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Cocoia Blog. User Interface Design Framework | Huge GUI elements library for Illustrator | 290 free vectors icons. Graphic styles Library 200 graphic styles to change buttons, headers or blocks in 1 click Minimal Vector Icons 260 Vector Icons for creatingWireframes and Webdesign GUI Elements Library Hundreds of vector elementsfor designing Interfaces. Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects - v. How to camouflage yourself from facial recognition technology. The day when you’ll be able to hold up your phone and identify a stranger through a viewfinder is getting closer. Google’s Goggles, a mobile app for visual search, has a facial recognition version unreleased to the public, while Israeli startup’s technology can tag people’s faces in Facebook photos.

Facebook even released a basic version of face detection last night, although it doesn’t have recognition. So in a world where technology chips away at our ability to remain anonymous, how does one reclaim some semblance of control? It turns out there’s actually a pretty simple way around the facial recognition technology available in the market today, according to Adam Harvey, a graduate student at NYU’s ITP (the same program that produced Foursquare chief executive Dennis Crowley and that Twitter’s location guru Raffi Krikorian taught at). “It breaks apart the gestalt of the face,” he said. Harvey says there a couple of projects that could stem from idea. Microsoft. Surface. Microsoft Office Labs 2019 Vision Montage. Microsoft Future Vision : Healthcare. Microsoft's Vision of 2010.

Nokia. Powered by Gizmo Technology. Sixthsense. Holographic interfaces. Holographic Technology is finally here! Very Cool holographic technology. Holographic Interactivity. Ringo. Future of Computer Interface. Future user interface. A new 3d touchscreen user interface. Computer Interface of the Future. BumpTop 3D. Project Natal - The Innovation Journey.