’re able to hide it in a bun for work if you need to, AND you’re only doing a couple of inches on the bottom so it won’t kill you to cut it off if you get over it quickly.

TOOLS: highlighting comb, clips, foils, color brush, hair bleach with the appropriate volume (always seek a professional when using bleach), light pink color, dark pink color, light blue, dark blue, clear gloss. Step 1 Highlight the tips of the hair using hair bleach with the correct volume. Step 3 Shampoo and lightly condition bleach out of the hair. Midwest Aikido Federation:

High Quality Light Weight Hakama. Wireless Music Systems, HiFi Players, Controllers, Speakers & Accessories. Most Environmental Gas Station? An Environmental Oil Company, Really?

Most Environmental Gas Station?

Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? Usually when the words environmental and gas station or used in the same sentence, they negate each other. In this case, however, we are looking to find a gas station that currently does the least environmental harm. In other words, a lesser of evils. What About Alternative Energy? We're all for alternative sources of energy, electric cars, and other modes of transit to free us from our dependence on fossil fuels.

Let's take a look at the top three and the bottom three gas stations in terms of their impact on the planet. The Winner for Most Environmental Gas Station Is... 9 Ways to Save Gas. Oh gasoline, how we love to hate you, and hate to depend on you.

9 Ways to Save Gas

With all the environmental issues, questionable practices of big oil companies, and the outrageous expense, it can be painful to watch the price climb higher and higher at the gas pump. Yet, at the same time, if you depend on your car to get around, you can’t really avoid forking over the big bucks at the gas station. There are ways to reduce your fuel consumption, however! Intuitive Dreaming. Intuitive Dream: Visitations from “Beyond” by Laurel Clark, DD, DM, Contributor to Dream Medicine on Editor’s Note from Tzivia Gover: Death is a topic that evokes fear or outright denial in many people.

Intuitive Dreaming

In this article Laurel Clark shows how dreams can help us confront, and come to peace with, this mysterious transition. Strhess Clothing Store. Daily Loaf. Todd Bates navy in Hyde Park Village.

Daily Loaf

The Village is Hyde Park’s one-stop shop for upscale mall chains — West Elm, Pottery Barn, Anthropologie, Restoration Hardware, Brooks Brothers — minus the drive to the mall. Videos.


Crafts. Activism. Art. Pearltrees videos. Help. Crowdsourcing. Entertainment. Sewing.