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#7 Share a Lesson Idea

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English Advantage. This is a roleplay about a company that makes defective products.

English Advantage

Students play officers of the company, angry customers, and journalists. Objectives: Improve speaking fluencyExpress opinions, pros and cons of different ideasMake compromises and negotiate Materials Warm Up Tell students they are going to do a roleplay today. The Situation Hand out the Beauty, Inc. Spend some time to make sure they understand the situation well. Preparing the Roles Now hand each student one Beauty, Inc. One activity to get students thinking is to have students write in one sentence who their character is. Running the Role Play Once you feel that students are comfortable with their roles and what they are going to say, tell them that the Press Assistant is in charge of the meeting and will decide who speaks.

You may also consider structuring the discussion. Closing As a closing discussion, ask the students if they have ever bought anything that didn’t work. Notes There are 12 roles. Datenglish: My teaching survival kit. “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” ― Galileo Galilei My laptop, my students' own device, a headset, markers, sticky notes, papers and more papers, my glasses and coffee to start My camera and my students' smart phones We sometimes go out for a walk and take a few pictures, then we sit down on a bench in a nearby park and talk about our findings.

Datenglish: My teaching survival kit

Photos, pictures, images, sounds When we capture images, moments become more memorable. #30GoalsEdu: Goal 4 Revisit an Idea. Ideas are often thought of and forgotten in a blink of an eye.

#30GoalsEdu: Goal 4 Revisit an Idea

Our heads are filled with them and yet there is so little time to put them all into practice. That is one of the reasons why I left this one idea aside for while. Learners though love watching TV series in class, so I thought why not pursue this goal and see what would happen if I used it for a whole semester! Would they be more motivated? Would they like the one I chose? The biggest challenge is developing tasks that don’t kill the natural desire and curiosity that keeps one engaged with a TV series, that is, the story itself. So I chose THE MIDDLE after a long search and review reading. A family that could pretty much be yours. ;) Back in April, I watched the live transmition of Jan Blake plenary “They don’t care about the vocabulary, they care about the characters.” and that has sticked to my mind every since.

Episode 1. Goal 8 of 30: Share an Activity : English Advantage. Stop and Learn English. Hello kids!

Stop and Learn English

Today we are going to show you some apps and tools we have found for you. Hello teachers! As you have read, you can also see the multimedia content in order to take information for your future lessons or activitites. We hope you enjoy with our ideas! Have a nice Easter holiday and break the science... The tool we use in this activity is Blendspace. Blendspace, is one of our new favorite presentation platform, this makes presentations incrementally more engaging!

Participants will need to login to participate in a presentation, but fear not! You can choose varied layouts, be colorful and sequence your presentation the way you want it! The rubric that teachers can use in order to assess their students in this activity is the following one: 2. The instructions are given through voice comments. The app we have used is Voxopop. The rubric teacher can use is the next one: Pinterest is a fantastic tool where everybody can "Pin" whatever you want. 5. A lesson plan a day. Give us a peek of your classroom. Goal 8: Share an Activity. A lesson plan a day. By Walton Burns (@EnglAdvantage).

a lesson plan a day

My blog with more lesson plans is here: English Advantage. This is a role play lesson plan. I miss doing role plays and I miss designing them. This was one of the most fun I’ve ever done. This role play is about a company that makes bad products! Materials Warm Up Tell students they are going to do a roleplay today. The Situation Hand out the Beauty, Inc. Spend some time to make sure they understand the situation well. Preparing the Roles Now hand each student one Beauty, Inc. One activity to get students thinking is to have students write in one sentence who their character is. Running the Role Play Once you feel that students are comfortable with their roles and what they are going to say, tell them that the Press Assistant is in charge of the meeting and will decide who speaks.

You may also consider structuring the discussion. Closing As a closing discussion, ask the students if they have ever bought anything that didn’t work. Notes. Share a Lesson or Activity. Posted by Shelly Terrell on Thursday, August 1st 2013 Goal 7: Share an Activity or Lesson Idea of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators.

Share a Lesson or Activity

Click the link to find out more about the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ~George Bernard Shaw This year with the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators, our 30 Goals Facebook community is voting on what some of the goals will be.