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PBS Calendars Feb-March.xls. - StumbleUpon. Jaguars. Lion hybrids. The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae.

Lion hybrids

With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight,[4] it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (where an endangered remnant population resides in Gir Forest National Park in India) while other types of lions have disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times.

Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru.[5] The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a major population decline in its African range of 30–50% per two decades during the second half of the 20th century.[2] Lion populations are untenable outside designated reserves and national parks. Etymology. Pokemon,latios,latias. Tiger Coloration. Liger Cub Makes Friends w/ Dolphins at Safari Park! How cute, this little liger cub actually makes some new best friends with 3 dolphins at the Safari park. Lion, Leopard and Tiger. Tiger. Dragons.

Save the tiger. Tigons, Ligers & Other Mixes. PBS Calendars Oct.-Dec4.xls. PBS Calendars Dec-Jan.xls. Meet the liger - half lion, half tiger. Four-week-old liger, Aries, poses on big brother Hercules and trainer Moksha Bybee.

Meet the liger - half lion, half tiger

StumbleUpon. Tiger Attack: The Full Video & Behind the Attack! The Sand Cat – Desert Cat Extraordinaire. Don’t be fooled by the off the scale cuteness quotient.

The Sand Cat – Desert Cat Extraordinaire

This is the Sand Cat – or Felis margarita, a little known species of desert cat. PBS Calendars Jan-Feb.xls. Leopon. Albino Animals. Birdwatchers are rushing to Avebury, near Marlborough, Wiltshire to hopefully catch a glimpse of a rare albino jackdaw.

Albino Animals

Author Andrew Collins was the first to photograph the bird which locals have named Jackie. Other fabulous albino animals include: According to Wikipedia there is no reported case of a true “albino” horse even though white horses have been referred to as albino in literature and some registries. All so-called “albino” horses have pigmented eyes, usually brown or blue, and thus are not true albinos. Many albino mammals, such as mice or rabbits, typically have a white hair coat, unpigmented skin and reddish eyes. Dominant white in horses is caused by the absence of pigment cells melanocytes, whereas albino animals have a normal distribution of melanocytes In other animals, patches of unpigmented skin, hair, or eyes due to the lack of pigment cells (melanocytes) are called piebaldism, not albinism nor partial albinism.

Just walkin. Flaming tiger. Lions. Probably the Funniest Cat Video You'll Ever See. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. A tiger at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Park. Tigers love water and will readily jump in to kill their preyAt a Californian nature park, a trainer threw meat into a pool to demonstrate the tiger's agilityA photographer captured on film the tiger's quick dash and dive By Alex Ward Published: 11:43 GMT, 17 July 2012 | Updated: 11:43 GMT, 17 July 2012 This hungry tiger has just one thing on his mind - to taste fresh meat. He was quick to leap into water, his jaws open wide, razor-sharp teeth gleaming to reach the chunk of raw meat. Capturing the action on film at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Park in Vellejo, California was professional photographer Juan Leon, from Walnut Creek, California. Ahh so scary :D. Paper Models of Polyhedra.

New Born Tiger Cubs. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Panthera and NG Team Up to Save Big Cats. (This text is taken mainly from the National Geographic press release announcing the collaboration.)

Panthera and NG Team Up to Save Big Cats

(Washington, D.C.) – National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative (BCI) has formed an important collaboration with Panthera, the world’s leading organization devoted exclusively to the conservation of the world’s 37 wild cat species. Together, their aim is to further the global fight to save big cats in the wild. Officials from the two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding designating Panthera as a scientific and strategic collaborator on the BCI.

The collaboration will facilitate the development and implementation of global conservation strategies for the most imperiled cats around the world, including tigers, lions, leopards and cheetahs. (Read “Politics Is Killing the Big Cats” by legendary biologist and Panthera Vice President George B. To help guide strategy, an advisory group composed of representatives from each organization has been established. PBS Calendars April-May.xlsx. Sword art online. Little Baby Cheetahs. The 50 Cutest Things That Ever Happened. StumbleUpon. PBS Calendars March-April.xls. Best places to spot tigers in India. Wanna see a real wild tiger?

Best places to spot tigers in India

Head to India, where nearly half of the world's remaining wild tiger population roams. The country's 1,400 big cats are spread over more than 40 national parks in the country. Kitten and lizards. Leopard cub. - StumbleUpon. Animal Instinct: The World's Most Unlikely Friendships [PHOTOS] Fierce. Cheetahs. Lucky Wishing Stars Tutorial. You’ve probably seen these little puffy origami stars before.

Lucky Wishing Stars Tutorial

They are really quick to make, and you don’t need any special materials to make them. You can buy lucky star pre-cut strips from origami stores, but you can just as easily make your own from medium weight coloured paper, e.g. scrapbooking paper, or even strips cut from magazine pages – as the strips are so narrow, the original text or image won’t be obvious in the finished star. Anti-clockwise from top left: pre-cut strips, paper cutter, scrapbook paper, magazine page. Now on to the tutorial! To give you an idea of size, I’ve made stars in 3 different sizes to show you: blue stars (from pre-cut strips): 35cm x 1.25cmpink stars (from a magazine page): 30cm x 1cmgreen stars (scrapbook paper): 15cm x 0.6cm The finished star will be approx 1.5 x the width of your strip, so pick an appropriate size for the size of star you’d like to end up with.

Young Snow Leopard. Baby Mine. 30 Stunning Examples of Animal Photography. Wolf and tiger cubs brought together to form a unique bond of endangered species. By Mail Foreign Service Updated: 14:21 GMT, 14 May 2010 In the wild, a chance meeting between a wolf and a tiger would not be this adorable.

Wolf and tiger cubs brought together to form a unique bond of endangered species

But, seeing as they were friends since being two weeks old, these litters of wolves and tigers share a unique bond. Separated from their mothers to insure their survival, they are beginning their journey as animal ambassadors at The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species - conveniently abbreviated to 'Tigers'.

Origami. Young Lynx.

Save tiger

Cats 101: Bengal (Asian Leopard Cat + Domestic Shorthair) Leopards. Rajah and Sakari. PBS Calendars Aug-Sept 2013-14.xlsx. All About Tigers (Panthera tigris) Cute Baby Ocelot Kittens. - StumbleUpon. Seventeen Dynamic Duos. There all sorts of reasons why things pair up.

Seventeen Dynamic Duos

We have recently received a glut of awesome duos. We have compiled and organized some of them for your viewing and squeeing pleasure. Parent and Child Duos: Bound together by blood and love and stuff. Newborn cub. The Cutest Siberian Tiger Cub In the Whole World. Have you seen anything cuter than this?

The Cutest Siberian Tiger Cub In the Whole World

A quiet moment in time. Diagrams. African Animals (T) Ltd. Kelp Forest. The BIG cat who likes getting wet and wild. By MICHAEL HANLON Last updated at 11:46 29 May 2007 Most cats do not like getting wet - as anyone who has tried to bathe a moggie will know. PBS Calendars May-June.xls. Its the mexican jumping cub. 25 Most Beautiful Animals Photography on StumbleUpon. I think the most beautiful pictures are those made in nature. Nothing compares with the expression of a tiger, the majestic flight of an eagle or the strength of a white bear.

Below you can see 25 the most beautiful animal photographs that will capture your attention, and were stumbled on StumbleUpon. Tigers have the most damaging powerful ROAR on the Planet. Paralyzes it prey by roaring. Tigers paws under the ice. Curious cub. RIVALEN by Wolf Ademeit. Cubs & Kittens. Leopon. Playing in the Snow. Cats 101: Bengal (Asian Leopard Cat + Domestic Shorthair) - StumbleUpon. Tiger drawing. Wild Cats love Pumpkins. Tiger Roar. Cats.