Department of Energy (DOE) OpenNet documents. Carbon Costs. Coal Ash. Thomas Pyle, Dept of Energy Transition Team Lead. Scott Pruitt, Environmental Protection Agency. Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy.
Supporting Large Scale Renewable Energy. Clean Energy ELPC supports a large-scale shift to renewable energy, to power the Midwest with less pollution and create local jobs.
About one-third of our nation’s carbon pollution comes from generating electric power. How we produce that power, and how much we generate, has a profound impact on our environment and the economy. Over the past 20 years, clean energy has grown into an important portion of the Midwest’s electricity mix. In vast swaths of the region, renewable energy sources like wind and solar are now the lowest-cost ways to generate electricity, supporting thousands of workers in communities of all sizes. I7/4/21: It’s complicated’– Advocates give Consumers Energy’s long-term plan mixed reviews. Environmental and ratepayer advocates are withholding their full-throated support for Consumers Energy’s new long-term energy plan that eliminates coal usage by 2025, citing concerns over potential rate effects and the scale of ongoing fossil fuel reliance.
On June 23, the Jackson-based investor-owned utility announced a historic 20-year plan that most notably would retire some of its remaining coal-burning units 15 years ahead of its previous target. Shutting down the remaining coal units, including three at the J.H. 10/6/20: IL Starts Planning for Life After Net Metering. Story October 06, 2020 Illinois is at an energy crossroads.
In the coming months, several regulatory decisions could determine whether the state’s small-scale solar and battery storage market wanes or continues to grow. The outcome will shape Illinois’ energy grid of the future. 10/2/20: IL regulators move to preserve retail net metering rate, order audit of Ameren's bid to end it. UPDATE: Oct. 2, 2020:The Illinois Commerce Commission, in an Oct. 1 order, urged Ameren "to provide full net metering credits to residential solar customers until an audit is completed.
" The commission also directed its staff to perform the audit and determine if Ameren has reached the required threshold under state law for ending retail net metering in its service territory. Ameren says it may reach that threshold imminently. 3/17/17: Wastewater- The Best Hidden Energy Source You’ve Never Heard Of. It’s no secret that the world’s need for energy is increasing—but what many don't realize is that a promising potential energy source is being flushed down our toilets every day.
Increasingly, this wastewater—as well as other organic waste from sources like gardens and kitchens—is being used to heat homes, provide electricity, and even power cars. This year’s World Water Day focuses on the problems and possibilities posed by wastewater. Wastewater is water contaminated with human, agricultural, or industrial wastes. While typically seen as a nuisance, the organic matter contained in wastewater from our sewage systems (commonly known as “sludge”) can become a valuable resource with sludge-to-energy systems. Here’s a closer look at the transformative approach of turning waste into usable energy:
12/1/16: World’s first city to power its water needs with sewage energy. By Kata Karáth A city in Denmark is about to become the first in the world to provide most of its citizens with fresh water using only the energy created from household wastewater and sewage.
The Marselisborg Wastewater Treatment Plant in Aarhus has undergone improvements that mean it can now generate more than 150 per cent of the electricity needed to run the plant, which means the surplus can be used to pump drinking water around the city. As well as regularly powering the entire water system of 200,000 people living in the inner city area, any excess electricity could be sold into the local grid.
“We are about to be the first energy neutral catchment area,” says Mads Warming of Danfoss Power Electronics, which provides the technology for Aarhus Water, the municipal water utility. The plant generates energy from the biogas it creates out of household wastewater, including sewage. 1/18/19: Devastating Pipeline Blaze Tlahuelilpan. 8/12/19: 'Coal is over' -US miners rooting for the Green New Deal. Set in a wooded valley between the Tug Fork river and the Mate creek, Matewan, West Virginia was the site of the 1920 Matewan Massacre, a shoot-out between pro-union coal miners and coal company agents that left 10 people dead and triggered one of the most brutal fights over the future of the coal industry in US history.
The coal industry in Appalachia is dying – something that people there know better than anyone. Some in this region are pinning their hopes on alternative solutions, including rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. “Coal is over. 2/1/18: Trump allegedly wants to cut clean energy research funding by 72 percent. Bitfinex, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, and Tether, a company that sells crypto-tokens it claims are pegged to the US dollar, were subpoenaed in December by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, according to Bloomberg.
A shadowy… Read more A shadowy backstory: Neither Hong Kong–based Tether nor Bitfinex, which is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, has been transparent about its business dealings. It recently came to light, for example, that the two seemingly separate companies share executives. 1/1/18: In 1959, Edward Teller warned the oil industry about global warming.
It was a typical November day in New York City.
The year: 1959. Robert Dunlop, 50 years old and photographed later as clean-shaven, hair carefully parted, his earnest face donning horn-rimmed glasses, passed under the Ionian columns of Columbia University’s iconic Low Library. He was a guest of honor for a grand occasion: the centennial of the American oil industry. Over 300 government officials, economists, historians, scientists, and industry executives were present for the Energy and Man symposium – organized by the American Petroleum Institute and the Columbia Graduate School of Business – and Dunlop was to address the entire congregation on the “prime mover” of the last century – energy – and its major source: oil.
Four others joined Dunlop at the podium that day, one of whom had made the journey from California – and Hungary before that. 9/27/16: Koch brothers and fossil fuel utilities poised to destroy roof-top solar in Florida. For everyone who lives and votes in Florida, it is absolutely critical to understand the ballot initiative called Florida Solar Energy Subsidies and Personal Solar Use Initiative, also known as Amendment 1, This initiative was created, written, funded and is being pushed by the fossil fuels industry with help from the Koch brothers and claims to be protection for consumers.
Here’s the ballot summary: This amendment establishes a right under Florida's constitution for consumers to own or lease solar equipment installed on their property to generate electricity for their own use. State and local governments shall retain their abilities to protect consumer rights and public health, safety and welfare, and to ensure that consumers who do not choose to install solar are not required to subsidize the costs of backup power and electric grid access to those who do. 12/7/16: Trump Energy Agenda Revealed in Thomas Pyle Memo. Want to be more assertive in life? This former dominatrix will show you how. It’s a decade since Kasia Urbaniak hung up her whip. The former dominatrix – one of the highest paid in Manhattan, she likes to say – now crafts her knowledge of gender power play to a new career: she’s a female empowerment coach in a city where power is a naked game. What started as an online discussion group is now, thanks in part to Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo, a booming business.
With courses titled Power With Men, Foundations of Power offered as part of her introductory monthlong seminar, Urbaniak is an emerging star of the movement. “I don’t teach anything related to BDSM or sex, just the application of power dynamics,” Urbaniak tells me. Environment.