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Alternatieve mainstream. Over selectiemechanismen in het popcircuit. Born to Run. Mijn verhaal. Concerten, fuiven, festivals organiseren. Een praktische gids. Een eeuw POPmuziek. Van crooners tot dubstep (+ uitneembare kaart). Growth hacker marketing. A primer on the future of PR, marketing and advertising. “Pragmatic and actionable…if you’re tasked with growing a company, you can’t afford not to read this book.”

Growth hacker marketing. A primer on the future of PR, marketing and advertising.

Het opnemen van een cd in eigen beheer. Een praktische & juridische handleiding. Hoe muziek werkt. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. How to tell your story in a noisy social world. New York Times bestselling author and social media expert Gary Vaynerchuk shares hard-won advice on how to connect with customers and beat the competition.

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. How to tell your story in a noisy social world.

A mash-up of the best elements of Crush It! And The Thank You Economy with a fresh spin, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is a blueprint to social media marketing strategies that really works. When managers and marketers outline their social media strategies, they plan for the “right hook”—their next sale or campaign that’s going to knock out the competition. Even companies committed to jabbing—patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships crucial to successful social media campaigns—want to land the punch that will take down their opponent or their customer’s resistance in one blow.

Platencontracten. Maestro Stromae. Genie met vlinderdas. Niets liet uitschijnen dat de Brusselse ket Paul Van Haver een wereldster zou worden.

Maestro Stromae. Genie met vlinderdas.

Music in Advertising. Commercial sounds in media communication and other settings. Commercial Sounds in Media Communication and Other Settings Edited by: Christian Jantzen, Nicolai Graakjær Music, composed with the purpose of selling consumer goods and services, makes up a fair proportion of the songs, jingles, and melodies encountered by the public on a daily basis.

Music in Advertising. Commercial sounds in media communication and other settings.

Music Marketing. Press, promotion, distribution and retail. “A strategic, real-world, down-in-the-street approach to selling music in today’s music marketplace, that takes advantage of the most effective contemporary tools, while remaining well grounded in the traditional marketing techniques that remain relevant.

Music Marketing. Press, promotion, distribution and retail.

If you want your music to see the light of day, follow this indispensable step-by-step advice, clearly put forth from the industry trenches by an unusually effective and creative marketing professional.” —Chris Stone, Founder, Record Plant Studios; Co-Founder and former Executive Director of the Music Producers Guild of the Americas (MPGA). “A synthesis of classical marketing principles and the newest effective tools, this real-world approach to marketing your music provides indispensable step-by-step advice for success. And it works; as an artist manager, I’ve used these techniques to help propel my artist from relative obscurity to national prominence within one year.

I will keep applying these valuable lessons from a seasoned pro.” Noot voor noot. Inleiding muziekrecht. In Noot voor Noot versmelten muziek en recht tot muziekrecht.

Noot voor noot. Inleiding muziekrecht.

De musicus krijgt hier in begrijpelijke taal het recht met betrekking tot muziek uitgelegd. Kennis van juridische basisbegrippen geeft musici grip op de zakelijke kant van hun vak. Rock Werchter. Sinds 1975. Smiling songs. Humor in de muziek. Hoort humor thuis in muziek?

Smiling songs. Humor in de muziek.

Sounds Like Branding: Use the Power of Music to Turn Customers into Fans. Everyone loves music, but not everyone loves advertising.

Sounds Like Branding: Use the Power of Music to Turn Customers into Fans.

Faced with increasingly impatient and fickle customers, some of the world's most famous brands have been turning to music and artists to engage the public in a way they could never do alone. Why? Because music speaks to our emotions, brings people together and starts conversations. If it's used correctly, it can turn a one-off purchaser into a loyal fan. Sounds Like Branding is, in its author's words, an 'ear-opening' journey through the history of music and marketing, from the humble jingle and the advent of Muzak to Michael Jackson's groundbreaking association with Pepsi in the 1980s and the music branding embraced today by global brands such as Nike, Starbucks, Levi's and Coca-Cola.

What marketers need to know today is not what music to run in the background to an ad, but how a brand 'sounds'. Supernatural strategies for making a Rock 'n' Roll group. “Like its author, Supernatural Strategies is part tongue-in-cheek, part deadly serious—a satire of rock’s consumerist origins but also a thoughtful treatise on what it means to devote yourself to a collective . . .

Supernatural strategies for making a Rock 'n' Roll group.

Drawing from the wisdom of rock’n’roll’s most famous ghosts, Svenonius’ advice ranges from hilarious to cryptic to surprisingly useful.” —Pitchfork “Svenonius has been interrogating and unpacking the meaning of rock ‘n’ roll for as long as he’s been making it.” —American Songwriter “Svenonius hasn’t written a basic ‘How to Make It in the Music Business’ book. The future of music business. How to succeed with the new digital technologies. New technologies have revolutionized the music business.

The future of music business. How to succeed with the new digital technologies.

While these technologies have wreaked havoc on traditional business models, they've also provided new opportunities for music business entrepreneurs, as well as new challenges for musicians, recording artists, songwriters, record labels and music publishers. The Future of the Music Business provides a road map for success by explaining legal fundamentals including copyright law's application to the music business, basic forms of agreement such as recording, songwriting and management co ntracts, PLUS the rules pertaining to digital streaming, downloading and Internet radio.

This book also shows exactly how much money is generated by each of these models, and details how the money flows to the principal stakeholders: artists, record labels, songwriters and music publishers. Part I is a comprehensive analysis of the laws and business practices applying to today's music business. The power of music. Researching musical experiences: a viewpoint from IPEM.

This book is about the power of music, that is, the effect of music on our emotive, cognitive, motor, and social abilities. Where does this power come from? What is the basis of this power? What mechanisms support this power? Can technology enhance this power? The song machine. Inside the hit factory. You'll never walk alone. Sport is music.