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Facebook. Newsinlevels. Book circle - Random cards. The Outsiders – Google Drive. To use Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Sites, Slides, and Forms, you need to use a supported web browser. Learn what a browser is, which browser you use, and how to update to the latest version. Option 1: Find the update for your browser Update your browser If you can’t update your browser, you can use a different browser. Browsers are available at no charge and are easy to install.

Learn about system requirements for Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Sites, Slides, and Forms. Option 2: Update your operating system If you can’t update your browser, update your operating system. Windows Learn how to keep your Windows computer up to date. Mac Option 3: Use a different computer or mobile device If you can't update your browser, install a new browser, or update your operating system, try to use a different computer or use a mobile device. If you have an Android phone, Android tablet, an iPhone, or an iPad, you can install Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides on your mobile device. Still need help? The Same Stars - Kapitel 1 (Ljudbok) Pearson English Young Learners | Pearson Readers. Alex-rider-christmas-at-gunpoint. Matilda. We will talk about the questions below: a How old is Matilda when she goes to school for the first time?

B How many children does Crunchem Hall have? C How many other children are in Matilda’s group? D How old is Miss Honey? E How many miles are on the clock of Miss Trunchbull’s car? H How old is Hortensia? I How many times was Hortensia in The Chokey in her first year? K Why does Matilda start going to school later than other children? L Why does Miss Honey try to stay calm when Matilda multiplies twelve sevens? M Why does Miss Honey go to see Miss Trunchbull? N Why does Miss Trunchbull like Mr Wormwood? O Why does Miss Trunchbull think Matilda is a bad girl?

P Why does Miss Honey go to see Matilda’s parents? Q Why doesn’t Mr Wormwood want to see Miss Honey? R Why does Miss Trunchbull put children in The Chokey? S Why doesn’t Miss Trunchbull like Amanda’s hair? Before we start reading chapter 7, 8 and 9 we will talk about: Discuss with your neighbour. 1. 2. Glass of water? 3. 3. 4. After reading: Roald Dahl | Fantastic Mr Fox - Full audiobook with text (AudioEbook)

Book Circle. The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City’s most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America’s independence. The statue is located on Liberty Island, and it is accessible by taking a ferry from either Battery Park in New York City or Liberty State Park in Jersey City. When Claire visited the Statue of Liberty for the first time, she instantly admired it as a symbol of freedom. Claire made sure to make reservations before her visit because only 240 people are permitted to climb the staircase to the top of the statue every day.

After climbing almost 400 stairs, Claire received spectacular views of the city from the statue’s crown. During her visit, Claire learned that the Statue of Liberty was not always the color that it is now. Please answer the following questions of understanding: Question 1: c The Spanish d The British. Spraktrollet - Reading (and listening strategies) Search this site Reading (and listening strategies) The importance of reading Listen to this wonderful little guy telling you why it is so important to read! Two nice songs about reading strategies Practice reading strategies. Making inferences. Context clues. Making predictions - Understanding what is going to happen before it happens. Visualizing - Making movies in your head. Summarizing Summarize to better understand what you have read/heard. To top of page Google Sites Report abuse.

Now is the time for running

Once. The Perks of Being a Wallflower- a book, digital tools and free lesson plans. This semester I have been working with the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The book is written by Stephen Chbosky. I chose to use the online version of the book since that version also has an audio version and the students are able to listen while they are reading. You can find the book here: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 3 of my classes read this book and they are 13-14 years old. I meet them two times a week and one lesson lasts for 60 minutes. Digital tools and web pages that are used in this project: SeeSaw Grammarly Google Classroom Google document Google Presentations Pear Deck Youtube The links in the text go to the lesson plans I used with my students. Week 1 Introduction Discussions before reading:The Perks - Introduction Start reading the first parts of the book.

Week 2 After reading part 1-3 (in the online version) After reading part 1-3 The students worked in pairs and answered questions. Week 3 Was she raped or not? Week 6. Chapter 1 - Marley's Ghost. Questions on the text Marley was dead, to begin with – there’s no doubt about that. He was as dead as a doornail. Marley and Scrooge were business partners once.

But then Marley died and now their firm belonged to Scrooge, who was a stingy and heartless old man. Once upon a time, on Christmas Eve, old Scrooge sat busy in his office. It was very cold outside and in Scrooge’s office it was not much warmer either. Suddenly, a cheerful person entered the office. “A merry Christmas, uncle! “Bah!” “Christmas a humbug, uncle!” “I do,” said Scrooge. “Keep it? When Scrooge’s nephew left, two gentlemen came in to collect money for the poor who had no place they could go. “Are there no prisons? When it was time to close the office, Scrooge talked to his clerk, Bob Cratchit. “You want all day off tomorrow, don’t you?” “If that is okay, Sir,” answered the clerk. “It’s not okay,” said Scrooge, “and it is not fair. Cratchit promised that he would; and the two went home. “Who are you?”

Chapter 2 ► TED-Ed - "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took...

Oliver Twist

The Absolute True Diary of a Part-time Indian. Identity, Love and Friendship – Moderna språk Lagaholmsskolan. Introduction Watch the video: What is love? We are going to analyze different aspects of love in the following weeks. You will read the popular novel ”The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky. We will also have a look at Shakespeare and his works. 1. Read: The Perks of Being a Wallflower (e-book) Part 1: Pages 1-42 Who do you think Charlie is writing to?

Tea and consent (video) / Dear Dad (video) 11. Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Part 2 2. Vocabulary 3 Discussion1 : Dear Agony aunt, Advice (read the piece of advice you gave) Discussion 2: Expectations ”I asked my brother if Kelly was unconventionally beautiful. The science of attraction (video)Charlie´s sister and brother have an argument about how girls think they should act to fit in society. The masks we all wear (Video) Gender equality (video) Redefine yourself. 3. “I am starting to see a real trend in the kind of books Bill gives me to read. 4. Choose one radio program and listen to it. 5. 5. Best Short Stories for Middle Schoolers, As Chosen by Teachers. Short stories are a perfect teaching tool for middle schoolers.

Because they require less time to read, they’re an easy way to expose your students to new authors and genres. Also, between stylistic intricacies and plot twists, short stories hook readers and hold middle schoolers’ attention like nothing else. We’ve compiled this list of short stories that are great for teaching middle schoolers. Links to each story are included below (they are sometimes scanned reproductions). Always remember to check in advance for typos, and be sure to respect copyright protections. Finally, before you bring these short stories for middle schoolers to your classroom, make sure the material (and whatever twist ending is in store) is previewed and appropriate. Best Short Stories for Middle Schoolers 1. “The minute I walked in and the Big Bozo introduced us, I got sick to my stomach. 2.

“‘Does this safari guarantee I come back alive?’” “‘We guarantee nothing,’” said the official, ‘except the dinosaurs.’” 3. The Same Stars.

Edgar Allan Poe

How to write a book review... We have now read the book and watched the film, Matilda. You are now going to write a book review. To be able to do that you need some new words: Here you can find and practice the words online: Quizlet. Book review- bokrecension The author of the book - bokens författare The book takes place in... - boken utspelar sig i The main-character is / the main- characters are.. - Huvudpersonen/Huvudpersonerna är The book is about.- boken handlar om .. The language of the book - bokens språk The difference between the book and the film is...- skillnaden mellan boken och filmenI prefer the film/the book because.. jag föredrar filmen/boken därför att... I think that/ in my opinion - jag tycker att If I could re-write the end of the book I would - Om jag kunde skriva om slutet på boken skulle jag...

I like the book/film because. - Jag gillar boken eftersom.. I dislike the book/film because - Jag gillar inte boken eftersom... Below you can find questions that can help you with your text. Bedömning: Matilda. Book Discussions in the Classroom - 23 Teacher Tips. On their second or third time through the work, ask students to jot down their own questions, which you can fold into the discussion when relevant. 5.

Adopt an inquiry stance. As Kath Murdoch states on her Just Wondering blog: “Whether you are using literature to inspire wonder, provoke curiosity or deepen conceptual understanding, the act of sharing literature is always an opportunity to adopt an inquiry stance as a teacher. Inviting questions, thinking aloud, making connections, noticing the way our thinking changes as we read … these techniques are part of the repertoire of an inquiry pedagogy and help make the most of what can be a profound, shared experience.”

Her post Inspiring Inquiry Through Picture Books offers several gems that should be on any book lover’s shelf. Also check out this video of Kath talking about what makes a good inquiry teacher. 6. What is Shared Inquiry? 7. Think of it as an icebreaker. 8. 9. 10. Speak - you must walk alone to find your soul. - Sara Bruun. Du får ta uppgifterna och anpassa efter din klass. Det är så svårt att säga tidsåtgång då det beror på vilken grupp man har framför sig.. Nedan följer del 2 av upplägget kring boken SPEAK. Del 1 hittar du här: If you see something – say something Du får ta uppgifterna och anpassa efter din klass. Det är så svårt att säga tidsåtgång då det beror på vilken grupp man har framför sig..

Precis som i första texten är instruktionerna till dig som lärare på svenska. Eleverna har läst tom s. 92 innan nedanstående uppgifter påbörjas: Make a word-list with 20 words you don’t understand. Speaking (Eleverna diskuterar i grupp. Below you find questions that I want you to discuss. 1. Writing and speaking (Detta är en träningsuppgift och inget jag bedömer. Everyone needs to answer question number 4 in English. Choose 3 other questions and write your answers in English. What should we value in other people? Writing (Detta är en bedömningsuppgift. Remember: Being creative Grattis om du orkade läsa ända hit! Beginners Reading Worksheet - GrammarBank.

Literary analysis

Sherlock Holmes and other detective stories. Strategies. How to Get Your Students Writing with Only 6 Words. We’ve all been told we need to bring writing into our art rooms. But, it can be difficult to find both the time and a way to create a meaningful connection between the two disciplines. A few years ago, I came across the idea of 6-word stories and decided to give them a try in my classroom. The premise, which is to write a story using only six words, seemed like it might work well for our limited amount of time together. I had no idea if it would work well or not. Although my students balked a bit at first, once they gave it a try, the results were wonderful. It was some of the most interesting writing I’d ever seen from my students. As a bonus, they took seconds to read, making them a major teacher win. Since then, I’ve used 6-word stories in a variety of ways in my classroom, from get-to-know-you activities and exit tickets to tools for review and artist statements.

Here’s everything you need to know to start using 6-word stories in your classroom.

White Fang

Holes. Skip's ESL BITS - ESL English Listening Advanced - ESL English Listening Inte... 'Tis the season to be jolly. När det doftar pepparkakor och glögg i vart hem kan det vara svårt att fokusera på jobbet, men även terminens sista lektioner ska ju planeras. Hur gör vi lektionerna intressanta, men ändå lagom avslappnade? Vi kopplar in julen i undervisningen, så klart. Ett bra sätt att dessutom dra ner på stressen är att samplanera med en kollega och jag har tidigare samplanerat med gott resultat med Annika Sjödahl där vi samplanerade runt realian. I detta inlägg fokuserar vi på A Christmas Carol, ett klassiskt litterärt verk som tilltalar såväl barn som vuxna, fortfarande 150 år efter att det skrevs. Att texten är populär märks på alla tolkningar som gjorts, nyligen gjordes en långfilm med Jim Carrey i huvudrollen, och de otaliga kulturella referenser som görs till texten. Har du kanske själv tänkt på att Kalle Ankas farbror, Joakim von Anka, på engelska heter Scrooge McDuck?

John Leech [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Här har vi samlat olika upplägg där du kan fundera över just din klass behov: Reading. Hur utvecklar vi elevernas läsförståelse? I mitt förra inlägg skrev jag om de val vi gör av litteratur för vår undervisning och jag problematiserade valen som ofta tenderar att utgå från förutbestämda inköp eller kanske till och med handledningar och inte ligger i linje med vårt huvudupdrag i att utveckla intresset i att läsa och skriva.

Senast ikväll pratade Martin Ingvar i Aktuellt om den bristfälliga läsundervisningen i skolan. Om vi ska utveckla elevernas läsförståelse måste vi börja med att skapa intresse för läsningen och vi måste därför utgå från där eleverna befinner sig och inte efter de val som någon annan gjort utifrån sin elevgrupp. Jag ska nedan visa i hur vi ofta tenderar att tolka läsundervisningen och missar att utveckla en djupläsning som leder till en reflekterande och tänkande läsart. I det centrala innehållet i svenska står det så här om själva läsundervisningen: I undervisningen ska eleverna möta samt få kunskaper om skönlitteratur från olika tider och skilda delar av världen. Här kan du ladda ner Canvan. CommonLit | Free Fiction & Nonfiction Literacy Resources, Curriculum, & Asses... All Summer in a Day. KEYWORDS - ett sätt att arbeta med texter | Pedagog Värmland. När jag läste litteraturkurserna i engelska på Karlstads universitet så fick vi nästan alltid i uppgift att plocka ut keywords.

Det kunde vara ett ord eller en mening; något som var centralt för texten vi läst. Vi fick motivera hur vi tänkte när vi valde våra keywords och vad de hade för betydelse i sammanhanget. En dag blev jag sugen på att testa detta på mina elever. Mina nior fick agera försökskaniner när vi inledde arbetet med temat ”The English speaking world”. Under hela arbetet med temat så fick eleverna arbeta med keywords på olika sätt. Att använda keywords som arbetssätt är användbart på flera sätt: dels tränar det eleverna i att hitta det centrala i en text. Det känns lite roligt så här i efterhand att egentligen hade jag inte planerat att vi skulle jobba med keywords genom hela temat, men många av eleverna tyckte att det var bra och frågade om vi inte kunde jobba på det sättet mer.

Context Clues Worksheets | Ereading Worksheets. Färdigt tema för år 7 kring boken - Walkabout. Bokryggspoesi som start på ett litteraturtema. Läsning på djupet - läsning tillsammans - Mia Smith. Looking forward to meeting you.

Oliver Twist and the Victorian era

Hur textsamtalet kan utveckla läsförståelsen. Elements of a Short Story. S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders--Book Trailer. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 10 Great Places to Find and Acces... Läsreflektion genom att välja citat och delge tanke. The Body by Stephen King. Skip Reske's ESL BITS - ESL English Listening Advanced - ESL English Listenin...