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Writing Prompts & Exercises

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Creative writing prompts. Here are some creative writing prompts we've developed that you may find useful.

Creative writing prompts

We'll be adding to these periodically, so check back often. These have been compiled by many people, please feel free to contact us if you think of any. We'll be happy to add them. Creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers. Journal Writing Prompts. Looking for some free journal writing prompts?

Journal Writing Prompts

A situation might have arisen compelling you to record a piece of your history; to retell some of your family stories, your traditions, and highlight some of your quirky and unusual family members. What do you write about? Maybe you have considered writing your personal autobiography and need some ideas to get you started. I love to simply pick up my pencil and put it to paper without thinking too much about what I am writing about.

Book of Me - Geneabloggers Prompt List - Anglers Rest. 5 ways to finish writing your “ABOUT” page, already. Stepping on a rusty screw.

5 ways to finish writing your “ABOUT” page, already.

Slamming your fingers in a meat locker. Attending a children’s brass band competition. All undeniably TORTUOUS. List Love: 101 List Prompts For Your Art Journals - Art Journalist. Advertisement I love making lists.

List Love: 101 List Prompts For Your Art Journals - Art Journalist

They’re easy to make, they help you stay organized, and they make for a great addition in any art journal. Whether you want to make an entire book of lists, or just include a list on an art journal page or two, you’ll find these list prompts to help inspire you to create! We’ve made a list of lists you can make and incorporate into your journaling projects. There’s over 100 ideas of lists to make! 1. 250 Journal Topics. ALL ABOUT ME WRITING PROMPTS.

These Writing Prompts are perfect anytime to make kids feel special and to sharpen up those writing skills. * The prompts are written with a range of writing skills in mind from those pre-writers who need to dictate to the story-tellers who need extra pages.


I think it's important for print to be meaningful. 30 Things my kids should know about me. *UPDATE: I’m blown away by the response to this series.

30 Things my kids should know about me

Please note I now have a “revamped” version of this list with graphic prompts designed by Erica from CrashNotes. You can use them to turn your blogs into a printed 8×8 book for yourself/ family. Here’s the link to that updated post* My blog has always been mostly a journal for me, but I also like to think that someday, my kids can look back and read this and laugh (hopefully when they are much, much older, considering some of my content in the past). 119 Journal Prompts for Your Journal Jar. There are a myriad of benefits to journaling, and everyone should consider keeping a journal.

119 Journal Prompts for Your Journal Jar

However, one of the obstacles that people face when they want to pick up the practice of journaling is that they don’t know what to write about. In this post you’ll discover 119 journal prompts to help you get started in keeping a journal, or as additional inspiration for dedicated journalers. I recommend that you do the following: Get a beautiful jar–it can be a canning jar, a mason jar, or any other jar you have in the house.Print out the prompts below on slips of paper.Place the slips of paper in the jar.Reach into your jar each day as you prepare to write in your journal and take out one of the prompts.Set your timer anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on how much time you have available for journaling.Write anything that comes to mind as you read each prompt and elaborate on each point as much as you can. All About Me Journaling Prompts. Canning different fruits and turning them into preserves is a tradition that's passed down from generation to generation.

All About Me Journaling Prompts

So much time and effort goes into making and canning these preserves and eventually when you open the cans, you can really appreciate all the hard work that was put into the preparation. Take the basic idea of canning and think instead about your life, or the life of someone close to you, and how much has happened during the course of that life. There's so much effort that has been put into growing and maturing including childhood, school years, holidays, relationships, etc.

So many different "ingredients" have been added and someday those memories will be fully appreciated. Making a journal jar is a creative way to encourage someone to start slowly keeping a journal. Journal Writing Prompts. Personalized Journals | Journal Writing Tips | How to Blog - Journaling, Journal writing tips, blogging tips, and personalized journal gift shop.

Journal Writing Prompts

You are here: Home / Journaling / Writing Prompts – Relationships. Writing Prompts – The List of 10. Personalized Journals | Journal Writing Tips | How to Blog - Journaling, Journal writing tips, blogging tips, and personalized journal gift shop.

Writing Prompts – The List of 10

You are here: Home / Journaling / Writing Prompts – The List of 10 Writing Prompts – The List of 10 By April Rogers Copyright - April Rogers. Writing Topics. Personalized Journals | Journal Writing Tips | How to Blog - Journaling, Journal writing tips, blogging tips, and personalized journal gift shop. You are here: Home / Journaling / Writing Prompts & Topics – The Future Writing Prompts & Topics – The Future By April Rogers.

Journal Writing Prompt. Personalized Journals | Journal Writing Tips | How to Blog - Journaling, Journal writing tips, blogging tips, and personalized journal gift shop. You are here: Home / Journaling / Writing Prompts – All About Me. Writing Challenge Generator. Challenges The story must involve a crown in it. During the story, a character finds out a dark secret. During the story, there is a fight. A character reveals their feelings. A character becomes furious during the story. 50 Quick Writing Prompts to Kick Writer's Block. W R I T E W O R L D. Daily Writing Prompts. Writing Prompt 365 The End Write about new beginnings in your life that you eagerly anticipate. These writing prompts were an experiment in cultivating a habit and maintaining it for 365 days straight.

Now, at the end of the year, I am concluding this portion of my journey and hope that you enjoyed it with me. With over 900 followers with just over 365 posts, I’m glad that this blog reached out to so many. My hope is that you take time now to reflect on this past year, and use what you have learned to make your life and the lives of others much better. Photo Prompts. Prompts and Pointers. Writing Prompts That Don't Suck. Georges Polti's 36 Dramatic Situations. Disciplines > Storytelling > Plots > Georges Polti's 36 Dramatic Situations Georges Polti was a 19th century French writer described 36 situations that may be found in many stories, based on the list identified by Goethe who said it was originated by Italian Carlo Gozzi (1720-1806).

Perhaps some of the themes and examples do betray a bias towards the stories of the day, yet they are still very useful stimuli and provide interesting examples of enduring and real human dilemmas. Plot Punter - Romance Edition. Plot Punter - Random Plot Ideas. L'enfer, c'est les autres. One Hundred Quills - Prompt Sets (Repost) The Writing Café. Cure writer's block with writing prompts, exercises, generators & gizmos. Writing & Blogging Prompts, Story Topic Generators, Photo Inspiration. Plot Scenario Generator. Story Starters & Idea Generators.

One of the best ways to break through writer's block or stretch your writing skills is to pick a story starter and just start writing. Suggestions on how to use each generator are included with the generator. Caveat: There's always a temptation to keep looking for the "perfect" idea, but then you need to ask yourself...are you really just trying to avoid writing? Problem: You can't get a story started Solution: Archetype's Plot Scenario Generator What it is: This generator provides you with the event that gets the story rolling and a secondary conflict to keep you going!

Problem: Your characters lack depth Solution: Archetype's Character Generator What it is: A quick character sketch filled with the kinds of little details that makes stories engaging: character gender, cardinal traits, weaknesses, and most prized possession. Problem: Your characters don't feel like "real" people Solution: Archetype's Everyday Problems Generator Looking for something you don't see? Getting Yourself Started. English 50 Exercises for Story Writers.

Creative Writing Prompts for Sci-Fi &Fantasy... Creativity Questionnaires. Take The Writer's Test. Prompt Generator. 80 Journal Writing Prompts. 40 Writing Topics - Descriptions - Topic Prompts and Suggestions for Descriptive Paragraphs, Essays, and Speeches. 101+ Plot Ideas Involving Time Travel. Writing Challenge Generator. WritingFix: prompts, lessons, and resources for writing classrooms. The Write Prompts. Creative Writing Prompts. Many creative writers use prompts to generate new material. Prompts can be challenges -- for example, write a story using only one syllable words or craft an alphabet story where the first sentence begins with the letter A, the next sentence B, and so on -- or themes provided by journals, or a poem to which an writer can respond.

For example, the Sun lists prompts and deadlines every issue. To see responses, check out "Readers Write. " For a list of up-to-date journal prompts, deadlines, and contest information, see the Writing Program's bulletin board in Jensen on the second floor. Thirteen Writing Prompts. Writing Prompts That Don't Suck. Writing Exercises and Prompts for Journaling, Prose, Poetry and Memoirs. Visual Writing Prompts.

Writing prompts. MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages. About a little thing called 750 Words. 25 Writing Prompts - Carrie Elle. Feeling a little writer’s block – or maybe just looking to stretch your writing muscles a bit? I was. And so, I googled “writing prompts” and found all kinds of random stuff. And then thought, I have some good ideas for prompts…I should just come up with my own. Fifteen Writing Exercises. English 50 Exercises for Story Writers. Exercises for Fiction Writers - Page 2. Story Starters for Creative Writing Exercises.

How to Use Photographs as Writing Prompts. Cure writer's block with writing prompts - writing tips character name generator. How to improve writing skills with writing exercises. A 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises. 365 Pictures Daily Photo Prompts Generated for Your Creative Inspiration!

THE ORIGINAL 365 DAY WRITING CHALLENGE LIST [updated] 25 Writing Prompts - Carrie Elle. Creative Writing Inspiration & Writing Prompts pinboard. Imagination Prompt Generator: Random Writing Blog Prompts, Writer's Prompt Tool. Dragon Writing Prompts. Free Creative Writing Prompts #61: Regrets. Cure writer's block with writing prompts. Writing prompts. Cliche Finder. Writing Exercises and Prompts for Journaling, Prose, Poetry and Memoirs. Creative Writing Prompts and Exercises. Winter-Inspired Writing Prompts. English 50 Exercises for Story Writers. Exercises for Fiction Writers. Try These 30-Minute Writing Challenges. Creative Writing Prompts and Exercises. Creative Writing Prompts…Real Life to Characters. Writing Exercises and Prompts for Journaling, Prose, Poetry and Memoirs.