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Sally bell

My Name is Sally Bell and I'm currently undertaking my MA at the Hull School of Art & Design through the Open University. The purpose of this study is to research 'What designers should understand about user experience - People needs on the other side of the screen'. Over the last 15 years I have worked for a global company as Head Creative, with this post I have had the privilege of working on high profile design projects within the media industry worldwide as well as other prominent projects. September 09 I embarked on an opportunity to sail around the world as part of a crew of the Round the World Clipper Race 09-10, the race finished back in the UK in August 2010. I have a BA (Hons) Web Design - Upper 2:1, and have obtained my PGCE Professional Graduate Certificate in Education.

Accreditation for UX Professionals? By Chris R.

Accreditation for UX Professionals?

Becker Published: February 24, 2014. The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed. UXD Master of Science. The delivery of Kent State UXD's program is designed for people who have busy lives.

UXD Master of Science

Family and work can make relocation for a master’s program impossible. We respect that, and in order for the program to work with your busy lives, we have designed it with the following features: Technology for all the right reasons. UX Booth: User Experience & Usability Blog. Know Without Thinking: Instinct in UX. Ever since those first, uncertain steps we took as a child, we have all held an intuitive sense of the basic laws of physics, if only for survival's sake. When a pencil rolls to the edge of a desk, we listen for it to hit the ground and are surprised if it doesn't. If you throw a rubber ball, it will bounce. The Definition of User Experience (UX) Sally's MA Blog. Joe Leech aka @mrjoe. UX design not "better" than visual design. Clearleft MD Andy Budd is concerned that visual designers are having an identity crisis, feeling undervalued and wrongly convincing themselves to rebrand as UX designers.

UX design not "better" than visual design

In an article for his blog, Budd argues that each area of design is important and that you don't need to become a UX designer in order to 'grow' or move to the next level. Budd told .net that he wrote the article because he's over the past year seen an increasing number of designers calling themselves UX designers under various mistaken beliefs. Current issues in user experience, mostly about masters courses.

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Suggested Readings From Design of Everyday Things, Revised edition. The Industrial Designer Bill Moggridge was extremely influential in establishing interaction within the design community.

Suggested Readings From Design of Everyday Things, Revised edition

He played a major role in the design of the first portable computer. He was one of the three founders of IDEO, one of the world's most influential design firms. He wrote two books of interviews with key people in the early development of the discipline:Designing Interactions and Designing Media (Moggridge, 2007, 2010). As is typical of work from the discipline of design, his works focus almost entirely upon the practice of design, with little attention to the science. Barry Katz, a design professor at San Francisco's California College of the Arts, Stanford's, and an IDEO Fellow, provides an excellent history of design practice within the community of companies in Silicon Valley, California:

How People Read on the Web. Mental Models Website. List of thought processes. Nature of thought[edit] Thought (or thinking) can be described as all of the following: An activity taking place in a: brain – organ that serves as the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals (only a few invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, adult sea squirts and starfish do not have a brain).

List of thought processes

It is the physical structure associated with the mind. mind – abstract entity with the cognitive faculties of consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory. Having a mind is a characteristic of humans, but which also may apply to other life forms.[1][2] Activities taking place in a mind are called mental processes or cognitive (see automated reasoning, below) – general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Types of thoughts[edit] Content of thoughts[edit] Types of thought (thinking)[edit] Listed below are types of thought, also known as thinking processes.

Lists. Emotion and website design. Marketing Measurement & Optimization. 10 Design Thinking Principles for Strategic Business Innovation. I explained to them that "design thinking" is crucial to any innovation effort if a company wants to break out of its current competitive structure.

10 Design Thinking Principles for Strategic Business Innovation

Today's management concepts are heavily based on "optimization" and "scale economics". It means making better use of your resource and exercise your market power to gain competitive advantage. UX, psychology & the ‘dark arts’ Last week I presented at UX Bristol.

UX, psychology & the ‘dark arts’

The talk was titled, UX, psychology and the ‘dark arts’. The Ethics of Influence and Manipulation — Robot Regime. More and more, as we investigate how psychology and behavioral science can be used in design, the topic of morality comes to light.

The Ethics of Influence and Manipulation — Robot Regime

Where does the ethical boundary lie between persuasion and manipulation? Neutrality in design When we’re hired as designers it’s our job to make decisions. It doesn’t matter what we’re creating (a sign up form, toaster, or mousetrap), we are responsible for making decisions that affect how the object is perceived and used.

Not really useful

Understand what is UX design. Design Thinking. Design & Thinking - a documentary on design thinking. Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. Welcome to the Visual Thesaurus, an interactive tool that allows you to discover the connections between words in a visually captivating display.

Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map.

Word maps let you search for just the right word and then explore related concepts, revealing the way words and meanings relate to each other. Critical Thinking, Research, and Problem Solving. Defining and Informing the Complex Field of User Experience (UX) User Experience, Incorporated. By Robert Fabricant - January 7, 2013 In business today, “user experience” (or UX) has come to represent all of the qualities of a product or service that make it relevant or meaningful to an end-user -- everything from its look and feel design to how it responds when users interact with it, to the way it fits into people’s daily lives.

User Experience, Incorporated

You even people talking about UX as the way in which a consumer connects to a business -- all the touch-points from marketing to product development to distribution channels. Coursera - Model Thinking - Master Index. A Must Have Book Collection on UX » paul olyslager. I present to you the cornerstone of my book collection on UX: 18 highly recommended books on User Experience by UX professionals. If you are looking for books about user research, interface design, information architecture or UX strategy, you will find a book to your liking. Jeff Han: The radical promise of the multi-touch interface.

Talks. UX London 2014. 6 User Experience Statistics You Should Pay Attention To. Numbers, feedback, trends and other statistics coming from several areas which lie within and outside an organisation are factored so deeply in User Experience (UX) that they make their gathering, evaluation and the setting of action points an intricate science in and of itself. Indeed, the depth that is involved in the field of User Experience and its growing prevalence that spans through a wide range of industries can make it a daunting task to even decide which statistics are worth gathering and analyzing let alone how to analyse them and decide on what corrective measures to take based on their analysis.

The difficulty lies not only in the ability to cull the important statistics from the more superfluous ones but also on deciding how much is necessary. This is the headache that User Experience experts, and those in other related fields, must contend with on a regular basis. Putting people first. Big Data powers the modern world. What do we gain from Big Data? What do we lose? Al Jazeera America examines the role of technology and the implications of sharing personal information in the network’s first graphic novella, Terms of Service: Understanding Our Role in the World of Big Data. The new comic novella, available on Al Jazeera America’s website at is a thought provoking, entertaining field guide to help smart people understand how their personal, and often very private, data is collected and used. Pointillism. Beta Mobile Flash Player 10.1 for Android is finally available in the Android Market.

What are you waiting for? In news that's certain to please my Nexus One-owning younger brother, you can finally download the first public beta of Flash Player 10.1 from the Android Market. The caveats are that you must be running Android OS 2.2 (a.k.a. The Behavior Wizard. Stephen Anderson's Seductive Interaction Design. What designers should understand about UX – 'People need to know the other side of the screen'