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Filosofia de las TICs y nuevas pedagogías. Arruquero/docu/mirar_una_pintura.pdf. The Flipped Classroom. Accionar el aula habilitada iPad (Parte 1 de 2) The Flipped Classroom doesn't necessarily require any special technology in the classroom – but it does require students to be able to consume digital learning content outside of class.

Accionar el aula habilitada iPad (Parte 1 de 2)

One of the factors that propelled the iPad to the level of popularity it enjoys today is that it is a fantastic content consumption device, so it clearly lends itself to flipped learning. But there is so much more that the iPad can do, making it a powerful partner in the flipped classroom. In this article we begin to explore applications and ideas for ways in which the iPad can play a role in flipped teaching and learning. Configurando una rúbrica con Rubistar. Inteligencias Múltiples. Recursos Educativos. El nuevo Profesor.