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(54) “You can't buy food, you will become a non-person” » Five Major Banks to Plead Guilty to Rigging Currency Markets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Abolish The Income Tax: You Won't Believe Who Is Getting Away With Paying Zero Taxes While The Middle Class Gets Hammered. The federal income tax is a bad joke and it needs to be abolished.

Abolish The Income Tax: You Won't Believe Who Is Getting Away With Paying Zero Taxes While The Middle Class Gets Hammered

All over the nation, hard working American families are being absolutely crushed by oppressive levels of taxation, and our politicians are constantly coming up with new ways to extract money from all of us every single year. Meanwhile, many ultra-wealthy Americans and many of the most profitable corporations in the country pay little to nothing in taxes. In fact, as you will see below, there are dozens of very prominent corporations that make billions of dollars in profits and yet don’t pay a dime in taxes. Tax avoidance has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States. Those that have the resources to “play the game” use shell companies, offshore tax havens and the thousands of loopholes in our tax code to minimize their tax burdens as much as possible.

Well, according to a report put out by Public Campaign, that is exactly what is happening. General Electric U.S. Bankers dishonest by training, not by nature, Swiss study finds. Updated.

Bankers dishonest by training, not by nature, Swiss study finds

The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare. Financial system. Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail. CBA rewards bosses of scandal-ridden financial planning division. Merilyn Swan, whose parents were victims of a rogue Commonwealth Bank financial planner.

CBA rewards bosses of scandal-ridden financial planning division

HSBC to pay $1.9bn in US money laundering penalties. 11 December 2012Last updated at 12:52 ET HSBC has admitted its money laundering controls have been too lax HSBC has confirmed it is to pay US authorities $1.9bn (£1.2bn) in a settlement over money laundering, the largest paid in such a case.

HSBC to pay $1.9bn in US money laundering penalties

A US Senate investigation said the UK-based bank had been a conduit for "drug kingpins and rogue nations". Money laundering is the process of disguising the proceeds of crime so that the money cannot be linked to the wrongdoing. HSBC admitted having poor money laundering controls and apologised. JPMorgan Chase Whistleblower: 'Essentially Suicide' To Stand Up To Bank. Do We Owe Our Soul to the Bankers? I will start with the slave rebellion.

Do We Owe Our Soul to the Bankers?

It was Nat Turner who led the slave rebellion in Virginia. Why did he lead a slave rebellion. Seeds being sown for the next GFC. Lehman Brothers' collapse came after a raft of regulatory changes in the years leading up to the GFC.

Seeds being sown for the next GFC

Photo: Bloomberg The global financial crisis started in earnest with the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. Banksters Pretend that Prosecuting Wall Street Crime Will Blow Up the Economy. Wall Street Criminals Threaten that Economy Will Blow Up If They’re Prosecuted Washington’s Blog May 3, 2014 The Department of Justice is “considering” initiating criminal charges against 2 banks.

Banksters Pretend that Prosecuting Wall Street Crime Will Blow Up the Economy

Image: Wall Street (Wiki Commons). Banking Blockade. (on 2011-06-28) For information on how to beat the banks visit our donate page.

Banking Blockade

For further information on the banking blockade against WikiLeaks download this PDF. Corrupt: securities and exchange commission. A trial attorney from the Securities and Exchange Commission said his bosses were too “tentative and fearful” to bring many Wall Street leaders to heel after the 2008 credit crisis, echoing the regulator’s outside critics.

corrupt: securities and exchange commission

James Kidney, who joined the SEC in 1986 and retired this month, offered the critique in a speech at his goodbye party. His remarks hit home with many in the crowd of SEC lawyers and alumni thanks to a part of his resume not publicly known: He had campaigned internally to bring charges against more executives in the agency’s 2010 case against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Audit of the dept of justice's efforts to address mortgage fraud. Banking system. In a nearly $13 billion settlement with the U.S.

banking system

Justice Department in November 2013, JPMorganChase admitted that it, along with every other large U.S. bank, had engaged in mortgage fraud as a routine business practice, sowing the seeds of the mortgage meltdown. All the Presidents' Bankers: How A Century of Wall Street Financiers Purchased Democracy. Through thorough research and incisive writing, Nomi Prins has revealed how tightly Wall Street and White House policy have been aligned for more than a century. Big Banks Take Huge Stakes in Aluminum, Petroleum and Other Physical Markets, then Manipulate their Prices. The findings and recommendations from the bipartisan report are as follows: Findings of Fact (1) Engaging in Risky Activities. Since 2008, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley have engaged in many billions of dollars of risky physical commodity activities, owning or controlling, not only vast inventories of physical commodities like crude oil, jet fuel, heating oil, natural gas, copper, aluminum, and uranium, but also related businesses, including power plants, coal mines, natural gas facilities, and oil and gas pipelines. (2) Mixing Banking and Commerce.

From 2008 to 2014, Goldman, JPMorgan, and Morgan Stanley engaged in physical commodity activities that mixed banking and commerce, benefiting from lower borrowing costs and lower capital to debt ratios compared to nonbank companies.