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Policies implemented by Singapore Traffic Police in promoting road safety.

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The number of road traffic accidents resulting in injuries has positively improved in comparison to previous years statistics. Although the numbers have declined, it is still one of the main focus in which Singapore Traffic Police (TP) are consistently looking into.

One of their strategies to reach out to the masses in raising awareness on road safety measures is by engaging volunteers and executing road safety initiatives for instance through traffic police outreach programmes.

We will look at how TP apply the concept of Operant conditioning which the effect of behaviour influences the chance that the behaviour will occur again. Operant conditioning encompasses two approaches, one is the reinforcement method which is used to increase positive driving behaviour and another is the punishment method which is used to discourage negative driving behaviour for all road users. Statistical and overview of road traffic accidents in Singapore. Road accident statistics in Singapore 2020. Last Updated: January, 2020.

Road accident statistics in Singapore 2020

Latest available data from May, 2019. Highlights There were 7,690 road accidents involving injuries in 2018120 people were killed in traffic accidents in 2018Elderly pedestrians accounted for two-thirds of all pedestrian fatalities. (1 in 2 accidents involving elderly pedestrians was due to jaywalking)Motorcyclists and pillion riders account for about 1 in 2 of overall road fatalities73% of heavy vehicle drivers speed when traffic is lightSingapore’s road fatality rate of 2.73 per 100,000 citizens is higher than London, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Deaths per 100,000 people Singapore’s road traffic fatality rate per 100,000 population went down significantly from 2010 to 2016. Road Traffic Fatality Rate per 100,000 Population (2009 – 2018) Trends Despite the 7.5% increase of motor vehicles in Singapore over the past 10 years, road traffic accidents have actually barely grown. However, looking at road fatalities per vehicle paints a different picture. What is Operant Conditioning? Operant Conditioning. How Reinforcement and Punishment Modify Behavior Operant conditioning, also known as instrumental conditioning, is a method of learning normally attributed to B.F. Skinner, where the consequences of a response determine the probability of it being repeated.

Through operant conditioning behavior which is reinforced (rewarded) will likely be repeated, and behavior which is punished will occur less frequently. By the 1920s, John B. Watson had left academic psychology, and other behaviorists were becoming influential, proposing new forms of learning other than classical conditioning. What is Operant Conditioning? What is Reinforcement and Punishment? 12 Examples of Positive Punishment & Negative Reinforcement.

You might be thinking that “positive punishment” sounds like an oxymoron, after all, how can punishment be positive?

12 Examples of Positive Punishment & Negative Reinforcement

Not many people “like” punishment, right? The disconnect in understanding this concept comes from the usage of the word “positive;” here at, we generally use the term “positive” to refer to things that are inherently good, things that are life-giving, and things that promote thriving and flourishing. The concept of positive punishment comes from a very different era and a very different perspective on psychology; namely, the 1930s and behaviorism. So, what actually is positive punishment and how does it relate to parenting, teaching, and even the workplace? Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our 3 Positive Psychology Exercises for free. You can download the free PDF here. TRAFFIC POLICE REWARDS CONSCIENTIOUS... - Singapore Police Force. S'PORE TRAFFIC POLICE PULLS OVER GOOD MOTORISTS & REWARD THEM WITH FREE GIFTS. Do not be alarmed the next time you get pulled over by a traffic policeman – you might just get a prize for being a conscientious motorist.


As part of a Traffic Police program to encourage good driving habits among drivers, the "Spot the Conscientious Motorists" initiative was started in Oct 2013. Since its inception. 391 drivers or bikers have been spotted by the traffic police for their good driving skills and courtesy to other motorists. For the seven lucky motorists who were selected on 8 January 2015 yesterday, they received S$40 worth of petrol vouchers and a soft toy. One of the good drivers Mr Lim Kam Seng said: "I was stopped by the traffic police. I was wondering why since I haven't done anything wrong, but he said it was because I let him go; so there were no accidents. Surprisingly, even a taxi driver managed to make the cut after he gave way to two pedestrians and a cyclist. Motorcyclists pulled over by Traffic Police - for being role models, Singapore News. How a Certificate of Merit can help reduce your car insurance premiums - DirectAsia Insurance. Cameras helped cut accidents: Traffic Police, Singapore News.

Cameras that catch motorists who speed or run red lights helped to reduce the number of related road accidents last year, said the Traffic Police. There were 169 accidents due to motorists running red lights last year, down from 223 in 2014, according to figures released yesterday. Accidents caused by speeding fell to 1,197 from 1,363. The Traffic Police have now come up with a mobile version of their speed cameras that can be deployed anywhere within a week. The bright orange mobile speed camera is equipped with its own power source.

It takes up space of about 1.5 sq m and can cover five lanes, tracking up to 32 vehicles simultaneously. The cameras, which are digital, will be used at notorious speeding spots and areas where illegal races have taken place. Assistant Commissioner of Police Sam Tee, commander of the Traffic Police, said three such cameras have been bought so far and there are plans to procure more. "The police cannot be everywhere all the time. Average Speed Cameras To Be Used For Enforcement Action Along Tanah Merah Coast Road From 17 December 2018. From 17 December 2018, the Traffic Police (TP) will commence the use of the average speed camera (ASC) system for enforcement action, along a 4km stretch of Tanah Merah Coast Road (speed limit of 70 km/h).

Average Speed Cameras To Be Used For Enforcement Action Along Tanah Merah Coast Road From 17 December 2018

This is the first ASC system to be deployed on Singapore roads. The ASC system was installed along Tanah Merah Coast Road in the first quarter of 2018 and has been subjected to rigorous testing, to ensure accuracy and robustness. The ASC system enables sustained speed enforcement over a stretch of road rather than at a single spot. The system, comprising cameras at the entrance and exit of the enforcement zone, will detect and compute the average speed of a vehicle while it is in the zone. Digital Speed Enforcement Camera System. Dangers of Speeding 2014 saw an increase in the number of speed-related traffic accidents and corresponding fatalities.

Digital Speed Enforcement Camera System

Please see breakdown of figures in the table below. 2 Speed-related accidents can be prevented if motorists keep within speed limits. Motorists will also have more allowance to react in time. The 2 cases highlighted in Annex A shows how speeding has resulted in a tragic traffic accidents. Fines and Demerit Points. 2020 Latest Traffic Fines and Demerit Points. Penalties for Dangerous Driving for Singapore Drivers. Perhaps you’re a fan of the Fast & Furious film franchise and want to try out those cool car stunts for yourself.

Penalties for Dangerous Driving for Singapore Drivers

Or maybe you think you have the hots to be Singapore’s Best Car Drifter just because you own a sweet car. Or maybe you’re just in a rush and are cutting in and out of the lanes so you can get home faster. Suspension and Revoke of the Drivers’ Licence – Drink Driving in Singapore. ( Singapore Context)Under the road traffic act Section 48: Driving Licence WILL NOT BE GRANTED to any applicant if there is another licence held by the applicant which is suspended or revoked.

Suspension and Revoke of the Drivers’ Licence – Drink Driving in Singapore

The applicant is also not allowed to go on the roads during the period of suspension or revoke ( meaning not allowed to drive or ride a car or motorbike). Under this section( Road Traffic Act Part II Licencing of Drivers), as long as the person is under suspension or revoke, he will not be allowed to hold another drivers’ licence, be it any class. He will also not be able to learn driving ( practical ) as he will not be able to obtain the provisional licence. Suspension And Revoke. Charged with a Traffic Offence in Singapore: What to Do.

The number of traffic offences committed in Singapore have been constantly high.

Charged with a Traffic Offence in Singapore: What to Do

In 2016, 4,532 traffic violations were recorded, with more people caught breaking traffic laws in the first 9 months of 2016, almost triple that of the same period in 2015. Driver's Improvement Point System (DIPS) Strengthening Deterrence Against Irresponsible Driving. Launch Of Singapore Road Safety Month 2020 Online Campaign. The Singapore Road Safety Council (SRSC) and Traffic Police (TP), with support from the Land Transport Authority (LTA), Ministry of Education (MOE), People’s Association (PA) and Automobile Association of Singapore (AAS), launched the Singapore Road Safety Month (SRSM) 2020 online campaign today.

Launch Of Singapore Road Safety Month 2020 Online Campaign

In its eighth year, the theme of the month-long campaign is “Road Safety for All”, and will focus on raising awareness on road safety and encouraging road users to play their part in keeping the roads safe. During the campaign, posters and banners will be displayed on trains, bus shelters and lampposts in the heartlands and vicinity of schools to remind the road users on good road safety practices. Please refer to Annex A for the artwork of the posters and banners for the SRSM campaign. In addition, this will be the first time that such banners will be displayed in residential estates within Bukit Timah to raise road safety awareness. Annex A. SPF Road Safety Video.