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Zotero with Dropbox - Religion - Princeton LibGuides at Princeton University. With the release of Zotero version 4.0, it is now possible to choose which directory Zotero uses when you attach links to files.

Zotero with Dropbox - Religion - Princeton LibGuides at Princeton University

If you use Dropbox (or another similar file-syncing service), you can now save your citations in Zotero, attach links to files in a Dropbox folder, and have both synchronize with every computer you use. By doing this, all of your citations and saved electronic documents will be easily available where you are working, as well as being backed up in the cloud and your hard drives. Here are instructions to set up the sync and link files: 1) Sign up for a Dropbox account. 2GB of storage is free. 100GB is available for $99/year. [For cheaper options providing large amounts of storage, Google Drive offers 5GB free and 25GB for $30/year and SugarSync offers 5GB free and 60GB for $75/year. 2) Download or upgrade to Zotero 4.0. 3) Create a folder within Dropbox to store all of your saved digital documents such as PDFs of articles.

A Digital Workflow for Academic ResearchIt's all about hyperlinks! » A Digital Workflow for Academic Research. If I was forced to choose the single most important element of my workflow then my answer would be the creation and usage of hyperlinks.

A Digital Workflow for Academic ResearchIt's all about hyperlinks! » A Digital Workflow for Academic Research

We are all accustomed of using hyperlinks in the World Wide Web but I have observed that the usage of them in the personal mode of working is quite rare. A classic but somewhat outdated form of link is the bibliography reference that is commonly used in academic texts. Its main disadvantage is that you need a lot of time and energy to actually find and use the referred passage. Nowadays a different situation is possible by using hyperlinks. I chose to use MediaWiki, DevonThink and Latex because they make the cross-linkage of my notes, my sources and my writings very easy and fast. The Entrepreneurial Grad Student.

The other day a colleague and I were discussing how to best prepare graduate students for life after graduate school.

The Entrepreneurial Grad Student

On many occasions we’ve discussed the job market graduate students face and how many are unprepared. In our discussions we keep coming back to a common theme: today’s graduate students need to be entrepreneurial in their approach to their studies. In my work with Ph.D. candidates I’ve found they can be grouped into two broad categories. Category I includes those who are focused, determined and have a clear vision of their career path. Category II holds those who are lost, confused and rudderless.

The students I meet in Category II tend to have taken a more passive role in preparing for the careers they wanted, following the path of least resistance, waiting for things to happen, relying heavily on their advisers to provide them with all the answers and thinking their degrees would be enough. Brand Yourself Seek Opportunity Adapt The job market will continue to change. Career Center. Using Skim with Scrivener for researching & writing your Thesis « Doctoral School blog. Using Skim with Scrivener for researching & writing your Thesis Posted on Updated on Every Wednesday night, between 19:30 and 20:30 UK time [1], a ‘brood’ [2] of doctoral researchers from different time-zones gather under the Twitter hashtag #phdchat, for a synchronous chat about different aspects of doctoral research.

The week before last, the selected topic was the Literature Review. Punctuation and symbols in search - Search Help. Vous pouvez utiliser des symboles ou des mots dans votre recherche pour obtenir des résultats plus précis.

Punctuation and symbols in search - Search Help

La recherche Google ignore généralement les signes de ponctuation qui ne font pas partie d'un opérateur de recherche. N'insérez pas d'espace entre le symbole/mot et votre terme de recherche. Par exemple, la recherche fonctionne, mais pas la requête site: Affiner les recherches d'images Recherche avancée globale. Magic Citations / Tutorials / Knowledge Base - Mekentosj Support. This content can also be viewed in a web browser.

Magic Citations / Tutorials / Knowledge Base - Mekentosj Support

Magic Manuscripts using Pages: Magic Manuscripts using Word: We are experiencing some difficulty displaying videos within Papers, while we work on this, you can still watch the video by copying and pasting the link into your browser. Scrivener and Magic Citations / Getting Started with Papers2 / Knowledge Base - Mekentosj Support. Magic Citations If you have never used Citations before, you may want to first get familiar with this feature by watching the screencasts in the corresponding tutorial: How to insert citations in Scrivener The workflow to insert citations in Scrivener is very similar to what you would do in Pages: Invoke the Citations window by using the keyboard shortcut (typically type the control key twice)Search the paper you'd like to cite and press Enter when you found itOptionally add more papers to the citation by typing another queryWhen the citation is to your liking, press Enter on the 'Insert Citekey' action (or double-click)

Scrivener and Magic Citations / Getting Started with Papers2 / Knowledge Base - Mekentosj Support

Search operators - Search Help. You can use symbols or words in your search to make your search results more precise. Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn’t part of a search operator. Don’t put spaces between the symbol or word and your search term. A search for will work, but site: won’t. Refine image searches. Google: Boolean Operators & Phrase Searching - How Do I...? [Image of search box] Audio: How can you make Google work better for you when you’re searching?

Google: Boolean Operators & Phrase Searching - How Do I...?

Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started. Let’s say we’re doing research on the impact of multiracial people & culture in America. We’re just getting started, so we’ll type “multiracial” into the Google search box. [Image of search results] Audio: Notice that we are getting all kinds of results using this search – from Wikipedia, to a site called “,” to even some government websites thrown in there. Building a Research Database with DEVONthink Pro Office. Emily VanBuren is a PhD student in History at Northwestern University.

Building a Research Database with DEVONthink Pro Office

You can find her on Twitter at @emilydvb or at her blog, dighistorienne. My name is Emily, and I’m an evidence hoarder. Really. I’m an historian by trade, and like many other researchers, I have a tendency to accumulate messy piles of primary source documents until I forget what I have or can’t locate the proper item when I need it most. My habit of stashing secondary source literature is almost as bad. I use this software religiously now. Archiving with DEVONthink. DEVONtech is sponsoring Macdrifter this week.

Archiving with DEVONthink

If you're not familiar with their products, you're missing out on some extremely powerful stuff for your Mac. DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO for short) isn't just one thing. It's a platform for documents on the Mac. Think of it like a smart document database with a great UI and some powerful features to find a needle in a haystack. But what's a database worth without data? Mail Archiving Ever swear to yourself that you had an email but searching or another client just doesn't find what you're looking for? How academics use Evernote to make life easier - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians. This fall, I will be teaching a new course in the library on using note-taking software, and of course Evernote will be included.

How academics use Evernote to make life easier - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians

I was just asked the other day how Evernote is different from Dropbox, and I see this question occasionally also on forums. To be prepared to answer this question when it comes up in the classes, I reviewed my own use of both programs and went looking at how academics and scholars are using Evernote. Pro Tip: Integrating Evernote with Papers / Pro Tips / Knowledge Base - Mekentosj Support. Scrivener and Magic Citations / Getting Started with Papers2 / Knowledge Base - Mekentosj Support. Zotero. GoodReader. Papers for iOS. Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software. KustomNote - Custom note taking templates and forms for Evernote.