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The Worst Advice Bear Grylls Ever Gave Us. Eyeballs or bums on seats? #DumpDigital. Author: Simon Leslie, Joint CEO Bob Hoffman is a man worth listening to.

Eyeballs or bums on seats? #DumpDigital

Especially when he’s talking about advertising. Bob is an adland icon. The founder of the Hoffman/Lewis agency in California, he has created campaigns for McDonald’s, Shell, PepsiCo, Bank of America, you name it... The century-old Greater San Francisco Ad Club made him their “Ad Person of the Year” in 2012. And now Bob Hoffman is the man exposing the vast fraud of digital advertising. This great swindle is on track to become the second largest source of criminal activity in the world by 2025, second only to drug trafficking, Hoffman suggested recently. #EDFringe19: My Name is Remy Beasley - Wales Arts Review. Writer and performer Remy Beasley prepares for the endurance test that is the Edinburgh Fringe with her new show Do Our Best.

#EDFringe19: My Name is Remy Beasley - Wales Arts Review

My name is Remy Beasley and for the first time in a long time I have finally finished something I started. I have written a play with a beginning, middle and an end. It even has a title and everything. It’s called Do Our Best and it follows the story of narcissistic Sephie who, at 30 years of age, suddenly finds herself back in the Girl Guides after a particularly turbulent life episode. 14 of the Longest Words in English. Yes, this article is about some of the longest English words on record.

14 of the Longest Words in English

No, you will not find the very longest word in English in this article. That one word would span about fifty-seven pages. Happy to Be a Heretic. HuffPost is part of Verizon Media.

Happy to Be a Heretic

Verizon Media and our partners need your consent to access your device and use your data (including location) to understand your interests, and provide and measure personalised ads. Verizon Media will also provide you with personalised ads on partner products. Learn more. Lyubov Sobol: The woman driving Russia's opposition protests. Opposition Politician Sobol Ends Month-Long Hunger Strike Amid Moscow Protests.

Russian opposition politician Lyubov Sobol has announced she has ended her month-long hunger strike over health concerns for an arrested campaign aide who had joined her in striking.

Opposition Politician Sobol Ends Month-Long Hunger Strike Amid Moscow Protests

Sobol went on hunger strike last month after Moscow election authorities refused to allow her and other opposition candidates on the ballot for next month’s local legislature vote. That refusal has spurred weeks of mass protests for fair elections, thousands of detentions and a dozen protesters charged with “mass unrest.” “I’m ending the hunger strike at the request of Alexei Minyaylo’s mother,” Sobol announced late on Wednesday, referring to her campaign aide who faces up to eight years behind bars on the “mass unrest” charges.

“Alexei has been holding a hunger strike in solidarity with me since late July 13,” Sobol wrote on Facebook. “And now he’s in pre-trial detention without the ability to receive quality medical treatment.” “These criminal cases are an attack on the public,” she wrote. The Curious History of Crap—From Space Junk to Actual Poop. Finally, There's a Comic Book Store for the Blind. Every Year, Thousands of Glass Orbs Are Hidden on This Oregon Beach. Everything Is Fake: 40 Things You Thought Were Real, But Aren’t! 1. Fake News.. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness.

Everything Is Fake: 40 Things You Thought Were Real, But Aren’t! 1. Fake News..

The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. The concept of racism has lost all meaning - Thomas Wictor. Words are supposed to have definitions.

The concept of racism has lost all meaning - Thomas Wictor

One way in which those with nefarious agendas control the steaming masses is by flinging accusations in all directions, hoping to cow dissenters into silence. For years now, there’s been racism behind every tree and under every rock. It took a Twitter user to drive home the point that the word has completely lost its meaning. 9 women executives on what they hope to teach their daughters. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry on How a Simple Human Smile Saved His Life. Though researchers since Darwin may have spent considerable effort on the science of smiles, at the heart of that simple human expression remains a metaphysical art — one captured nowhere more beautifully and grippingly than in a short account by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (June 29, 1900–July 31, 1944), found in Letter to a Hostage (public library) — the same exquisite short memoir he began writing in December of 1940, a little more than two years before he created The Little Prince on American soil, which also gave us his poignant reflection on what the Sahara desert teaches us about the meaning of life.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry on How a Simple Human Smile Saved His Life

Evolution: how the theory is inspiring a new way of understanding language. Words are often seen as the building blocks of languages.

Evolution: how the theory is inspiring a new way of understanding language

But as children we don’t learn lists of words like we might in a school language class. We learn longer strings of sounds and break them up into words as we grow up. One of the problems with our current theory of how language works is that it doesn’t take these longer strings into account. In my own research, I’ve drawn on ideas from biological evolution and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins’ idea of memes and suggested a new way of looking at language. Hungry Ghosts of Buddhism - Definition. Hungry ghost. Chinese conception of the preta of Buddhist mythology Hungry ghost is a concept in Chinese Buddhism, Chinese traditional religion, Vietnamese Buddhism, Vietnamese traditional religion, Japanese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism, representing beings who are driven by intense emotional needs in an animalistic way.

Hungry ghost

The terms 餓鬼 èguǐ and quỷ đói, literally "hungry ghost", are the Chinese and Vietnamese translation of the term preta in Buddhism. "Hungry ghosts" play a role in Chinese Buddhism, Vietnamese Buddhism and Taoism as well as in Chinese folk religion and Vietnamese folk religion. Workington MP slams local library cuts on World Book Day. WORKINGTON'S MP has hit out at Government cuts to libraries on World Book Day Sue Hayman criticised cuts to local council budgets after a new research revealed the number of books issues from public libraries in the North West of England has plummeted by 45 per cent since 2011. The research, commissioned by the Labour Party, also showed the number of books borrowed decreased from 33.5 million in 2011 to 18.3 million in 2028. This 3-Second Trick Will Keep You From Saying Something You'll Later Regret. Ferguson's three questions may not necessarily be your three questions, and self-reflection is the key to identifying which questions can calm you down in the heat of the moment.

If getting too heated isn't your issue in reactionary speaking, self-reflection can help you get to know your habits and tendencies. Once you build up this self-awareness, you can come up with custom questions you can ask yourself to balance your emotions. Why I Am So Wise by Friedrich Nietzsche. There are a couple of German blokes commonly associated with extreme intelligence. Albert Einstein is one. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is another. Don't be fooled by fake images and videos online. One month before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, an “Access Hollywood” recording of Donald Trump was released in which he was heard lewdly talking about women.

Talking to Aliens. How do artists make a living? An ongoing, almost impossible quest. Tchaikovsky on Depression and Finding Beauty Amid the Wreckage of the Soul. “An artist needs a certain amount of turmoil and confusion,” Joni Mitchell once told an interviewer. Indeed, the history of the arts is the history of the complex relationship between creativity and mental illness. For Military Vets with PTSD, 4th and Fireworks Can Be Nerve-Wracking. Breaking News Emails. Why believing in ghosts can make you a better person. For Sale: The Entire Contents of a Colorado Theme Park.

10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings. The Running of the Cheese: Danger in the Name of Dairy. Pomegranates: In Praise of These Difficult to Eat Things. The Only Story in the World: John Steinbeck on Kindness, Good and Evil, the Wellspring of Good Writing. All It Takes to Create a Ghost Is a Good Story. Is It Possible to Find Love Without Dating Apps? Scared of too much color in your life? Learn to let go of your fear. On The Cusp: 11-Year-Olds Around The World Share Their Wisdom.

Machines will soon dominate the work force. Here’s how to prepare. Want to really connect at your next family gathering? Try this. Pioneering Feminist Philosopher Mary Wollstonecraft on Loneliness, Friendship, and the Courage of Unwavering Affection. Coming around - Gay San Diego. This foot surgeon invented killer heels that won’t kill your feet. Is there any way to stop ad creep? Generation Z: ‘We have more to do than drink and take drugs’

What makes a good friend? Julie Schumacher’s “The Shakespeare Requirement” Is a Sad-Professor Satire That Burns with Moral Anger. Human voices are unique – but our study shows we're not that good at recognising them. 'This life isn't worth a damn': the precarious existence of Czech intellectuals. Want to know who will win at Wimbledon? Listen carefully to the players' grunts. Black Dog Salvage: Where Past And Future Come Together. Everything You Need to Know About Ejecting From a Fighter Jet. What Jeff Bezos gets wrong (and right) with his populist philanthropy. Stop buying crap, and companies will stop making crap. J.D. McClatchy on the Contrast and Complementarity of Desire and Love. Adul Sam-on: the stateless boy who survived the Thai cave – and helped with the rescue. Should graveyard wind chimes and plastic displays be banned?

Piers Morgan and Brian Cox debate the existence of God: a philosopher's take. A Daring Plan to Rescue Boys Trapped in Thai Cave Is Starting to Take Shape. How to survive hot weather at work – and not fall out with colleagues. What’s a delightful way to get more time out of the day? Savoring. Silence Is Not Spiritual: The Evangelical #MeToo Movement. The Importance of Keeping Secrets. “Coco” Is the Definitive Movie for This Moment. Inside the Trump Marriage: Melania’s Burden. What-is-palm-oil-orangutans-forests-a3811606. Teaching little girls to lead. How shoplifters justify theft at supermarket self-service checkouts.

Why we owe it to ourselves to spend quiet time alone every day. How bookmakers deal with winning customers - The Economist explains. It makes perfect sense that Princess Leia should have a PhD – but we need more female academics. Too many teachers in the US are struggling to get by. We need to help. Tapping into the power of humble narcissism. 7 lessons about finding the work you were meant to do. No Job for Humans: The Robot Assault on Fukushima. The Key to Writing Bank Ads That Work. How to raise a child who cares. The strange tales behind how some English words found their way into the Iraqi dialect of Arabic. Videos, articles, and tips to help you succeed, from the world's leading experts. For a primer on how to make fun of Nazis, look to Charlie Chaplin. Witchblr, Kek, and the Widening Schism of Internet Religions. How Philip K. Dick redefined what it means to be (in)human.

The Loneliness Loop: Why Feeling Sad Makes Us Shop and Shopping Makes Us Sad. 3 Ways to Deter Bees. An Algorithm Isn’t Always the Answer. Stop Saying N***a If You're Not Black. Why Explaining 'The N-Word' To Non-Black People Is So Damn Exhausting. Sinclair C5 fan aims to cross UK. Rachel Carson’s Brave and Prescient 1953 Letter Against the Government’s Assault on Science and Nature. How people talk now holds clues about human migration centuries ago.

Stephen Hawking: Martin Rees looks back on colleague’s spectacular success against all odds. Robohunk: Meet the world's first 'companion' sex robot for women. What’s one of the keys to mastering multitasking? Feedback. Irma price gouging highlights sad truth: Consumer fleecing is the new normal. Five young women in porn have died within a few months – it’s time for a change. The Continuous Thread of Revelation: Eudora Welty on Writing, Time, and Embracing the Nonlinearity of How We Become Who We Are. Grime artists cannot be ignored – and it will mean a seismic shift in public discourse. What’s the worst kind of praise you can give? Brain Pickings – An inventory of the meaningful life. When Does Shaun White Compete? How to Watch Halfpipe Finals. Meet the Badass Female Vegan Investor Betting on Technology to Save Animals and Our Food System - One Green PlanetOne Green Planet. The Long Tail.