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10 Tips for Hiring Great Employees. This post first appeared in Smartblog on Leadership on 10/24: I feel like I’m a little out of my element when it comes to giving recruiting advice.

10 Tips for Hiring Great Employees

While I’ve written over 700 posts on leadership and leadership development, I tend to steer clear of hiring topics and defer to the real experts, like Jennifer McClure, my friends at Fistful of Talent and a gazillion others in this space. But I’ve done my share of hiring over the last 25 years. I’ve whiffed on a few, for sure. Like the time I hired a trainer with a master’s degree and a great resume over another with “only” an associate’s and less experience. She ended up swearing at me a few times, too. Fortunately, I’ve more recently hired some great employees. 1. The time to start recruiting is before there’s an opening.

The important thing is to use some kind of structured interview guide — a consistent set of questions that allows you to really assess the character of a candidate. 30 Questions You Should And Shouldn't Ask In A Job Interview. Job Titles Aren't That Important - Matt Ferguson. By Matt Ferguson | 10:00 AM April 24, 2013 Are companies creating their own skills gap?

Job Titles Aren't That Important - Matt Ferguson

While much of the skills deficit in the U.S. is fueled by a sheer lack of high skill labor for in-demand occupations, a recent CareerBuilder study of more than 2,000 companies suggests that employers may unwittingly be playing a part. Half of hiring managers said that they were concerned about the expanding skills gap, and around the same amount say they limit their candidate pools by only looking at applicants with specific job titles.

In another HBR post I discussed the need for employers to stop waiting for the perfect candidate but rather create one by training a quality applicant. To take it a step further, companies must also broaden their search to be sure they aren’t immediately writing off top candidates. 30 Career Sites. Lately it seems like everyone is getting laid off and those who have been able to hold their jobs are worried sick. We have been hit with layoffs for quite a while now and with that job insecurity has started taking toll on some people. However, most people don’t realize the possibilities that lie ahead of them. There are hundreds and thousands of jobs that are waiting given you have the skills, talent and most of all desire to succeed.

We have compiled a list of 30 sites where you can find your next dream job. Whether you want to work online or offline, full-time or part-time we are sure you will find something that will fit your needs. Note : description for most of these sites are taken directly from their about page to give a better picture of what the site has to offer. Hound : Hound shows its members jobs from every employer website it can find in the United States and throughout the world.

Hiring Only the Best? Big Mistake. As your company grows beyond your initial start-up team, nothing should be more obvious than that you should always hire the best person you can afford.

Hiring Only the Best? Big Mistake

Being able to recruit a big-name player validates your company's promise in the eyes of the world. And besides, the company is your baby, and no sales all-star or programming genius is too good for your baby. Right? Well, no. 15 Traits Of The Ideal Employee. What Job Candidates Really Want: Meaningful Work - Nathaniel Koloc. By Nathaniel Koloc | 1:00 PM April 18, 2013 What talented people want has changed.

What Job Candidates Really Want: Meaningful Work - Nathaniel Koloc

They used to want high salaries to verify their value and stable career paths to allow them to sleep well at night. Now they want purposeful work and jobs that fit clearly into the larger context of their career. And that means they want jobs that are sensible parts of an ongoing journey through a series of professional endeavors — not some supposedly linear path toward “success”. The difficulty is that companies haven’t quite figured out how to provide this. Recruiting, staffing, and hiring-support services is a $16B industry, yet 52% of U.S. employers report having difficulty filling key roles. The consequences of mediocre hiring go beyond lost opportunities. The inverse is also true. So the question is: How do companies find and cultivate those fulfilled employees? And therein lies the opportunity. Offer purpose and career context, and the talent will come.

Give Potential Hires Homework. 64 Tough Interview Questions. 14 Revealing Interview Questions. Interview questions: Everyone has them.

14 Revealing Interview Questions

And everyone wishes they had better ones. So I asked smart people from a variety of fields for their favorite interview question and, more importantly, why it's their favorite and what it tells them about the candidate. 1. If we're sitting here a year from now celebrating what a great year it's been for you in this role, what did we achieve together? "For me, the most important thing about interviews is that the interviewee interviews us. "The candidate should have enough strategic vision to not only talk about how good the year has been but to answer with an eye towards that bigger-picture understanding of the company--and why they want to be here. " Randy Garutti, Shake Shack CEO 2. The 25 most difficult questions. If you are one of those executive types unhappy at your present post and embarking on a New Year's resolution to find a new one, here's a helping hand.

The 25 most difficult questions

The job interview is considered to be the most critical aspect of every expedition that brings you face-to- face with the future boss. Why I Won't Hire You. More Proof That Hiring and Dating Aren’t So Different - At Work.