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Cancer - Understanding Cancer, page 1. In simple terms, cancer is a group of more than 100 diseases that develop across time and involve the uncontrolled division of the body's cells. Although cancer can develop in virtually any of the body's tissues, and each type of cancer has its unique features, the basic processes that produce cancer are quite similar in all forms of the disease. Cancer begins when a cell breaks free from the normal restraints on cell division and begins to follow its own agenda for proliferation (Figure 3). All of the cells produced by division of this first, ancestral cell and its progeny also display inappropriate proliferation. A tumor, or mass of cells, formed of these abnormal cells may remain within the tissue in which it originated (a condition called in situ cancer), or it may begin to invade nearby tissues (a condition called invasive cancer).

What happens to cause a cell to become cancerous? Research across the last three decades, however, has revolutionized our understanding of cancer. L'actualité en vidéo sur Figaro Live : politique, éco, international, culture… Différents cancers. Factors influencing mammography participation in Canada: an integrative review of the literature. A la manera japonesa. | create and share visual ideas online. La disputa de Newton y Leibniz por la invención del Cálculo pudo comenzar como un plan creado por ellos mismos. Quién no conoce a estas alturas la famosísima disputa que mantuvieron Newton y Leibniz sobre la autoría de la invención del Cálculo. Es un tema muy conocido que desde que comenzó, en la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, ha sido motivo de enfrentamiento entre los seguidores de ambos contendientes.

Aunque en este blog ya hemos hablado de que Fermat debía tener un lugar privilegiado en este asunto, la Historia ha dejado a estos dos brillantes matemáticos como los inventores y primeros desarrolladores de lo que hoy conocemos como Cálculo Diferencial y Cálculo Integral. El análisis de los textos que se conservaban de aquella época, incluyendo la correspondencia entre ellos mismos y con otros matemáticos, dejaba más o menos clara la historia. Por resumir un poco, se sabe que los dos desarrollaron el Cálculo de forma independiente. Fue Newton quien lo hizo antes, pero fue Leibniz quien lo publicó primero. Isaac Newton (izquierda) y Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (derecha) Las tres dimensiones del sonido. 20 herramientas que utilizan diferentes estilos de aprendizaje en el aula.

Colliding Particles: Higgs | Jon Butterworth | Life & Physics | Science | How Should we Celebrate Physics in 2015? In 2005, physicists, students, and physics buffs worldwide celebrated the 100th anniversary of Einstein's Miracle Year. In 2010, we reveled in the technical wonders that the laser brought us over the last 50 years. It may seem a little early to think about it, but we need to start planning for the international physics event we'll be holding in 2015. Some possible reasons to party come to mind pretty quick: - X-rays were discovered in 1895, so 2015 will mark the 125'th anniversary of Rontgen's creepy photo of his wife's hand bones. - Balmer came up with a proto-quantum explanation for the hydrogen spectrum, also in 1895 - In 1965 Penzias and Wilson discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background - Maxwell showed how electromagnetic theory could explain light in 1864, but that would be odd to celebrate in 2015 (we could move things up to 2014, I guess) There must be other reasons to celebrate of physics in 2015, or thereabouts.

Applying particle physics expertise to cancer therapy. ( -- Physicists at the University of California, Santa Cruz, are working with medical researchers at Loma Linda University Medical Center to develop a new imaging technology to guide proton therapy for cancer treatment. Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that allows powerful doses of radiation to be delivered directly to a tumor with little damage to the surrounding healthy tissues. Currently, images and data for planning and guidance of proton therapy are obtained from x-ray computed tomography (commonly known as a CT scan or CAT scan). But using information from x-rays to guide proton beams results in uncertainties that limit the accuracy with which the tumor can be targeted.

To overcome these limitations, researchers at the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP) at UC Santa Cruz and their collaborators have been working since 2003 to develop the technology needed to perform proton computed tomography. Standing at the Wavefront of Scientific Discovery: A leadup to the Nobel Prize in Physics. Across the globe, a handful of individuals will be woken from sleep or stopped in their tracks while crossing a busy street as they are interrupted from their otherwise ordinary day with a phone call from the Nobel Prize committee.

Over the next week, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will announce this year's Nobel Prize winners. Awarded in accordance with the will of Alfred Nobel, the prizes will go "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind," through their advances in the disciplines of medicine or physiology, physics, chemistry, literature, and peace.

For those of us not expecting the free trip to Sweden, the Nobels are a great opportunity to catch up on the science behind some of the top inventions and discoveries contending for the prize in physics. Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality The latter half of the 20th century has witnessed the experimental verification of some of the mind-bending theories of the quantum mechanics.

The Story of Physics: Extended Version - Dara O Briain's Science Club - Episode 2 - BBC Two. Higgs Boson makes it a champagne year for physics. 2012 will go down in history as a landmark year, when physicists discovered a fundamental particle that may answer one of the greatest riddles of all. Investigators believe their discovery to be the long-coveted Higgs Boson, an invisible particle that explains the mystery of mass.

Without the Higgs, say theorists, we and all the other joined-up atoms in the Universe would not exist. "The discovery is a wonderful example of the ability of the human imagination to understand the Universe to the greatest depths," said Sir Paul Nurse, a Nobel laureate who is president of Britain's Royal Society. "As an achievement, it ranks alongside the confirmation that the Earth is round or Man's first steps on the Moon," said Pauline Gagnon at CERN, where the particle was detected in sets of rival experiments. Theorised back in 1964, the boson carries the name of a Briton, Peter Higgs.

One notion is that the Higgs was born when the new Universe cooled after the Big Bang some 14 billion years ago. Standing at the Wavefront of Scientific Discovery: A leadup to the Nobel Prize in Physics. Across the globe, a handful of individuals will be woken from sleep or stopped in their tracks while crossing a busy street as they are interrupted from their otherwise ordinary day with a phone call from the Nobel Prize committee. Over the next week, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will announce this year's Nobel Prize winners. Awarded in accordance with the will of Alfred Nobel, the prizes will go "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind," through their advances in the disciplines of medicine or physiology, physics, chemistry, literature, and peace.

For those of us not expecting the free trip to Sweden, the Nobels are a great opportunity to catch up on the science behind some of the top inventions and discoveries contending for the prize in physics. Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality The latter half of the 20th century has witnessed the experimental verification of some of the mind-bending theories of the quantum mechanics. Educational Technology Guy: What I use with Physics classes instead of textbook.

Apple made a big announcement last week about iBooks2 and digital textbooks. You can read my thoughts on it here. Some other teachers asked me what I use with my classes, since I don't use a textbook. The textbooks we have are 20+ years old, hard to understand and not very good in general. Instead, I use a collection of resources with my students. (I do use a Physics textbook, Giancoli Physics, with my AP class). All of my lesson plans and resources are organized in Evernote. Students may check out one of our physics textbooks if they want, but no one does. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. These are the main resources. What do you use, instead of / in addition to, texbooks in your classroom? Here is a full listing and description of some of the sites and resources I use: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How physics is used to treat cancer - Particle accelerators are famously large machines. The largest and most famous one even has it in the name: the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

When you stand in the 27km long LHC tunnel deep underground it looks as if the chain of blue magnets simply stretches off to infinity. So when people talk about putting particle accelerators in hospital basements to treat cancer, there is understandably some reticence as to their size and cost. Despite this, proton therapy is big business. To understand why hospitals are using this treatment at all, we need to ask: what happens when you fire a beam of protons into the human body?

It’s a question that physicist R R Wilson must have been pretty excited about in 1944 when he published a paper in a medical journal simply called ‘Radiological use of fast protons’ (Radiology, 1946:47:487-91). When treating any cancer with radiation the aim is to increase the dose deposited in cancerous cells while sparing as much of the healthy tissue as possible.

Colliding Particles - Hunting the Higgs. A series of films following research in particle physics at the LHC. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN will look deeper into the nature of the universe than anything that has gone before, and its’ vast experiments are certain to change our understanding of the world around us. The scale of the engineering involved can sometimes obscure the fact that the project is designed and run by people - hundreds of teams of researchers and collaborators, all driven by the simple desire to increase our understanding of the universe we live in. ‘Colliding Particles’ is a series of films following just one of the teams of physicists involved in the research at the LHC. The project documents their work at the frontiers of particle physics, exploring the human stories behind the research and investigating the workings of the scientific process itself. Gavin Salam Gavin is a theoretical particle physicist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris.

50-Year Single-Line Timeline of Physics, 1950-200. Podcast: Physics Superstars on YouTube. Autoportraits sous forme de nuages de tags. Bonjour ! Je suis Demi, j'ai presque 18 ans et je suis une fille positive mais timide. Avec ce projet, j'espère me faire de nouveaux amis et connaitre mieux la culture française. Pour moi eTwinning représente une chance de découvrir et d’apprendre la culture italienne, et de voyager.

Pour un sujet qui nous réunit et nous rapproche tous : dans notre cas le français. Cela permettra sans doute de créer de nouvelles amitiés. Bonjour, je m'appelle Mohamed et je suis un algérien qui fait ses études à Brest, je suis trop content d'être ici, je trouve le projet etwinning créatif et très intéressant pour faire des échanges de culture et d'information Uploaded by mayar ithri on... Je m'appelle Matteo et je suis un garçon surtout sympathique et disponible. Ce projet d’échange eTwinning m’enthousiasme beaucoup, je pense qu’à travers lui nous grandirons tous.

Bonjour, Je me présente, je m'appelle Coraline, j'ai 17 ans et je suis actuellement en première L au lycée de l'Iroise. Bonjour à tous. Physical Side Effects of Cancer Treatment. Health: What does good health really mean? What is health? The ability to adapt - The Lancet. Health is not a “state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being”. And nor is it “merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The first part of this formulation is enshrined in WHO's famous founding constitution, adopted in 1946. It was supposed to provide a transformative vision of “health for all”, one that went beyond the prevailing negative conception of health based on an “absence” of pathology.

But neither definition will do in an era marked by new understandings of disease at molecular, individual, and societal levels. Given that we now know the important influence of the genome in disease, even the most optimistic health advocate surely has to accept the impossibility of risk-free wellbeing. That said, the conjunction of the physical, psychological, and social remains powerfully relevant to this day. Indeed, this framework should be extended in two further dimensions. Health certainly has to encompass these complex determinants of illness. Article Info Identification. What is health? Ask Canadians what makes them healthy and you would get many different answers.

Some might say luck or family history; but most would point to their lifestyle -- whether they smoke, how much they eat and drink, how much they exercise, and perhaps how well they manage their stress levels. There is no doubt that personal lifestyle has a very direct impact on health; but, health is generally viewed as much more complex. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) offers a simple definition of health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. “Social well-being” is an important aspect of this definition that may not always occur to us in thinking about our health.

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion affirms social, economic and environmental aspects of ‘health’. What affects health? There are many broad factors in our lives that influence our health. These factors are known as the determinants of health. Oxford Biological Physics - Home Page. The Oxford Biological Physics Group is located in the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford and is part of the Sub-Department of Condensed Matter Physics.

Our research uses a range of biophysical techniques, in particular single-molecule methods, to study molecular machines, rotary motors, ion channels and other membrane proteins. Students interested in post-graduate research in these areas should contact the graduate programme. The principal research groups are: Berry group - Rotary molecular motors Contera group - Nanomedicine and scanning probe techniques Kapanidis group - Gene machines Ryan Group - Nanofabrication and microscopy Trigueros group - Nanoscience for medicine Tucker group - Ion channels Turberfield group - DNA nanostructure. Diabetes mellitus type 1. Diabetes mellitus type 1 (also known as type 1 diabetes, or T1DM; formerly insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes) is a form of diabetes mellitus that results from the autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.[2] The subsequent lack of insulin leads to increased blood and urine glucose.

The classical symptoms are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger), and weight loss.[3] While lack of care could be lethal, administration of insulin remains essential for the survival of these patients. Insulin therapy must be continued indefinitely and does not usually impair normal daily activities. Patients are usually trained to manage their disease independently; however, for some this can be challenging.

Type 1 diabetes can lead to a number of complications, both in the short term and in the long term. Signs and symptoms[edit] Overview of the most significant symptoms of diabetes Cause[edit] Genetics[edit] What is health? Nuclear physics promises earlier detection of brain tumors with just 1 scan. Laser imaging spots brain cancer. Cancer research gets physical. “Physics of Cancer” Redefining Health: The Evolution of Health Ideas from Antiquity to the Era of Value-Based Care. Site inter-établissements - LYCEE GENERAL SAINT-SERNIN - Arts plastiques. Les Grands Peintres. Arts plastiques - Éduscol. Copie de pratiques pedagogiques et numeriques. CALCUL MENTAL. La coupe d’Arcésilas : réalité et symbole au coeur de la Méditerranée. Radar des fonds | L'outil qui vous aide à trouver des fonds intéressants.

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