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Failing Superman. Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids. Education Nationale. Success: Richard St. John (from TED) TEDxLyon - Claire Blondel - L'éducation positive. Peter Norvig: The 100,000-student classroom.

Philippe Meirieu

Top 10+ TED Videos On Education & Learning. TED offers great ideas through its videos.

Top 10+ TED Videos On Education & Learning

Today we’ve featured more than 10 of the best videos on education and learning from some of the greatest thinkers and innovators who have spoken at TED. The videos below touch on major topics in education around the globe: What’s your favorite TED video on education and learning? Advocacy Partner. Broadcast Yourself. Scarcity and Abundance in Our Schools. TEDxCasablanca - Faysal Hafidi - 5 qualités qui font échouer à l'école mais réussir dans la vie. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. Manifeste pour une école compétente. Jean-Yves Fréchette - Des Kiwis et des hommes. Did You Know 3.0 (Officially updated for 2012) HD.

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