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J'aime le GIF, le site qui aime bien les GIF. Marge Simpson nue dans Playboy de Novembre 2009 « Suchablog. Annoncées avec fracas il y a quelques jours, les photos nues de Marge Simpson dans le numéro de Playboy de novembre 2009 viennent d’apparaitre sur internet. C’est à l’occasion des 20 ans de la série crée par Matt Groening que le magazine playboy « offre » cette tribune aux Simpson. Dans son édition de novembre, le magazine fondé en 1953 par Hugh Hefner (et actuellement dirigé par Scott Flanders, ca ne pouvait pas s’inventer ca ^^) proposera un reportage photo de 3 pages intitulé « The Devil in Marge Simpson ».

Les quelques clichés dans la suite de ce billet. Bon relativisons un petit peu, car si l’on en croit les dires de Al Jean, le producteur de la série, il s’avèrerait que ces clichés soient des fakes « J’ai parlé à Marge aujourd’hui. Elle est un peu embarrassée. 2vsq51k.gif (Image GIF, 320x288 pixels) Team_500x500.jpg (Image JPEG, 500x375 pixels) Erik Johansson Photo & Retouch. Roper - 'INGREDIENTS'- Tees. Wrong, Just Plain Wrong: Vajayjay Hero. Vagina Hero is a fake Guitar Hero knockoff centered around pleasuring a woman's Thingy McThingThing. It's not even a fake game as much as a couple pictures and an article. Still, I know how some of you have never seen one before, so I figured I'd go ahead and post it. That's pretty much it right there. There's lots of crazy colors and shit and round button-y things.

Ladies, back me up. I have too seen one! The stages in Vagina Hero are women, much like the individual songs in previous Hero games released by a completely different publisher that is in no way related to Arctivision. Hit the jump to see a picture of the controller, which looks pretty much like every vagina I've ever seen. Mash that button! Vagina Hero: Exclusive First Look [ripten] Thanks to Birchie and Phylwx, who don't need a video game to know how to rock. 350 – Accidental Maps: Cartocacoethes or Blatant Pareidolia? « S. I learned a new word today, but the condition it describes has been with me for quite some time: cartocacoethes – the compulsion to see maps everywhere. More on that here on the excellent blog Making Maps. Turns out that the famous Çatalhöyük map, dating from around 6200 BC and often called “the oldest map in the world”, might not be a map after all (and thus a prime example of the aforementioned condition).

Be that as it may, the existence of that condition does not negate the fact that some non–cartographic visual stimuli really do look a lot like the familiar shapes of countries or continents we know from our atlases. Or, to quote Kurt Cobain on a related phenomenon: “Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you.” In its most general definition, this experience of seeing patterns in random data is called apophenia - a term that also covers the phenomenon of ‘false positives’ in statistics, for example. Another Britain-Shaped Cloud The United States of Naan.

DICKS EVERYWHERE! - Part 1. We've always loved the Seinfeld episode when Elaine nearly "converts" a gay guy, and at the end she says something like "I have access to the equipment maybe 45 minutes a week - in a good week! How could I compete with who has access to it 24 hours a day, their entire lives? ". An invaluable television truth! So when Freud under delirious stupor applied the term jealousy to describe the female relationship to the penis, we think he missed a score.

What we actually have is tremendous curiosity over an organ that we simply don't have, hardly comprehend, and whose functioning seems like something out of a cartoon. Who doesn't remember the Thundercat's sword, increasingly growing in size as that hot Tiger said "Thunder, thunder. thundercats, hooooooo", holding it over his crotch while tensioning his facial muscles? Anyway, back to the dick. Christmas lights. This is the work of a naughty architect. WTF is this? Now this is the work of a naughty gardener. Not even coffee is safe: Et tu, Cheetos?

TV. To celebrate the 50th and the awesome anniversary special we just got to watch, here is a new Doctor Who wallpaper, complete with the John Hurt Doctor! PLUS I'll announce the winner of the Captain Jack action figure below... 1336x768 1600x1200 1680x1050 1900x1200 Well, the random number generator gave me a "10" and that means that "Chacal" (who likes Tennant best from the newer series) is the winner of the Captain Jack action figure! Please use the link on the right and send me an email as soon as you can Chacal, and we'll get everything sorted out!

For those of you getting weary of Doctor Who, don't worry, I'll do something else for my next post :) Now for some great reader art! And check out Alvaro's "Tom Cruise from Oblivion! " Well, catch y'all next time!