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USI.2 Geography

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Imgur user shows map of every river basin in the US. A stunning new map shows the complex network of rivers and streams in the contiguous United States. Created by Imgur user Fejetlenfej, a geographer and GIS analyst with a ‘lifelong passion for beautiful maps,’ it highlights the massive expanse of river basins across the country – in particular, those which feed the Mississippi River. The map visualizes Strahler Stream Order Classification, the creator explains, with higher stream orders indicated as thicker lines.

Scroll down for video Created by Imgur user Fejetlenfej , a geographer and GIS analyst with a ‘lifelong passion for beautiful maps,’ it highlights the massive expanse of river basins across the country – in particular, those which feed the Mississippi River, in pink It was created using the open-source QGIS software, and the high resolution prints are available on Etsy. The top left portion of the map shows much of the Pacific Northwest basin, illustrated in a brownish-orange color. Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% MinimizeExpandClose 1.) 2.) What is Geography. Maps That Will Change the Way You See the World. Where Google Street View is available. The supercontinent of Pangaea with modern day borders. The pink represents countries that the British have invaded.

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