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Romantic Pictures Of Gay Couples Around The Globe Challenge Public Representation Of LGBT Community. EmailEmail New York-based photographer and visual artist Braden Summers travelled around the globe to create a beautiful photo series representing romantic scenes exclusively with gay couples.

Romantic Pictures Of Gay Couples Around The Globe Challenge Public Representation Of LGBT Community

The photographs in the Kickstarter-funded “All Love Is Equal” project show a non-stereotypical representation of gay couples in iconic romantic scenes that were shot in 6 weeks and in six different countries: the UK, France, India, Lebanon, Brazil and the U.S. “When thinking of iconic romance, ask yourself if any imagery (paintings, photographs, film-stills) comes to mind that is not showing heterosexual couples? Probably not,” points out Summers, who identifies himself as gay. “A large driving force behind creating this series was actually less about affecting the gay community directly, and more about giving the general population a way to relate to gay imagery which is devoid of sex, victimization, or banality – themes that might usually prevent some folks from connecting,” writes Summers.

Le retour du drag-queen & l'explosion transgenre. Lexique pour commencer Ø Drag-queen : Personne qui utilise les atours du sexe féminin de manière exubérante et loufoque.

Le retour du drag-queen & l'explosion transgenre

Le côté théâtral est volontairement appuyé. Ex : RuPaul. Ø Travesti : Personne qui se donne l’apparence du sexe opposé, par les vêtements, le maquillage et l’allure (attitude indépendante de l’identité sexuelle, un garçon peut vouloir se déguiser en fille sans forcément vouloir être femme). Ex : Élie Kakou dans le rôle de Madame Sarfati.

Ø Transsexuel(le) : Personne qui psychologiquement, se sent appartenir au sexe opposé. The Year's Top 10 LGBT Moments in Comic Books. Independent comic book creator and writer Brian Andersen counts down the greatest LGBT moments that unfolded in the pages of mainstream comics in 2013.

The Year's Top 10 LGBT Moments in Comic Books

For throngs of comic book-reading gay geeks out there, 2013 was a banner year. Catalogue de Noël : bravo Super U d'horripiler le Printemps Français et les autres réacs. Catalogue de jouets de Noël des magasins U.

Catalogue de Noël : bravo Super U d'horripiler le Printemps Français et les autres réacs

(Capture d'écran) Members Of The U.S. Military You Need To Remember On The Anniversary Of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Charles Orgbon: Two-Spirit People: Gays Accepted by Native Americans. Rather than emphasizing the sexuality of gay and lesbian people, many Native Americans focused on their spiritual gifts.

Charles Orgbon: Two-Spirit People: Gays Accepted by Native Americans

Even today, American Indian traditionalists tend to see a person's basic character as a reflection of their spirit. Androgynous or transgender persons are seen as doubly blessed, having both the spirit of a man and the spirit of a woman, since everything that exists is thought to come from the spirit world. Thus, they are honored for having two spirits, and are seen as more spiritually gifted than the typical masculine male or feminine female. Therefore, many Native American religions, rather than stigmatizing such persons, often looked to them as religious leaders and teachers. Quite similar religious traditions existed among the native peoples of Siberia and many parts of Central and Southeast Asia. Native peoples of the Plains, the Great Lakes, the Southwest and California offer the most evidence for respectful two-spirit traditions. The 'Two-Spirit' people of indigenous North Americans.

Native Americans have often held intersex, androgynous people, feminine males and masculine females in high respect.

The 'Two-Spirit' people of indigenous North Americans

The most common term to define such persons today is to refer to them as "two-spirit" people, but in the past feminine males were sometimes referred to as "berdache" by early French explorers in North America, who adapted a Persian word "bardaj", meaning an intimate male friend. Because these androgynous males were commonly married to a masculine man, or had sex with men, and the masculine females had feminine women as wives, the term berdache had a clear homosexual connotation. Both the Spanish settlers in Latin America and the English colonists in North America condemned them as "sodomites". Rather than emphasising the homosexuality of these persons, however, many Native Americans focused on their spiritual gifts. Documentary About Gender Diversity. About the Film Two Spirits interweaves the tragic story of a mother’s loss of her son with a revealing look at the largely unknown history of a time when the world wasn’t simply divided into male and female and many Native American cultures held places of honor for people of integrated genders.

Documentary About Gender Diversity

Fred Martinez was nádleehí, a male-bodied person with a feminine nature, a special gift according to his ancient Navajo culture. He was one of the youngest hate-crime victims in modern history when he was brutally murdered at 16. Two Spirits explores the life and death of this boy who was also a girl, and the essentially spiritual nature of gender. Two Spirits tells compelling stories about traditions that were once widespread among the indigenous cultures of North America.

The Navajo believe that to maintain harmony, there must be a balanced interrelationship between the feminine and the masculine within the individual, in families, in the culture, and in the natural world. The Filmmaker. Mariage homo : comment je suis entré dans la guerre des (dé)colleurs d'affiche. Sénat : les petites phrases de la séance du 4 avril.

Mariage pour tous : le Sénat adopte l’article 1 dans un climat électrique. Après deux jours de débats, le Sénat a adopté l’article 1 du mariage pour tous, celui ouvrant le mariage et l’adoption entre personnes de même sexe.

Mariage pour tous : le Sénat adopte l’article 1 dans un climat électrique

Les débats ont été marqués par la volonté de l’UMP de les faire durer et par des échanges tendus entre sénateurs de l’opposition et de la majorité. Cameron’s Story: Dear Justice Sotomayor « Campaign for Southern Equality. Posted on March 5th, 2013 As we travel around the South, we meet some amazing people taking action in their daily lives and in their hometowns in order to call for full LGBT equality.

Cameron’s Story: Dear Justice Sotomayor « Campaign for Southern Equality

L'émouvante lettre d'un père à son fils homosexuel. Pondu par Sophie-Pierre Pernaut le 19 mars 2013 Un père a écrit une lettre courte mais néanmoins très émouvante à son fils homosexuel.

L'émouvante lettre d'un père à son fils homosexuel

Préparez les mouchoirs ! DESTIN – « Nous avons trouvé notre fils dans le métro » LGBTQ Youth Statistics. World Wide Gay. Teddy, le petit frère queer de l'Ours d'or. Mariage gay. Et si «Les Trois Brigands» de Tomi Ungerer était un hymne à l’adoption par des parents homosexuels? Le Mariage pour Tous. TanguyKaola : Nous avons droit au mariage,... Projet 17 mai. Dr. B: Pourquoi la gay-pride est importante. "N'ayez pas peur". Jean-Paul II"Aimez-vous les uns les autres". Jésus-Christ. ALORS VOILÀ - Une ville, c'est d'abord des rues. Dans ces rues, des gens marchent. Parfois, ils manifestent. . - "un papa, des roustons, une maman, des nichons" (quelle belle vision naturaliste et zoologique du genre humain!) Prose (et quelques vers) » L’attente.