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'Peace wall' gate to open at Belfast's Alexandra Park. Social innovation and inclusive entrepreneurship. Berlin’s housing market: following the global trend or going its own way? Happold Consulting Re-unification and the decision to re-establish Berlin as Germany’s capital has created competing visions for its future.

Berlin’s housing market: following the global trend or going its own way?

Some envisioned Berlin as another key hub for the European or global economy, able to compete successfully with Paris or London whilst others regarded the post-socialist city as an opportunity to take an alternative route to forming a global city. Reviewing Berlin’s housing provision over the last two decades shows that the city is really still negotiating its future. Immediately after reunification, Berlin hoped to (re)gain world city status; the government promoted construction and renewal of both new social and private housing with subsidies and tax benefits. A Milestone in Airbnb's Awkward Relationship With New York - Emily Badger. The legal framework around renting an apartment in New York City on Airbnb has been, to put it mildly, ambiguous.

A Milestone in Airbnb's Awkward Relationship With New York - Emily Badger

Downtown Beirut: Between Amnesia and Nostalgia. Tourism and the economy: Easy come, easy go. ‎ The 10 Cities That Are Leading The Way In Urban Sustainability. With a few exceptions, national governments aren't going to make a big dent in climate change and associated environmental problems.

The 10 Cities That Are Leading The Way In Urban Sustainability

They're too big, slow, and in many cases, don't even want to acknowledge a problem that's so politically inconvenient. Over the past half decade or so, it has become increasingly apparent that cities are leading the way--and ultimately, have the greatest chance at boosting our chances for survival in the face of declining resources and rising seas. This week, Siemens and C40 (the Cities Climate Leadership Group), announced the 10 winners of the inaugural City Climate Leadership Awards, given to municipalities around the world that have demonstrated "excellence in urban sustainability and leadership in the fight against climate change.

" Below, the winners. Bogota: Urban Transportation This city took the Urban Transportation award for its ultra-efficient bus and taxi fleets. Melbourne: Energy Efficient Built Environment. Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture. HISTOIRE – L’Allemagne embarrassée par le patrimoine architectural nazi.

Les Roms, une minorité marginalisée. Chasse aux Roms : une arme politique à double tranchant. 27 septembre 2013 - A quelques mois d’élections municipales et en pleine crise économique, le bouc-émissaire est trouvé.

Chasse aux Roms : une arme politique à double tranchant

Il rassemble contre lui l’opposition et une partie de la majorité. Le point de vue de Louis Maurin, directeur de l’Observatoire des inégalités. A quelques mois d’élections municipales et en pleine crise économique, le bouc-émissaire est trouvé : les Roms. Ceux-ci rassemblent contre eux l’opposition et une partie de la majorité. La presse se libère et publie une « carte des Roms ». Qui sont les « Roms » ? Ces populations ont en commun de vivre souvent dans des conditions très difficiles (sites pollués, absence d’électricité et d’eau courante, etc.).

Tous des voleurs ? Les relations sont parfois conflictuelles avec le reste de la population, qu’ils nomment « gadjés ». Reclaiming the streets in Bogota : Biking, Colombia. Colombia embraced a new national hero in July when 23-year-old Nairo Quintana finished second in the Tour de France, the highest-ever finish by a Colombian cyclist in the world's most famous bike race.

Reclaiming the streets in Bogota : Biking, Colombia

But visit Colombia's capital Bogota, near where Quintana grew up, and it is easy to see how a grand cycling career was born here. Pinched between the Andes ranges and sitting 2,600m above sea level, Bogota is unexpectedly one of the world's great biking cities. Related slideshow: Cycling the high-altitude Himalayan highway Despite the mountainous surrounds, South America's fourth-largest city is predominantly flat and the cycling infrastructure is excellent.

Around 350km of bike paths – more than in any other Latin American city – radiate from the city centre, and every new street that is built must also include a bike lane. Peace Day: Reminder of millions of lives lost in war as artists stencil 9,000 bodies onto Normandy beach. British led project covered the famous coastline in poignant silhouettesA team of 500 artists and volunteers contributed the moving installationThe 'fallen' were left to be washed away by the tide at the end of the day By Aaron Sharp Published: 13:05 GMT, 23 September 2013 | Updated: 17:20 GMT, 23 September 2013.

Peace Day: Reminder of millions of lives lost in war as artists stencil 9,000 bodies onto Normandy beach

The Water Tank Project. Inner City Economic Summit. Les Roms, cibles des surenchères politiques à l'approche des municipales. The Evolution of Urban Planning in 10 Diagrams - Emily Badger. Le Corbusier’s plan may not have had such power if he hadn’t put it on paper.

The Evolution of Urban Planning in 10 Diagrams - Emily Badger

The French modernist architect wanted to reform the polluted industrial city by building “towers in a park” where workers might live high above the streets, surrounded by green space and far from their factories. His idea was radical for the 1930s, and it was his diagrams of it that really captured the imagination. "It swept everyone along," says Benjamin Grant, the public realm and urban design program manager for the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association. Knowledge & Evaluation. You Can Only See This Amazing Invisible Graffiti When It Rains - Jenny Xie.

Villes post-industrielles : pour une nouvelle approche. Villes post-industrielles : pour une nouvelle approche. Urban Age Institute. Global migration and urban renewal. This site uses some unobtrusive cookies to store information on your computer.

Global migration and urban renewal

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Enacting equality through insurgent housing practices in Spain. September 9, 2013 by citiesmcr By Melissa García Lamarca, PhD candidate in Geography Spain’s growth has always been intimately connected to the expansion of the built environment. (1) During the country’s third and most extensive real estate boom from 1997 to 2007, over five million units of housing were built – more than the UK, France, Italy and Germany combined – as housing prices increased over 200%.

Enacting equality through insurgent housing practices in Spain

Mount Zion: the city within. At the Verdaguer transfer station on the Barcelona metro, tourists on holiday slowly trickle towards the beach as locals rush to work.

Mount Zion: the city within

‎ Changer Barcelone (Hovig Ter Minassian) Hovig Ter Minassian, Changer Barcelone. Politiques publiques et gentrification dans le centre ancien (Ciutat Vella), collection « Villes et Territoires », Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2013. Cet ouvrage du géographe français Hovig Ter Minassian est le fruit d’un travail de thèse réalisé entre 2005 et 2009 et, par la suite, remanié et enrichi.

Deux axes principaux organisent la réflexion, celui de la métropole catalane, bien sûr, et celui, plus conceptuel, de la gentrification comme l’annonce clairement le sous-titre de l’ouvrage. Après le beau travail de Robert Ferras[i] publié en 1977, ce livre confirme l’intérêt des géographes français pour Barcelone dont les mutations récentes, essentiellement depuis trente ans, traduisent en particulier un processus de gentrification qui doit beaucoup aux actions des pouvoirs municipaux. Les objectifs du chercheur Le contexte des politiques de réhabilitation à la fin des années 1970 Un modèle d’intervention urbaine : le Modelo Barcelona. One text surrounds another. Scampia, Naples: the suburb of dreamers. Searching Big Data for ‘Digital Smoke Signals’ For all of its goals, Global Pulse needs corporate partners. Transforming Cities: Special edition of The Economist magazine.

What Europe can learn from the South ~ Global Labour Column. After having caused a massive increase in inequality throughout the world, which led to the build-up of politely called “imbalances” and which fireballed into a financial, then economic, crisis, neoliberal policies are threatening to push many economies into a precipice with unknown political and social consequences. Yet, the European countries at the heart of this turmoil are showing little sign of resistance; the growing social movements opposing bailout and austerity have thus far failed to influence dominant parties and national policies. Instead, it appears that the very same policy mix of austerity and privatization which shattered African, Latin American and ex-communist countries in the 1980s and ’90s is being inflicted on Europe. The irony lies in the fact that most economists now agree that these policies have indeed had disastrous consequences.

While Keynesians are nostalgic of the voluntary reaction to the 1930s’ crisis by US President Franklin D. Home made home : bientôt tous architectes ?