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Einstein refrigerator. Einstein's and Szilárd's patent application.

Einstein refrigerator

Annotated patent drawing. History[edit] Superhydrophobic coating brings nanotech in our houses [technology] Researchers measure 3D objects using just a camera and projector, can tell if you've ironed your shirt (video) Gallery. Coolest Sculptures EVER, Kinetic Powered By the Wind. Making 3-D Models From Your Photos. Be Your Own Souvenir. Build a Touchless 3D Tracking Interface with Everyday Materials.

Combine low-tech materials with some high-tech components and build a completely Touchless 3D Tracking Interface.

Build a Touchless 3D Tracking Interface with Everyday Materials

Explore capacitive sensing by using several panels of cardboard lined with aluminum foil. PirateBox DIY - David Darts Wiki. Default Viral Title Player. Would You Wear an Internet-Connected T-Shirt? Ultra High Definition TV. Tap code. The tap code, sometimes called the knock code, is a way to encode messages, letter by letter, in a very simple way and transmit it using a series of tap sounds, hence its name.

Tap code

It has been commonly used by prisoners to communicate with each other. The method of communicating is usually by "tapping" either the metal bars, pipes or the walls inside the cell. Design[edit] From Terminator to Pollinator: Bees Go Robotic - Technology. Robotics engineers are buzzing about a machine with potentially transformative implications for agriculture, surveillance, and mapping: the "robobee.

From Terminator to Pollinator: Bees Go Robotic - Technology

" Researchers at Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences plan to have the mechanized critters flapping though the air autonomously within the next three years, according to NPR. And if coaxing the machines into flight isn't enough of a challenge, the real innovation lies in getting the machines to mimic the collaborative behavior of a colony. The Leap. Remember how cool Tom Cruise was in “Minority Report” when he was manipulating computer data on a life-sized clear screen with his bare hands? Well, we may be approaching a similar plane of awesomeness once we adopt The Leap, which is itching to replace and outshine the good ol’ reliable but tired computer mouse.

Big strides have been taken to make virtual reality more of a reality. Today we’re enjoying gadgets that have us believing that we’ve crossed over to the flipside. Video game consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 + Kinect, and touchscreen tablets, smartphones, 3D televisions and movies have been eagerly embraced not only by geeks but by the general public. Utility Knife Folds into Card You Can Stash in Your Wallet. STRANDBEEST. New protective gear made of a gel that hardens on impact. Scientific Tuesdays - How to make Magnetic Fluid (ferro fluid) Why not turn the moon into a solar power plant? Have you looked at the moon lately?

Why not turn the moon into a solar power plant?

It's fascinating. And, if a certain Japanese construction firm has its way, it could also become the answer to Earth's burgeoning energy crisis. Look, I know it might sound like I made this one up, but it's true: The R&D group at Shimizu, one of Japan's largest construction firms, recently proposed building a belt of solar panels across the moon's equator. This 'Luna Ring' would be about 12 miles wide and 6,800 miles long. Experts have proposed other ways of using the moon to make electricity before, but this project is unique. Shimizu describes the process in a series of steps: First, the solar cells closest to the sun will convert sunlight into electricity, and this power will be transported via cables to the side of the moon facing Earth.

The end goal is to "supply energy to the entire world. " Click here to check out Shimizu's construction plans. Is Our Species In Mid-Upgrade? Kinect-like technology turns any surface into a touchscreen. Imagine a world where any surface could potentially become a touchscreen for your phone: your hands, clothes, a wall or table.

Kinect-like technology turns any surface into a touchscreen

That's the vision behind a new Kinect-like technology called OmniTouch, a wearable system that projects any multi-touch interface onto everyday surfaces, reports New Scientist. Transparent touchscreen window technology. STRANDBEEST. An Invisibility Cloak You Have To See To Believe [Video] It’s official—the invisibility cloak is no longer just another product of childhood fantasy or J.

An Invisibility Cloak You Have To See To Believe [Video]

K. Rowling novels. We’ve been waiting for this day for ages and had been ready to give up hope altogether until we stumbled upon this “transparent cloak” from a research team at the University of Tokyo’s Tachi Lab. Led by Dr. Watch plastic break, bleed, and heal itself. Self-healing materials bring with them the promise of scratched touchscreens that fix themselves, broken circuits that start working again, and even buildings that are able to fill any cracks that appear in their structure unaided.

Watch plastic break, bleed, and heal itself

What you may not have realized is in order for these healing processes to happen, those materials end up reacting a lot like our skin and blood does after an injury. The video above demonstrates plastic and foam materials capable of healing themselves. The process relies on microcapsules that are 20 microns or smaller in size, which when a crack is detected turn from a solid to a liquid and form a synthetic clot in the material. Lisa Harouni: A primer on 3D printing.

Theo Jansen creates new creatures.