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Online. Fun With Words > The Wordplay Web Site. Crazy English. The Internet Guide to Jazz Age Slang. Below you will find an alphabetical listing of slang words used in the "Jazz Age" (generally taken to mean the years of the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression).

The Internet Guide to Jazz Age Slang

The Jazz Age was the first modern era to emphasize youth culture over the tastes of the older generations; the flapper sub-culture had a tremendous influence on main stream America--many new words and phrases were coined by these liberated women. These are the most common words and phrases of the time, many of which you may be surprised to note are still very much in use today! Some entries were the exclusive domain of students (or rather, those of student age; only a very small percentage of the population attended college) or flappers and have been indicated as such with italicized monikers. Also, the words that emerged in a particular year are noted appropriately. Note: the majority of the entries were gleaned from a great slang dictionary called Flappers 2 Rappers, written by Tom Dalzell (Merriam-Webster, 1996).

Danteworlds. William Shakespeare - The First Folio. Lexipedia - Where words have meaning. Amusing, but kind of weird quotes... A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.

Amusing, but kind of weird quotes...

What is a committee? A group of the unwilling, picked from the unfit, to do the unnecessary. -- Richard Harkness, The New York Times, 1960 Slogan of 105.9, the classic rock radio station in Chicago: "Of all the radio stations in Chicago ... we're one of them. " With every passing hour our solar system comes forty-three thousand miles closer to globular cluster 13 in the constellation Hercules, and still there are some misfits who continue to insist that there is no such thing as progress. -- Ransom K. Ferm Madness takes its toll. The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work? " Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world. -- Dave Barry I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. -- A. 668: The Neighbor of the Beast Boundary, n.

The Flappers’ Dictionary: It’s The Cat’s Pajamas. AbeBooks Official Site - New & Used Books, New & Used Textbooks, Rare & Out of Print Books. Find your next book. 1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters. What concepts do not exist in the English language? Carl Honoré (In Praise of Slow) says Canada's Baffin Island Inuit "use the same word—'uvatiarru'—to mean both 'in the distant past' and 'in the distant future.' Time, in such cultures, is always coming as well as going.

What concepts do not exist in the English language?

" In an essay by Louise Edrich (Two Languages in Mind, but Just One in the Heart), she writes about learning Ojibwemownin and how "nouns are mainly desginated as alive or dead, animate or inanimate...once I began to think of stones as animate, I started to wonder whether I was picking up a stone or it was putting iteslf in my hand. " I'm fascinated by language reflecting culture and vice versa. Any reference you've run across in passing or even know about as a multi-lingual MeFite is welcome. Moreover, if English isn't your primary language, what words/concepts made you take pause?

Table of Contents. 20 Obsolete English Words that Should Make a Comeback. Photo: Katherine Hodgson If we all start using them, these words can be resurrected.

20 Obsolete English Words that Should Make a Comeback

Bouba/kiki effect. This picture is used as a test to demonstrate that people may not attach sounds to shapes arbitrarily: American college undergraduates and Tamil speakers in India called the shape on the left "kiki" and the one on the right "bouba".

Bouba/kiki effect

The bouba/kiki effect is a non-arbitrary mapping between speech sounds and the visual shape of objects. Subliminal Messages - Hidden Subliminal Image Samples - Do you get the hidden subliminal message? Another 25 Words you Don’t Know. Humans Following on from our first list of words you don’t know, we present another 25.

Another 25 Words you Don’t Know

Learn one a day and impress your friends! Words 25 – 21 25. Girn – To bare your teeth in anger and sadness 24. 23. 22. 21. Words 20 – 16 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. Chilling Effects Clearinghouse. FREE Online Rhyming Dictionary. Cliche Finder. Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use?

Cliche Finder

Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase... Over 3,300 clichés indexed! What exactly is a cliche? See my definition Do you know of any clichés not listed here? This is Morgan, creator of the Cliche Finder. Or, you might like my crazy passion project: Spanish for Nerds: Learning Spanish via Etymologies! Back to cliches... if you would like to see some other Web sites about clichés? © S. Special thanks to Damien LeriAnd to Mike Senter. Whichbook. List of fairy tales. A modern definition of the fairy tale, as provided by Jens Tismar's monologue in German, is a story that differs "from an oral folk tale"; is written by "a single identifiable author"; can be characterised as "simple and anonymous"; and exists in a mutable and difficult to define genre with a close relationship to folktales.[1] Jump up ^ Zipes, xvJump up ^ Laura Gibbs (July 12, 2003).

List of fairy tales

"Don Giovanni de la Fortuna". Retrieved 26 September 2010. Jump up ^ Hans Christian Andersen. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. Latin Mottos, Latin Phrases, Latin Quotes and Latin Sayings. A bene placito - At one's pleasureA capite ad calcem - From head to heelA cappella - In church [style] - i.e.

Latin Mottos, Latin Phrases, Latin Quotes and Latin Sayings

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