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Lifetime Breakthrough Promises Low-Cost, Efficient OLEDs - Novus Light Today. With just a tiny tweak, researchers at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, greatly increased the device lifetime of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that use a recently developed class of molecules to convert electricity into light, with the potential for increased efficiency at a lower cost in future displays and lighting.

Lifetime Breakthrough Promises Low-Cost, Efficient OLEDs - Novus Light Today

The easily implemented modifications can also potentially increase the lifetime of OLEDs currently used in smartphone displays and large-screen televisions. Typical OLEDs consist of multiple layers of organic films with various functions. At the core of an OLED is an organic molecule that emits light when a negatively charged electron and a positively charged hole, which can be thought of as a missing electron, meet on the molecule.


Leaving Facebook... 1 Day, Magnitude 2.5+ Worldwide. Prêt à jeter ou l'obsolescence programmée - Arte - 2011. Did Nikola Tesla Unintentionally Detect Signals From Another Civilization? - An eccentric genius and a man in every respect extraordinary was born exactly 156 hundred years ago today.

Did Nikola Tesla Unintentionally Detect Signals From Another Civilization?

His name is Nikola Tesla. He was born on the night of 9/10 of July, 1856 in the Croatian village of Smiljan, a village near Gospic Lika, (the Krajina, a military district of Austro-Hungarian Empire, now in the Republic of Croatia). Nikola Tesla could have gone down in history as the man who invented the 20th century. Instead his theories were ridiculed and he died alone in a hotel bedroom. Mostly, he did not improve on already existing technology, but created prototypes and sometimes entire new industries. Many of his pioneer inventions he carried with him to his grave. Tesla was the first to attempt to communicate with neighboring worlds using radio waves.

In 1899, he was at his laboratory in Colorado Springs, driving monstrous surges of power into the Earth and also beaming energy outward from the 280-foot tower he'd built. 1928. #OccupyTesla - Tesla's Patents and Inventions. Nikola Tesla's Curious Contrivance. Brevet US1655114 - Apparatus for aerial transportation - Google Brevets. Jan. 3, 1928. 1,655,114 N.

Brevet US1655114 - Apparatus for aerial transportation - Google Brevets

TESLA APPARATUS FOR AERIAL TRANSPORTATION Filed Oct. 4, 1927 2 Sheets-Sheet l U 0 0 o l 5 -6 me. 1. oq m P s a e 4 7 FIG. 2. Jan. 3, 1928. N. DESOBEISSANCE CIVILE: La berline magique de Nikola Tesla. 1931 la voiture à énergie libre roulait à 120 km sans carburant ni polution. Magnetic motor in Sciences and Mechanics Mag. 1988. Ces verités que l'on cache. Eugene Mallove's Open Letter to the World. New Energy Foundation, Inc.

Eugene Mallove's Open Letter to the World

(A nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation) P.O. Suppressed Energy. Segment 3 (40 min): Lecture and principles with Andrew Michrowski and Tom Bearden.

Suppressed Energy

Andru Michrowski and Tom E. Magnétohydrodynamique. Voici notre programme de recherche en Magnétohydrodynamique. Chaque ligne du tableau fait référence soit à une page détaillant l’évolution des travaux en cours dans un domaine particulier, soit à une publication, dans le cas où un aspect de nos recherches a fait l’objet d’une présentation dans un Colloque scientifique. MHD Prospects. Une manière de prolonger la vie des piles rechargeables > Toutes les énergies.


Un alliage qui convertit la chaleur en électricité ! > Technologie. 2012. 2013 Energy. 2014. Pour que le projet "Sahara Forest" devienne une réalité > Habitat. En 2008, Enerzine avait écrit un article sur le "Sahara Forest Project " (SFP), une initiative matérialisée par "de vastes serres utilisant de l'eau de mer" qui combinées avec des centrales à énergie solaire pourraient délivrer dans des endroits les plus désertiques, de la nourriture, de l'eau douce et de l'énergie renouvelable.

Pour que le projet "Sahara Forest" devienne une réalité > Habitat

Utopique ? Non, du nouveau ! La Norvège et la Jordanie ont récemment signé un accord permettant justement de développer ce concept à travers une unité pilote qui sera localisée en zone côtière jordanienne. Le Miscanthus, une herbe géante sous surveillance > Toutes les énergies. Patent WO2010151161A2 - Système de propulsion utilisant la force antigravité du vide et applications - Google Patents.

Une paille pour boire de l'eau potable. Impacting People. Eugene Mallove Killed. Eminent New Energy Scientist Dr.

Eugene Mallove Killed

Eugene Mallove Killed Dear friends, This email brings some sad news. One of the world's foremost proponents of new energy was killed on May 14, 2004. Dr. Dr. Action to Declassify Secret Energy Patents<br><br> A Proposed Bill to Support New Energy Sources Las Vegas-area Congresswoman Shelley Berkley announced last August, at a meeting in Las Vegas, a bill for the Small Business Administration to annually provide 750 million dollars in energy loan guarantees (see Berkley Reveals Green Energy Solutions).

Action to Declassify Secret Energy Patents<br><br>

In response to Berkley's subsequent request for responses from the audience, I explained that the U.S. Patent Office has a nine-member committee which screens patents for national security implications, and that a hidden purpose of this committee is to lock up energy-related patents which could threaten the fossil-fuel monopolies and the power grid (nuclear, coal, etc.). When an inventor has his or her energy patent classified, I explained, the inventor faces 20 years in prison for working on or publicizing the invention.

Berkley seemed favorably responsive. New Focus AG. Seit Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts werden immer wieder „neue“ Magentmotoren erfunden.

New Focus AG

5 Strange Technologies That Might Have Been Covered Up. Ever hear about the many water-powered vehicles?

5 Strange Technologies That Might Have Been Covered Up

Or, what about the General Motors EV1, the world's first mass produced electric car that made its debut in 1996? Those are just two of the strange technologies that are alleged to have been suppressed by powerful person(s), companies, government, etc. Continue reading to see more. 5. Hi John, It's even worse than that. There has been a very deliberate suppression of overunity systems (i.e., COP>1.0, using excess free energy taken from the vacuum) since 1892, when J. P. Morgan elicited Lorentz to modify (cripple) the Heaviside equations, which were to be used in setting up the model for what was to be a new subject and technology, electrical engineering, which was then to be taught in all the universities.

Devenir autonome, agir localement et penser globalement. ***Vivre en autonomie, produire son électricité..son chauffage et gérer l'eau: une réalité. L'autonomie a toujours été relative à nos besoins et ce n'est pas H.D Thoreau pionnier de la décroissance dans son livre Walden qui dirait le contraire.


Free Energy. Pour une énergie propre, libre et accessible ! MEGA. Les secrets caches dans les pyramides d'egyptes. FREE Energy The Future For All People - Archive - The Spiritual Life Channel. Free Energy Devices: Yes They Are Real. Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little? It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Corporate media continues to push the idea that we are in an energy crisis, that we are approaching a severe problem due to a lack of resources.

These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories all over the world, yet never see the light of day. The Research These concepts are currently being discussed at The Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference. L'ENERGIE LIBRE, ILLIMITEE ET NON POLLUANTE, DISPONIBLE POUR TOUS. L’électroculture et l’énergie des pyramides.