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How Minor Characters Help You Discover Theme. Is theme the moral of a story?

How Minor Characters Help You Discover Theme

Is it the message an author wants to share? Or is it something more inherent to the plot itself? If this were a multiple-choice test, then I’d hope you would have chosen C. Although theme is potentially both a moral and a message, neither of these should be its point (if they are, then you need to be wary of turning your story into a soapbox). Neither should they be the origin of theme.

Creating Stunning Character Arcs, Pt. 1: Can You Structure Characters? Character Traits. 6 Key Things to Consider When Developing Characters. By Jody Hedlund, @JodyHedlund I have to admit, I don’t write (or often read) character driven stories.

6 Key Things to Consider When Developing Characters

My books are full of action and drama and are primarily plot-driven. But, that doesn’t mean I neglect my characters. In fact, I'm currently in the pre-planning stage for a couple different books. And one of the most important parts of my pre-writing process is developing my characters. Traits of Human Consciousness. Several Steps Further: Aside from the listing above, traits of human consciousness can be viewed from a number of other perspectives.

Traits of Human Consciousness

Here are several: Traits Organized from Psychological (Inner-oriented) to Social (Outer-oriented) Creative Writing Prompts: Secrets and Lies for Your Characters. Nothing is better (or more fun for the writer) than a story-relevant secret or lie.

Creative Writing Prompts: Secrets and Lies for Your Characters

Give some dilemma beneath the surface story to give your character depth, add suspense and tension, and keep your reader turning the pages. You can drop hints throughout your writing and when the reveal comes—you will surprise, shock, and delight your reader. Creating a character with a strong internal conflict, secret, or burden makes for one compelling read! (To see more on writing a compelling protagonist, check out The Compelling Protagonist Part 1 and Compelling Protagonist Part 2.) It’s vital to have conflict in every scene, and when the action is quiet in your book, internal conflict will keep a reader turning the pages.

Character and Characterisation in the Novel. How to write convincing characters Characterisation - the task of building characters - isn't easy.

Character and Characterisation in the Novel

But if you're struggling to build characters with real life and vigour, just follow these rules. If you do follow them correctly, we can pretty much guarantee that your characterisation will be just fine! Know what kind of character you are writing There are roughly two types of protagonist in fiction. 5 Tips on How to Write From the Opposite Gender. Creating Stunning Character Arcs, Pt. 1: Can You Structure Characters?

What if there were a sure-fire secret to creating stunning character arcs?

Creating Stunning Character Arcs, Pt. 1: Can You Structure Characters?

Would you be interested in discovering it? If you care about connecting with readers, grabbing hold of their emotions, and creating stories that will resonate with them on a level deeper than mere entertainment, then the answer has to be a resounding yes! But here’s the thing about character arcs: they’re way too easy to take for granted. On the surface, character arcs seem to boil down to nothing more than a simple three-step process: 1. 2. 3. That’s character arc in a nutshell.

Turns out: a lot. (Featured in the Structuring Your Novel Workbook.) Character Questionnaires - Get to Know Your Characters. Receive more writing tips and advice (along with special offers and other Gotham news).

Character Questionnaires - Get to Know Your Characters

One of the best ways to get to know your characters is to ask questions about them. Many writers do this as a kind of homework before they actually start writing a story. The more you know your characters, the fuller they will be. 100 Character Development Questions for Writers. 200 Word Descriptive Hair List. Character Archetypes. Character-Driven Creative Writing Prompts. Creative writing prompts for creating characters.

Character-Driven Creative Writing Prompts

Most authors agree that fiction is primarily driven by characters. Successful authors talk about characters who take over the story, who have their own separate and independent consciousnesses. Outlines and plans for plot go out the window as characters insist on moving the story in a direction of their own design. Because characters are central to most stories and because their primary function is to explore the human condition, it’s essential for characters to be believable. In other words, characters may not be real, but they most certainly should feel real. It’s not easy to write believable and realistic characters. Today’s creative writing prompts encourage you to explore the characters in your writing. These creative writing prompts are broken into various categories. Feel free to let these character-related writing prompts inspire new prompts–in other words, you don’t have to write exactly what the prompt says.

Fiction Writing Prompts and Short Story Ideas. Here are some fiction writing prompts that you can turn into stories.

Fiction Writing Prompts and Short Story Ideas

Character Creation: Creating Characters That Readers Love. In past Fiction Writing Series posts, we’ve discussed how to make people care about your character, why characters rule the story, and overcoming the fear of hurting your characters.

Character Creation: Creating Characters That Readers Love

Now it’s time to build a character. Open the creative vaults and let your imagination run wild. The Spark of Creation Everyone has their own process for creating characters. In gaming, character sheets that use points or numbers to determine skill levels and abilities are common. The character sheets used for gaming offer a good opportunity to finding the perfect middle ground between more than vague and less than complex. Inspiration is all around you – all you have to do is open yourself up to it. Get a Good Name Names often have very strong associations for people. Be careful though – Some names make you want to cringe. Portrait of an INTJ. As an INTJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning.

They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others. With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. INTJ's tremendous value and need for systems and organization, combined with their natural insightfulness, makes them excellent scientists.

How to Create Good Personalities for Your Characters: 6 steps. Edit Article Sample Character DescriptionsCreating Personalities for Your Own Characters Edited by Secretive, Julia Maureen, Flickety, Ben Rubenstein and 19 others. Creating an Original Character. By Maisha Foster-O'Neal You've heard the old maxim before... 'a character can make or break your story.' Okay, okay, so you want to write an interesting character.

Character Development Exercises. It seems the number one way you learn more about your characters is simply by writing about them. Unfortunately, when this process occurs while you're writing your story, it can show. Awkward, uneven character development in your completed piece can be the result. One way to get around this is to write scenes with your characters that are not part of your story, but which nonetheless help you learn about them. Here are a few writing exercises that you can do to help you learn more about your characters. These are also good for helping you past writer's block, or for use as prompts in timed writing exercises. Personality Test. Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology. The Art of Character Development. As authors, it is our Duty To create lovable, enticing Characters And do horrible, evil things to Them.

This guide is designed to help people with writer's block, role-players of all levels, and people who are just interested in psychology and philosophy as it applies to fiction. Here you'll find tips, examples, suggestions, general information to aid in creating rounded fictional characters for your stories and/or RPGs, and perhaps even information useful for everyday life. There are many aspects of character development, and your character could be nearly as deep and complete as anyone you might know in real life.

However, there are basic keys to fleshing out a character that can help break through blocks and get you and your creation on their way to a great story. ♦ Being informed is a vital part of all storytelling. . ♦ Learn the importance of Point of View and Background. The Character Workshop — Designing A Life. The Sixteen Personality Types - High-Level. ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. How to Create a Character. Character Creation: Creating Characters That Readers Love. Creating an Original Character. Creating Characters. Creating Memorable Characters. Creating Archetypal Characters.

By Glen C.