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Mental Health Resources from class

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Small school district makes big effort to help with students' mental health. The Power of Personal Story: Ian Esquibel at TEDxABQED. My son was a Columbine shooter. This is my story. I Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge. Teen stress from a teen perspective. Mental Health Issues Surrounding Suicidal Ideation (Module 2) – The Jason Foundation.

Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development. Learning how to cope with adversity is an important part of healthy development.

Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development

While moderate, short-lived stress responses in the body can promote growth, toxic stress is the strong, unrelieved activation of the body’s stress management system in the absence of protective adult support. Without caring adults to buffer children, the unrelenting stress caused by extreme poverty, neglect, abuse, or severe maternal depression can weaken the architecture of the developing brain, with long-term consequences for learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health. This video is from Three Core Concepts in Early Development, a three-part video series from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime. TIC 2. Ace Quiz. The "life-changing" story Oprah reports this week. Remember My Story - ReMoved Part 2.
