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Human Resources and Recruitment

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How to Keep Your Best Talent. High employee turnover can mean bad news for your company. Maybe your applicants aren’t the problem, nor your human resources department. What if it’s the way your organization operates that causes all your best employees to leave? For many companies, this is where the problem lies, and if you want to attract and retain the best talent, this is a factor you need to seriously consider. Why a Company's Best People Leave There are a multitude of reasons. Your employees could be overworked, and with a disproportionate compensation for their efforts. A lot of younger people tend to prefer shifting jobs rather than finding that one company to stick to for life. Consider how employees perceive their jobs in relation to their personal goals, and their expectations of their roles.

Reward Your Employees Pay your employees right. The benefits they receive are just as vital. And when they perform exceptionally, promote them. Company Culture But rewards aren't the surest way to keep your best talent. Increase the Performance of Your Sales Team with Automated Rewards. The 3 Best Job Interview Questions You Should Ask (and 2 Questions You Shouldn't) Ah, hiring. Nothing is quite so daunting as finding the right person for the organization to invest in. In this aspect, it falls to the HR professional to be the diligent miner sifting through the sands for gold. Sometimes, though, it feels more like a poker game with a lot of bluffing, guessing, and risk-taking involved. But this is where your skills come in. You can avoid hiring the wrong people simply by asking the right and best job interview questions. Because the right questions don’t just open up the right answers; they let you, as the interviewer, glimpse the character of your candidate so you can make a better assessment of their fitting.

So we’ve come up with a list of interesting—and effective—questions to fire away at your unsuspecting candidates. Great Interview Questions To Ask Applicants 1) "If compensation were not a factor, what would you be doing? " This is an interesting one. Why do you work? 2) "What are your views on…? " Ineffective Questions to Ask During Interviews. What Google Can Teach Us About Interviews and Hiring. Google is arguably one of the best companies to work for in the world. Their employee perks are well-known (free gourmet meals and fitness classes, to name a few), and people would kill to work alongside the manpower behind the ubiquitous, multinational tech company.

You can expect that Google receives tons of daily applications, and has refined its hiring process to find only the most competent employees who fit their culture. On average, their whole interview process takes around 4 months, involving several stages in and out of their office. People from both the department you’re applying for and from other departments get involved in the process, until an independent committee reviews all of your interviewers’ feedback. It’s been described as rigorous by everyone who has tried to apply there, so it's highly recommended that applicants prepare and do their research ahead of time.

Absurd Questions Is it Just Technical Skill? What They Really Look For. 3 Mistakes Managers Make in Training. Imagine this: You’re a manager who’s looking to hire a new member for your team. You go through the interview process, find a person you want to hire, and give them an offer. Then comes the first day of your new employee—what’s the next thing you do? Do you just let them ‘get to work’? Surely, one factor you still need to consider is if you’ve properly trained your new member to do the work. Do they know what tools to use or what your company’s standard operating procedures are? In order to avoid all these, we need to take a look at some of the more common pitfalls that managers do with training: Information Overload Let’s talk about the first problem, information overload. Real World vs. Another common pitfall is not preparing your new employee for when things don’t go according to your SOPs.

Absent Growth Tracking One final problem managers tend to shirk is growth tracking. Skipping the training phase is essentially setting up your employee for failure. How Does Your HR Stack up Against the Competition? Human resources (HR) is one of the business functions that is often neglected. Using Michael Porter's value chain, HR is only a support function.

What that means is its activities do not directly affect growth in profits. This is the primary reason why CEOs and Sadly, owners do not think of HR as their priority department. However, for companies that employ at least 1 HR staff, they are almost always blamed for lack of great talent for the business. Everytime there is a "people-related" problem, HR takes the blame for it. We are compiling an industry report for the State of HR in the Philippines. You can participate in the survey here anytime. That said, we found some insight as to how your HR staff should be performing that we just can't wait to share. 7 HR Segments Depending on where you are looking at, you will end up with 5-8 different HR segments. You'll hear more about these segments in the future as we will be tackling them all here in our blog and across our digital properties.

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Employee Turnovers. 5 Best Employee Recruitment Practices in Today’s Digital World - Talent Management: Attracting, Hiring, and Keeping Excellent Employees. Employees Are The Brand Despite the opinions of advertisers, marketing agents, and promoters, ultimately employees are your brand. They are are the public face of a company. They determine the quality of experience your customers and vendors have. From those experiences, people will shape opinions about your company. This impacts how attractive your company is to future customers, employees, and business partners. Collectively, employees determine the workplace culture of your organization or company. Employees can inspire and attract others seeking employment, or turn them away.

Your reputation equity will rise or fall depending on how happy your employees are. Workplace Culture The workplace culture as collectively conveyed by the employees of a company will determine how badly people want to work at your company. As an added benefit, happy employees are more productive. Managers and Supervisors Impact Employees Employee Churn and Attrition The Cause and Cost of Attrition Like this: 2016’s Guide to Using Social Media for Talent Sourcing. What is an Applicant Tracking System? An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software application that provides a central database for a company’s recruitment efforts.

This system is used to keep track of candidates who have applied to open positions and the stages they pass through as part of the hiring process, assisting the management of resumes and other applicant information. Besides being a monitoring tool, the software can be used to advertise job openings on company websites, screen and rank resumes, generate interview requests through email, and track their responses. Applicant tracking systems also enable an organization to collect and store job- and candidate-related data—an analysis of this information is valuable as a basis for long-term sourcing strategy. For example, you can see which efforts of your recruitment team brought in the best (or worst) results, and from that standpoint, you’ll be able to make adjustments to optimize your hiring structure.